Be like melania tramp


Do not blame the 21st century. In the 18th century, girls sought to make flies like Marquise de Pompadour, which simply hidden the defects on the skin. But for real fashionnits, such a mole in those days became a mandatory attribute.

The imitation begins in childhood: the first attempts to be like a mother, do the same thing that peers make, or look like a favorite hero from the cartoon, arise in three years. By three years, when the awareness of its sex happens, these imitations become more specific. The child will think in this way.

In the adolescence, imitation or, on the contrary, a provocative confrontation becomes one of the most familiar ways of interaction. It is important that the opinion is not parents, and the peers: to achieve their acceptance and approval, the teenager is ready for anything. During this period, idols are very necessary! Teenagers have too many questions to themselves, so they are looking for prototypes among the stars. The idol is an ideal for a teenager, but such an inaccessible "I", to which I want to strive to whom I want to touch, who wants to at least worship. Finding idols from the world of sports, theater or model industry, not yet to the end, a shaped teenager is looking for similarity with him, determines that they are united, which admires, and tries to master new behaviors templates. If a person is doing well in life, then this stage he develops. But there are people who cannot get out of this age, already adults, they still need anyone to imitate and with whom to compare. The inability to the idol, the greater the need for imitation.

Psychologist Annette Orlova

Psychologist Annette Orlova

We see this now with Melania Trump. The world has appeared in the world: women come to the clinics of plastic surgeons with pictures of the first Lady of the United States and asked to make plastic surgery to become as much as possible on Trump. Those who are not solved on plastic or have no such finance, change the hairstyle, makeup and update the wardrobe.

It is heated by the behavior of the crowd and the fate of melania. She was born in Slovenia and managed not just to find a man with whom he knitted all his life, and not just a businessman, but such a promising person who became the head of the United States of America. The plot is literally fabulous, and it attracts millions of young girls, and older women. Melania Trump made a fairy tale. And to become similar to it is an attempt to realize your dreams. Success attracts success. We will not exclude the fact that by changing the style of clothing on more "dear", strict and discreet, making a good hairstyle, the man will really pay attention to the woman who is counting on.

Copying outfits or makeup melania Trump and other celebrities, do not forget about your own

Copying outfits or makeup melania Trump and other celebrities, do not forget about your own


It is important to how much the desire to be similar to another person. If we just want to adopt something "by top" is even good. For example, Melania Trump today is a woman with a sophisticated taste. It is always stylishly dressed: trouser suits or suits with skirt, classic dress, coat. Excellent sample of classic wardrobe. Himself, without the help of expensive stylists, collect such a wardrobe is not easy. Here Melania acts as a stylist and mod lawmakers. But, of course, a manic desire to imitate, first of all, the obsessive desire of a plastic surgery is already a serious call and a reason to really turn to a psychologist.

Here you can say both about the creation of the idol, and about the total uncertainty in yourself, which we inspired or our environment, or glossy magazines and TV. And it is possible, both. There are three cults: the cult of success, youth and beauty. And people are trying to match this by any ways. Someone has enough internal fullness, upbringing and education to be whole personalities, but most of them imitate. Sometimes they do not even notice this. It is important that this does not go to mania. A maniacal desire to be like a idol may not just lead to a hole in the family budget or spoiled by plastic appearance. The consequences can be much more deployed.

Even pursue a dress like melania Trump ", it is always important to remain. And in order to behave like the first lady, it is better to buy a textbook on the rules of behavior in a higher society than to waste time to study the behavior of another person. No one is perfect, and we do not know what will happen to our idol tomorrow. Unfortunately, drop stories are no less than success stories.

And in conclusion I want to say: in our age of infinite cloning, the most valuable will be individuality and authenticity. Each girl can always choose, because an excessive desire to imitate someone may not leave the place for his own.

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