Fitness as a means of combating cellulite: True, myths about the "orange crust"


We all dream of tightened forms and "dolphins" smooth skin. But when the reflection in the mirror does not coincide with the expectation, the representatives of the beautiful floor begins panic and throwing towards diets and all sorts of cosmetics. I did not accidentally write exactly about the girls, because this article is devoted to the problem of cellulite (the medical name of the disease is a hynoid lipodystrophy). But, as you know, the cellulite is susceptible to a greater degree of women. And only 6% of men can detect hateful tubercles on their stomach.

This is due to the fact that the women's skin is thinner, and women's sex hormones contribute to the synthesis of fats and the water delay in the body.

So what is cellulite? First of all, it is worth noting that cellulite is not a form of obesity. This is a deterioration in the nutritional nutritional tissue. It is often possible to meet quite slim (and even a thin) girl with existing signs of cellulite. Conversely: sufficiently dense girls can be perfectly smooth hips and elastic buttocks.

Factors affecting education similar problems:

1. Genetics. Yes, cellulite can be inherited. Initially, genetically thin blood and lymphotic vessels are more susceptible to squeezing with edema tissues, which occur when - see clause 2

2. Lifeline lifestyle. Worsen venous and lymphotok. The volume of the intercellular fluid increases, there is a swelling, which squeezes blood and lymphosus. A closed circle is formed: violation of circulation - swelling - violation of circulation. Externally, this is manifested in the form of a tubercles and the smelting on the skin.

3. Smoking. Nicotine negatively affects the vessels. All the same outflow of lymph is disturbed, which contributes to the formation of cellulite.

4. Alcohol and fatty food contribute to an increase in the size of fat cells, which leads to a sealing of the connective tissue, and subsequently to cellulite.

Move more

Move more


Now, knowing the causes of the disease, it is possible to deal with it effectively. First of all, of course, it is necessary to increase physical activity. Aerobic loads are well suitable for training cardiovascular, respiratory and lymphatic systems. These include: running, walking, dancing, bike. More oxygen - more blood circulation and lymph.

Do not ignore and strength training. They will strengthen the muscular corset at the expense of the fat component and gain a beautiful relief. But it is necessary to remember that the technique of exercise exercises is very important in power training. Therefore, it is worth using the services of a personal trainer so that the workouts passed effectively and safely.

The total number of workouts should be at least 3 times a week and no more than 5. The body must be adapted to the load and have time to recover after workout.

It will be important here to mention nutrition. As you already understood, it is necessary to try to completely exclude from your diet products containing harmful unsaturated fatty acids. These include: all smoked products, sausages, fatty meat, fat, butter, sour cream. And, of course, all fast food, shopping confectionery products and pastries. The latter, by the way, still contain transgira contributing to the reproduction of cancer cells. It is necessary to include in its diet low-fat poultry, fish, fermented dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially I want to allocate avocado, nuts and flaxseed oil. In addition to the content of useful fats, it is also excellent antioxidants. Also contribute to the splitting of fat can: Pineapple, Blueberry, Spinach, Olive Oil, Tomatoes, Green Tea. This is also an excellent source of necessary vitamins. Sugar-containing products are also banned. We replace them with fruits or dried fruits, try to use in the morning. There are better small portions, 4-5 times a day. The final meal must be no later than 3 hours before sleep.

In force training, the exercise technique is very important.

In force training, the exercise technique is very important.


Separately, you need to say about the use of water. Here we focus on the feeling of thirst. You do not need to pour into ourselves the generally accepted 2 liters of water, if you do not want this at all. The body itself will give a signal when water is needed.

A good supplement to physical activity and rational balanced nutrition will be all sorts of massages, scrubs, saunas, wraps, as well as cosmetics containing caffeine and aminophiline. All these methods are aimed at improving circulation in blood and lymphotic vessels. You can make coffee, clay, honey wraps. Contribute to splitting fat will be wrapped with sea algae. But it is worth remembering that without proper nutrition and systematic training, the effect of the above methods will be short-lived and superficial. Everything works in the complex.

So, what conclusion can be made from the foregoing? We are moving more, follow nutrition, get rid of bad habits, poison yourself with cosmetic body care treatments. And then a significant result will be visible in a month, and later it will be possible to overcome cellulite finally.

Take care of yourself, do fitness consciously and remember that the best version you can create only you yourself.

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