Should I give the child to the gymnasium?


"Good afternoon, Maria!

I want to consult about the next problem. My daughter graduated from the 3rd class of ordinary school. Now it is possible to translate it into a gymnasium. Husband with mother-in-law straight tanned this idea. The child is ready to grasp together with the documents and by all means stuffing in this gymnasium. And I doubt. Education will, of course, better. But my girl is shy, not with all children finds a common language. In addition, she is afraid to respond at the board. Normal estimates, but it is not an excellent study. I do not know whether the program will pull. And I will also need to go through the formal, but still an interview. And for her it is very hard. I, as a mother, somehow fearful for her. On the other hand, now has the opportunity, which is unlikely to be provided another time. So I think, how is it from a psychological point of view? Maybe it's still trying to try, and then she will grow up and everything will forget, and education will be good. Or is it worth listening to your intuition? Gavrin family. "


I will try to facilitate your experiences.

We all want for your child only the best. The question is, how not to overdo it, how not to cause good forcibly. If I understood you correctly, then for your girl, the transition to another school will be a serious test in many ways: it is necessary to strengthen the new team, and a more difficult program pull. That is, it can shake her self-esteem. Education at school in any case is a source of constant stress for the child, especially in the middle and in high school. Children spend at school for 6-7 hours. A significant part of the home time is to prepare lessons. Requirements for each subject may be limit. In addition, almost every hour at school is evaluated. Perhaps for self-esteem your daughter will be more useful in the old school. Let her knowledge be less extensive, but it will continue confidence and more optimistic attitudes towards studying. It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city. The missing knowledge can then be reached using a tutor.

Believe in the talent of your child is a very good installation. But if there are some doubts, you should think carefully.

If you still decide to give a daughter to the gymnasium, then prepare it in advance. In no case say that its fate will depend on the interview. From excitement, it can show the worst results. In fact, school problems give rise to parents. If the parents had no super-partitions to their children, then children would have less stresses.

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