Love can not be angry: Is it worth hiding your feelings?


Dreams of dispensed experiences are our frequent guests. Multiple cultural, but rather, blessing layers of our upbringing say that it is impossible to be angry, offended, envy, jealous, frankly fall in love, be shy or frightened. And many other feelings, experiences and states - all this "can not", it is necessary to suppress and hide.

Family, friends and society need a healthy, calm and balanced person, with whom it is easy to deal, who keeps the word, reliable and loyal friend. In short, which does not exist. People volumetric, dense, bodily. Despite the cultural limitations, feelings in all their manifestations are part of our nature. And it is absolutely useless to fight this and hide.

However, our psyche is a wonderful and established tool evolution. She found a wonderful way to cope with uncomfortable experiences. If we are offended, I'm angry, we are afraid of something, and to be in such a state for various reasons it is impossible, we forbidden, and we deeply believed that this is something wrong in us, we attribute these experiences to someone. This mechanism is called projection. He looks like a movie screen. The person opposite for us is a clean sheet, sometimes we do not even suspect that something completely different happens to him than we think about him, but we continue to project our feelings, thoughts and desires, especially those in which we do not want to confess.

So, we believe that we are in love with us, for example, a close friend, although these are your own tender feelings, designed for it. Or we believe that, for example, brother is offended by us, there is a reason. In fact, we do not give yourself work to admit that this is your own offense.

Dreams like mirrors show us this kind of sensual coup. And here is a short dream of our dreams:

"I always dream my grandmother. And in a dream she is always angry with me. "

Unfortunately, sleep is too short, no comment. Perhaps most likely, sleep has other interpretations.

In the meantime, it can be said that our dreamy sees part of himself, his grandmother who is regularly angry, is angry. In other words, there is anger in her soul, which is addressed to her itself. In real life, his own anger is supplanted, hidden from himself. You can be angry with your inaction in some sphere of life, on some manifestations, for example, pity, cowardice, shyness, infantility. The list can be continued, these are just examples. Our dreaming needs to be substituted. And in the dream of its "authority" tells this anger. That is, an adult, mature and wise part of her is angry with her.

Most likely, anger is something forbidden in the life of the dreams. Therefore, for example, in a dream it is angry, and someone else. This is the mechanism of projections. Even her unconscious to demonstrate her own anger, it is necessary to invite other images.

To confess, during the conduct of the column, I rarely had to read letters, where the dreams itself would show rage or anger. More often it is gloomy, terrible dreams, in which the heroine is poor and unhappy. So deeply the ban on getting angry that ousted anger is like an explosion of an atomic reactor: makes the world around the frightening, dangerous, and people around - configured against.

How to interpret dream dreams, especially if the article today gave only the direction of thought? You can reflect further and here's what: what is she angry, including the grandmother? How often in life she expresses his anger? Is there anyone who knows how to talk about their anger in her surroundings?

You can also argue what she is angry with himself? What can not forgive yourself?

Questions, everyone in itself, is a personal and deep study. We wish the dream of good luck.

And what dreams of you?

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