Mikhail Tarabukin: "I love to idle, contemplate, watch in the summer of ants"


The "kitchen" star, the "Eleon Hotel" and other well-known projects reincarnated in astronauts in the comedic project "B".

- Mikhail, in the new series you play the applicant for the flight into space. You yourself in childhood, like many boys, dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut?

- How can you dream about this frightening abyss? About this loneliness, frightening and repulsive? .. This is still not my element - I am a horoscope Cancer, I love water. And the cosmos does not attract me at all.

- They say you had to play a character whose role to Boris Dergachev ...

- I first tried to the role of Stas. I believe that this is the most winning and ridiculous role, because this person has a clear motivation. The artist for this role does not even need to invent anything. Stas just wants to do Selfie against the background of the moon crater and believes that he will soon give all women of our country. I was not approved for the role of Stas, I was very upset and forgot about this business. Time passed, they called me and said that they wanted to offer me the role of Egor. Well, I thought that too, in general, not bad. I played in the pilot version, and after the project frozen. Well, I decided to forget it forever. But after a year and a half, the project was again taken out of the "Blocks" and announced that I would still play Stas. And in ten days before the start of the filming, I was told: they say, went. At the same time asked: "Well, are you preparing? Swing, go to the hall? .. "I wondered why to do it for the role of Stas. And they told me: "What Stas - you play High!" I fell into a stupor. But in the end everything turned out.

- Not everyone succeeds in the present stage, and you even have taken out there. And how impressions?

- In the star town, where five thousand people live, a very developed infrastructure. There is a kindergarten, school, shops, libraries - everything you need. I walked along the treadmill, on which real Soviet cosmonauts were engaged. It resembles such a massager to eliminate cellulite, which is sold in the telemogazine. Because in the Soviet Union everything was for multidisciplinary purposes. So, it seems to me that this simulator could be used as a massager, and if you still wrap the wheels, as a tank, for example.

Mikhail Tarabukin:

On the set of the series "Team B", despite the difficult characters of actors, a friendly and cheerful atmosphere

- And did not go to the library?

- We did not have time to read. But in general everything was having fun. We had such a beautiful team, did not feel directed tyranny. The director was, by the way, Armenian from Yerevan, spoke with an emphasis. And when he asked: "Guys, let's put accents a little bit," we answered that the accents had already placed. (Laughs.)

- Space food tried on the set?

- Yes, it's all such a puree, reared: meat, potatoes, vegetables. Edible thing, nutritious.

- It is known that Nastasya Samburskaya is a girl with character. Maybe if desired and reply. Did you get along with her on the site?

"She is really quite hard, a straightforward man, but I know how to approach." She has an excellent sense of humor, and I just mixed it. You make, she is losing a vigilance, and you can take it with bare hands. But you need to be able to understand? I can, I was lucky. So we did not quarrel with her, and did not quarrel with anyone. I did not have anyone to show off, so we immediately understood: either we will be broken, or make a project. Preferred the second option. The same Oscar of Kucher, who leads several gears, the events are different, came and laid out as if it was a student degree in the theater institute. And Mikhail Efremov is a wonderful artist and, of course, a soulful person with the finest sense of humor, a wonderful partner. Professional with a capital letter.

Mikhail Tarabukin:

After filming in the TV series "Kitchen" and "Eleon Hotel" Mikhail (in the photo with Sergey Lavogin) learned to cook well

- Fans scared your recent photo in Instagram, where you learn with a broken leg. What happened to you?

- I ended with shooting in the New Year's television film. We in the final were broken there, because everyone fell into the pits, which for the new year the main character did not have time to pate in negligence. So in reality I did not suffer. Although I had moments on the site, when I had to call "ambulance".

- Probably, it was during the filming of "kitchen"? There worked with sharp objects ...

- Yes, we called it "day long knives." With an interval of twenty minutes, two "fast" came to us. I almost cut off the hand of Lavogin's hand, when we tried to play the scene of the talking ferret, whom they wanted to cook in boiling water. Seryozha did not calculate a little: instead of the ferret, she grabbed the knife - he was called "ambulance". And then the second director shouted on the requisler, he crushed and stuck my knife in his leg at the rehearsal. Called the second "ambulance" ... and when doctors arrived, they asked: "What are you shooting here: a criminal action movie?" We answered: "No, we take a comedy, good, family." (Smiles.)

- Participation in the "kitchen" somehow affected your culinary abilities?

- Yes, I began to prepare much more and myself, and friends, and women. In Moscow, I rarely go from the principle. I believe that the restaurants are unreasonably expensive and not always tasty. It is better to cook at home - it brings it closer and is excellent leisure.

According to the sign of the zodiac, Mikhail Cancer and especially loves water, so Venice is one of the favorite places of recreation of the actor

According to the sign of the zodiac, Mikhail Cancer and especially loves water, so Venice is one of the favorite places of recreation of the actor

Photo: Instagram.com.

- I heard that you actively engaged in music ...

- There was no musical career. I sometimes sing a little bit in the shower. I just recorded a song with a singer from Kiev, but it was just for Fana, you can say so. Especially I do not go to this, but if I had suggested something to sing - I would sing. Although as an artist of the musical or something like that, I do not position myself.

"You have somehow joked in one interview here: they say, in the entire history of the" kitchen "project, your hero had a single girl, everyone had time to overdo each other, and you are just Seine ...

- This is true. But in the "team b" everything will change dramatically. When my hero starts relationships with the heroine of Sambursk, I am very happy for my character.

- And if we talk about Mikhail Tarabukine itself - you are seriously approaching the word "womanizer" to some extent suits you?

- I am a much more serious womanist than in the series. (Laughs.) I basically love women very much, but I'm not going to marry. I hardly ever be a very famous artist, because my lifestyle is not very suitable for our glossy publications. I'm not a religious, not family and very rarely watch Russian cinema. Therefore, I am not the person who needs to be in the people.

Native Moskvich Mikhail Tarabukin admitted that they sobally in love with Moscow and dreams of moving to St. Petersburg

Native Moskvich Mikhail Tarabukin admitted that they sobally in love with Moscow and dreams of moving to St. Petersburg

Photo: Instagram.com.

- If you love women, then you know what girl for you is a real ideal? ..

- Every year I am more inclined to think that the most important thing is that the woman is caring, cared for her man. Although five years ago I would say that the woman is important with which it is very fun. See how everything changes. I think that I, of course, I will come to the family, but I'm not up to it, honestly. I have the most common life. I work, eat, I sleep, I am engaged in physical education, I am making love, I go to the theater, movies, listening to music - everything is very simple.

- All this time is not so easy. Many complain that there is no time ...

- And this is all from greed. I do not like to work, I hate to get up on the alarm clinic - there is nothing worse for the body, it has long been known. I love to idle, contemplate, in the summer to sit at the anthill and just look at the ants.

- Probably it is in such an environment and creative plans appear ...

- Yes, I will have a serious dramatic project, invite to two theatrical entrepreneurships. And I really want to buy an apartment in my favorite city of St. Petersburg. I am a native Moskvich, who today's Moscow, his hometown, loving and loved St. Petersburg. Because in my city it became impossible to live, and there - perhaps. And it's not just in traffic jams. Ecology disgusting, overpopulation, everything is expensive, all somehow, a bunch of people, reagents, bad water ... St. Petersburg is the best city of our country. The only minus is far from most filming, but maybe someday the film production will be more evenly distributed, and I can fulfill my dream.

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