Cooking a charlotte with apples and plums


Cooking a charlotte with apples and plums 17425_1

We will need:

Plums - 6-8 shle.,

Apples - 600 gr.,

Sugar if necessary - 1-2 teaspoons,

Cinnamon or vanilla, a drop of brandy.

On the dough:

3 eggs,

1 tablespoon sugar,

1 cup flour.

Forms to lubricate with oil, put plums cut into the bottom, cut down in half (side down), put apples sliced ​​with slices (approximately 600 g of purified apples). If the plums and apples are sour - slightly sprinkle with sugar (1-2 hours of spoons), sprinkle with cinnamon. Who does not like cinnamon, you can vanilla. Square to cognac.

Mixer knead the dough: 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tbsp. flour. Pour from above to apples. Bake about 30 minutes at 190 degrees. The readiness time depends on the diameter of the shape and oven. If the dough is thin, then, accordingly, it bakes faster.

Cool. Gently lay out on the dish. To do this, take a plate and turn the shape on it with a charlotte, cover the dish from above and turn over again.

Jam made of small apples.

Jam made of small apples.

Treatise on apples and ways to prepare

They say that if you got a sour lemon, make it from it lemonade. I got small apples from the lower branches of the intake side, I welded them entirely. The recipe is the same as for jam: to cook sugar syrup 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of apples, bring to a boiling on low heat before transparency, pour them sliced ​​apples. Add 1 cinnamon stick, dried ginger, carnation and cook before apples transparency. It is impregnated and boil once again. You can add honey to last boiling by reducing the share of sugar. Before pouring into banks, add a couple of Art. Cognac spoons.

It is necessary to emphasize that the methods of cooking apples are a reasonable amount. And if you suddenly got mosses of ripened (however, sometimes not matured) fruits, it is simply necessary to find them. After all, apples are a very useful product: in 100 g edible parts of the apples contain 83-88% water, 0.4% protein, 7.5% -14% of easily durable sugars (mostly fructose), 0.6% fiber, 0.3- 0.8% organic acids (apple and lemon), as well as pectin, tanning and mineral substances. Fruits are rich in vitamin C - from 5 to 45 mg% and vitamins P, B1, B2, PP.

Here are some necessary and curious recipes for cooking apples:

Dried apples

Apples cut on slices (best with an apple and dry in the oven at a temperature of about 60-65 degrees using turbocharging. Dry about a day. You can relaxed apples before sending to the oven, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Apple marmalade

Per 1 kg of apples 500-700 g of sugar. Apples of autumn varieties of the type "Antonovka", "Cinnamy", "autumn striped" free from the core, go in the oven, wipe through the sieve, the resulting mashed potatoes with sugar and respect on slow heat until thickening with continuous stirring. Hot welded mass to shift into glass jars and take out to the cold.

Chutne from apples (seasoning such Indian)

1 kg of apples, 150 g. The onions, 1 marinated ginger root. 150 g of raisins without bones, 1 tbsp. Spoon of mustard seeds, 5 tbsp. Spoons of acetic essence (25%), 14 liters of water, 600 g of brown sugar, 1-2 h. Without the top of salt, the chopping of Cayenne pepper.

Clear apples, remove the core, finely cut. Ginger fruit fruit, mix with fine bow. All components with water, vinegar, sugar and seasonings put in a large saucepan, cook, stirring, 40-50 minutes.

Apple strudel from crumbly dough (Austrian recipe)

A little less than 1 cup of butter, 2 and a half cups of flour, a halter of sugar, pinch of salt, 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. Spoons of milk, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wine, 680 g of apples, half sugar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of raisins without seeds, a few drops of lemon juice, 1 protein, 1 tbsp. Spoon sugar

Connect the creamy oil with flour to add sugar, salt, yolk, milk and wine, mix. To knead the dough and place for an hour in the cold, then roll out into the rectangular form. Cut edges. Stay on the middle of the dough in full length, purified and cut-cut slices apples, sprinkle with sugar and raisins, sprinkle with lemon juice. The edges of the dough cover the filling and to protect. From the remains of the dough cut thin strips and lay them on top of the camstop strut. Lubricate the strudel protein, shifting on the baking sheet and bake 30 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees. Cool, sprinkle with sugar.

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