Mom, calmly: 4 lifehak to make lessons faster


Over the past year, it was difficult for everyone who was faced with the need to receive knowledge online, but the most loads fell on the shoulders of the parents of junior schoolchildren, whose discipline still leaves much to be desired. The repetition of the material passed was acute necessity, especially in cases where the child was absent half an online lesson, and the parent failed to check. When it comes to performing homework, everyone wants to finish it as soon as possible, but at the same time do so that the teacher does not have any questions. So how not to turn this process into a real hell, how does it often happen? We will tell.

Remove everything too much

It is important to remember that the child is much difficult to focus on some kind of fact, especially if we are talking about the first three classes. The child should not be distracted by a constantly flashing phone or on a favorite toy. In conditions when the child is required several times more attention than usual, it is important to ensure the conditions that will help collect thoughts to complete the homework without the need to customize the schoolboy. Free place for laptop, the necessary textbooks and notebooks - all other accessories, and especially distracting items at the time of completing your homework, or if necessary, hide.


Not "Jean" on the child


Determine what object is the most difficult

You probably noticed that only a few items (or one) cause the greatest delay in time, and the task may not be too complicated in your opinion, and nevertheless the child holds over its fulfillment. Find the "weak points" of your child and as soon as the time to perform the necessary tasks are coming the next day, start working from the most difficult - while the child did not have to get tired, he will take it difficult to solve a difficult task, do not delay it for later.

Do not discard the child's feelings

Do not think that the jams at the difficult moment of homework annoys only you - the child also suffers from the fact that instead of his favorite affairs he has to break his head over the next equation that he does not have it. The worst thing you can do is to start shouting or criticizing, the child will then "hang up", which will stretch the fulfillment of homework for another a few hours. We do not want this? Therefore, you will have to unite in the team and so along with the child to take up the solution of the problem instead of visiting your student.

Find assistants if you yourself do not cope

It also happens that even your help does not provide high-quality performance. What, leave everything as is? Of course not. In the case when the homework is tightened until late at night, and you cannot help your child nor someone in the family, you will have to resort to the help of a tutor, which will professionally solve your problem, eliminating the gaps in knowledge and order already existing. Do not think that the tutor is only needed a graduate - the sooner you take care of your child, the smaller the problems he will be in the future in learning.

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