How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth


Many people consider the problem of unpleasant smell of mouth easily remap or not too serious. In fact, the smell of mouth can be a symptom of dangerous diseases. The medical name of this phenomenon is Halitoz. The reason for the appearance of Galitosis is the vital activity of gram-negative bacteria. It is they who give a strong and unpleasant smell. Most of those suffering from Halitoz are trying to mask the smell of chewing, fresheners and rinsers for the oral cavity. Some chew coffee beans, herbs and spices. Especially if you smoked and drink alcohol on the eve. But often these means are only aggravated by the problem. It will not help to cope with the presence of smell and enhanced consumption of vegetables and fruits, as some are advised on the Internet.

Elena Terentieva

Elena Terentieva

Terentieva Elena, a periodontalist, orthodontist:

- Everyone knows that the characteristic smell appears if a person is not very thorough or incorrectly cleans his teeth. Anaerobic bacteria can be multairobic bacteria too. Cariosis smells, strongly destroyed, not long-treated teeth and inflamed gums with periodontitis. This is what needs to be checked first. But this is just the top of the iceberg. Not always the presence of Galitosis is associated with dentistry. And, unfortunately, not all questions can be easily solved. A strong unpleasant smell can be a symptom of diabetes, indicate that there are ketone bodies in the blood. The presence of smell of the mouth always signals a serious problem existing inflammation. The products of the life of anaerobic bacteria comes to the blood and affect the entire body. It harms to all organs and systems, primarily the heart, vessels, brain. Even with a specific halitosis caused by the use of alcohol, garlic, onions, certain compounds fall into the blood and only then distinguished with breathing. Therefore, chewing gum can not refresh for a long time. The smell disappears when the blood is cleaned from toxins. It is necessary to pay attention to Halitoz and make an appointment with the dentist. We will help eliminate those problems that are in our competence, and if necessary, send to other specialists. In many cases, it helps prevent the development of severe complications.

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