How to lose weight for the month: 8 tips from the model


Immediately I want to say that it's not only a huge stress and harm for the body, but simply an ineffective way of weight loss. All you drop during fasting will return to you even more, even if you begin to eat with modest portions. The fact is that when you are starving, the body against the background of stress passes into the accumulation mode, and all that you could afford without much harm for the figure, then will certainly harm you. But it is possible to lose weight for a month and without harm to the body, if you follow the following rules:

1. There are often small portions.

This will help you switch the body into the conference mode that runs if you are starving. When you eat often, the body completely comes out of the accumulation of fats.

2. Exclude sweet from the diet.

Sweet Most Harms Figure Most, since almost all sweets are very calories. In addition, sweet refers to rapid carbohydrates and stimulates the work of the pancreas, as a result of which you even want to eat.

3. Do not eat after six.

Everyone heard about this method of weight loss, but so strictly it acts only for those who go to bed very early. In fact, the last meal must occur no later than four hours before sleep.

4. Drink enough water.

Quite often, we are thirsty and hunger, so drinking enough water is very important to control the appetite. Drink a glass of water an hour before meals.

Move more! This is a universal advice for everyone.

Move more! This is a universal advice for everyone.

5. From a dense breakfast to a modest dinner.

Those calories that will go to your body with breakfast, you will have time to spend money during the day, so for breakfast you can afford to eat more, but already dinner should be modest, and dinner is completely light.

6. Carefully chew food.

Thus, you will eat less during each meal, because when we eat quickly, the body does not have time to feel saturation. In addition, well-checked food is better absorbed.

7. Move!

Even if you can not force yourself to play sports or you simply do not have enough time for this, it's not right after dinner to go to bed or sit in front of the TV, a simple walk around the house or cleaning around the house - this can already be enough.

8. Calculate the individual calorie amount.

There is averaged rule, according to which there is no more than 1,200 kcal per day for weight loss per day. I would not recommend it to follow, because it is necessary to take into account that the number of calories, with which a high man will lose weight, a figation of a miniature girl can even harm. In addition, you need to consider how the moving lifestyle you have, and many other factors. Therefore, I recommend that you calculate your individual calorie quatory per day for weight loss and not exceed the permissible amount. To do this, there are online calculators that you will quickly find in any search engine, as well as formulas for self-calculation.

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