Lifting without scalpel in one day - it is possible


Modern woman - what is she? First of all - multifaceted. She has time to make a career, to engage in family and at the same time looks amazing. This is ideal. In reality, one of the items, as a rule, "fails". Well, indeed: if the time for children and a loved one can be found on the weekend, how to deal with me? Especially if, for example, did you decide to apply for the services of a plastic surgeon? Indeed, in this case, rehabilitation takes a couple of weeks. Agree, today's mad rhythm of life simply does not allow so long "falling out of life." And in this case, innovative techniques come to the rescue. For example, a lifting without a scalpel, which can be done in the BELLE ALLURE metropolitan clinic.

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Vasilyeva

The lifting without a scalpel in one day is the name of the author's technique, developed and successfully used in the life of Elena Vasilyeva. This technique allows only one (!) Visit to the beautician to get a lifting effect without cuts and rehabilitation.

Elena Vasilyeva

He graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M.Sechenova. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard the threads of resorblift from polyolic acid, realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded a contract, I was convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the RESORBLIFT threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, the head coach of Resorblift nitime lifting experts is not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

"We all want not just a well-groomed face," says Elena Vasilyeva, "the face with a clear contour and a beautiful form is an image of a health, well-being and social success. This is a competent investment for many of you. The perfect person is a light, taut, with a positive expression, harmonious proportions and volumes. A tired face with a bad mood, ptosis and severity perceived by surrounding negatively. "

How was the technique born?

"Many women are drawn to me as a cosmetologist, including after plastic operations - successful and not very successful," Elena Vasilyeva's story continues. - During consultation, many of them would not like to repeat their experience. I wondered how I could help such patients. Once again analyzing the normal anatomy of a young person and already the "pathological" anatomy of the elderly face, I understood how I can with the help of the tools that I have like a cosmetologist's doctor, anatomical entity, which eventually underwent gravity, put in place and those The most return to the state that was in youth.

Each patient is definitely an individual approach. With each I work on different layers of aging or at all at once; Accordingly, the programs will differ. My tools are threads, botulinum, fillers and devices. "

French actress Catherine Denev

Commentary by Elena Vasilyeva: "The first thing you pay attention is the area around the eyes. She is very overwhelmed and, of course, you need to seriously work with this area. It must be very good to moisten. In parallel, I would pull up, removed the hinding of the age by installing the threads in the upper third of the person.

I would also suggest procedures aimed at relaxing Hypertonus in the Interbra region. And the area around the lip is very striking, the so-called perioreral area. The zone is a hormone-dependent and one of the first issues the age of a woman. Here it is necessary to remove the hypertonus zone around the mouth. This zone should also be actively moistened, and I would still slightly adjusted the shape of the lips and would make the focus on the lips. Because with the age of lips dry, decrease in size, this zone is usually very spasmoded. And by eliminating the hypertonus using a small amount of botulinum or filler - it is not for volume, but to moisten and emphasize the contour, it is possible to focus on the lips.

Hypertonus must be removed in the neck area. And, of course, I would have worked with the submental area. In general, the zone is also considered one of the problematic. And it is the submental zone and neck with pronounced signs of involutional changes immediately give out the age of a woman, even if she has a well-kept person. Therefore, I would adjust this zone with the help of threads. In our clinic, we work with resorblift threads. Resorblift lifting threads have special microcations with protrusions along the entire length, directed in opposite sides of the middle of the thread - they are securely fixed in the fabrics of the face, thereby tightening its contour. On the one hand, we see the result instantly, on the other, the effect accumulates over time. RESORBLIFT threads in contrast to other threads consist of 100% polyolic acid, and not from the suture material - polydiakonone. The material is completely absorbed and excreted from the body for 6-9 months, leaving behind a dense frame from the "young" collagen and the effect of deep suspenders for 3-5 years. "

