Gold Mask and Makeup A la Kate Moss


The main female holiday is still enough time, so you can adequately prepare for a romantic dinner. An experienced makeup artist, of course, is able to disguise the flaws of the skin. But it is still better to fight with consequences, but for the reason. To help you - a unique rejuvenating hydrogen mask for ENHEL Beauty face with 24-carat gold.


Even after the first procedure, the effect of the face lift is noticeable, and the skin in literally sense begins to shine. Among the ingredients are several precious metals. Sustal gold stimulates skin regeneration, improves blood circulation in vessels and lymph outflows. Silver smoothes wrinkles, treats inflammation and acne. Copper stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, increases the protective properties of the skin. And the molecular hydrogen prevents aging.

It is noteworthy that every mask is made by hand with the best Japanese technologists. So it is not surprising that among the fans of this beauty, many Russian stars - singers, TV presenters and secular liones.

Equality to Kate Moss

Now you can go to makeup. If redness remained on the skin (and in such weather, even normal skin reacts sharply to cold), it is better to prefer bb creams - besides the fact that they disguise the shortcomings, and moisturizes, reassure and protect sensitive skin.


Hydreane BB cream from La Roche-Posay is a complex skin care agent. Mineral pygments are melted on the skin, instantly creating a natural, smooth and shining complexion. Pleasant low-fat cream texture makes skin soft and elastic.

Go to the eyes. This season at the peak of popularity - daring, slightly "careless" smoky eyes in the style of Kate Moss. To create them, a novelty is suitable from the Romanovamakeup brand - a pencil Sexy Smoky Eye Pencil in Ottong Brownie.


"This tint has become an excellent alternative to a black pencil when you want a slightly softer effect. The color of the chocolate cake brownie and the matte texture create an enveloping dramatic image, "says the founder of the brand, star verseazit, leading Beauty Expert Olga Romanova.

In conjunction with brown smoky eyes, sexy lipstick pen shade PraLine (universal cold beige-brown shade with honey notes) is perfectly suited.


For the easy nude effect, it is enough to shake the pencil of the middle of the lips, and then distribute the color over the entire surface with the finger pads. Well, for the color accent on the lips, cover the pencil, carefully draw the contour and fill in color the entire surface.

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