Alexander Melman: "Our Katya cries loudly"


She was thrown into this program like chickens in a touch. Evil languages ​​call her a zoom - well, fools. What is she for you a zeal? She is a woman mother, actress and just beautiful! Leaded a man (and a woman is also a man) herself, worked in the cinema, in the entrepreneurs, was (was!) Loving his wife and all the same mother (here I want to add some word, but I will not) and I watched unusually organically . As if God himself kissed her exactly for this TV transmission (I am not meant by Konstantin Ernst).

And suddenly the Earth opened, lightning flashed, thundered thunder, and our Kati asked for a way out or put before the fact, presented an ultimatum: "Katya, do you want a big and clean love ... folk?" "And I already have," Katya said timidly. "This is not that. You know, in life it is necessary to sometimes change, repaint the walls, disrupt the wallpaper ... Yes, it is silent from the eye of the distinguished TV viewers. What is your image? House, well, the same woman mother, to which everyone is accustomed. And we change the image to you radically. That is, a woman-mother you will stay, of course, you do not take away this, we will only challenge you to the polishness, propaganda. And people will reach out to you. "

Kate it is necessary? But she is a soldier, brave soldier of the Great Army of the First Channel. The party said "it is necessary!", Katya replied "there!". So more Lenin said that we have any cook can manage the state.

And now Katya is manages the state, that is, taxes the whole country. Not one, of course, with her next two brutal guys - Artem Sheinin and Anatoly Kuzichev. But who are they without Kati?

It turns out that Katya is so understandable in politics, so understands. And firmly as mother and as a woman cuts the truth-uterus. The American military is known to the whole world ... well, something I demand something there. Powerfully says, with knowledge of the case.

True, for some reason it almost no one listens. Indeed, well, it is not serious: such a woman - and got into politics with his head and with her legs. Do you need it? I - no, so I regret it and myself.

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