Hollywood actress Goldie Houne

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Elena Vasilyeva comment: "At the star of films" Bird on the Wire "," club of the first wives "," death to her face "Goldie Hawn similar to Catherine Denev Type of aging - mixed, in the direction of deformation. But here I would focus on the central lifting. That is, it would work with the area of ​​interburs, an area around the eyes, the back of the nose. Little raised the tip. In this case, I would also work with threads. Resorblift is carried out through the cartilage department and is fixed to the supervisor of the top of the nose back. By the way, it has long been known that a slightly rolled nose visually makes the face look younger. So if you feel that a visual face is loaded, you can raise your nasal tip in front of the mirror. See how the person immediately changed - this is the result of non-operational rhinoplasty.

I would still resorted to Bulhorn - this is a procedure that is carried out in order to reduce the distance from the edge of the upper lip to the base of the nose. The essence of the operation is reduced to shortening the skin above the upper lip, and the red border itself pulls up and turns a little slightly. Due to this, the upper lip becomes visually more voluminous, wide and seductive. In our clinic, we offer all the same Nitea Bulhorn.

The perioreral region at Holdi Houn is similar to what we see from Catherine Denev. Only here the muscle hypertonus is less pronounced. But I would not touch the lips shape, but it would have worked with the neck and neckline. Not non-thread technologies, but simply enhancing microcirculation and restoring neuromuscular transmission using active humidification.

And, of course, the area around the eye, which needs to be actively moistened, requires special attention.

Hollywood actress Sharon Stone

Elena Vasilyeva comment: "Sharon Stone has a completely different type of aging than Catherine Denev and Goldi Houne. If in the first two actresses, we saw mixed, in the direction of the deformation type, then there is a small-degradary type of aging, the easiest and most favorable. Here I would pay attention to the area around the eyes, on moisturizing and enhancing microcirculation in this zone.

I would also advise the tightening of the upper third of the face, because Sharon Stone is a pronounced hanging of the upper eyelids. And, of course, like many women with a small-degradary type of aging, I would have made overall moisturizing, spent a good biorevitalization and would put the Resorblift thread for reinforcing and restoring the structure of the skin and eliminate small wrinkles. It is biorevitalization that helps to solve the problem of fading beauty at a high level, returning the skin condition in just a few sessions to what the woman was present several years ago. To obtain a visible effect, it is necessary to pass 3-5 procedures, each of which lasts about 45 minutes, depending on the number of processed zones. Before the passage of biorevitalization, you should be consulted by a specialist in the center of aesthetic medicine to eliminate possible contraindications and determine the optimal number of sessions in full compliance with the degree of complexity of the human problem. "

Hollywood actress Sarah Jessica Parker

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The commentary of Elena Vasilyeva: "At the actress of the cult series" Sex in the Big City ", like Sharon Stone, a pronounced hanging of the upper eyelids. I would also have made a lifting of the upper third of the face, also with the help of threads. In general, I have recently become increasingly and more often starting the nite lifting with the upper third of the face, since it is anatomically more efficient and reliable. Despite moving the fabrics of the forehead, the lifting of the middle and lower third of the face is automatically. It is like a laying of a foundation when building a house, and if the foundation is old, then cosmeticically remove the shortcomings of little meaning. Folds, bags, hanging are all the result of relaxing muscular-ligament structures.

I would also work the central lifting - an interbra area, the back of the nose. Bulhorn is not needed here, Sarah Jessica Parker has a good distance from the edge of the upper lip to the base of the nose. Just raised the philler with the tip of the nose by blockade the muscle that lowers it. Also need to pay attention to the chores muscle, which our model is pronounced. And the chin himself to lower it a little.

Also, Sarah is noticeably the ware of the temporal area, which is also one of the signs of age-related changes. The wake of the temple is due to the redistribution of subcutaneous fatty fiber. Under the influence of the Mimic muscles, it is in constant motion and gradually saves, contributing to the formation of nasolabial folds. To rejuvenate the zone, a filler is introduced in the deep layers of the skin of the temporal area. "

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