Adequate feminism: Example of Hollywood stars


What do we know about feminism? Probably the fact that the word is coming from the Latin "femina" that this is a political movement for the equality of women in all spheres of public life in the underlining world of men, which originated somewhere at the end of the 18th century, that his sequence aggressively oppose Any sexism and condemnations of non-standard feeds of their appearance (painted hair of the armpits and bodieposive, for example), and are also angry with humiliating gestures from the same men who open the door for them and skip the ladies forward.

As Alice spoke, visiting Wonderland: "All Wizard and Wizard!" Perhaps due to the fact that in our country, compared with the West, modern feminism is only in its infancy, for us this approximate list of signs and manifestations of this phenomenon to its end becomes strange, ambiguous and even inadequate. The essence of this very feminism can be tried to understand the examples of girls whose own reputation is a factor holding the manifestation of their opinions on this issue within the framework of decency and common sense.

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Публикация от Emma Watson (@emmawatson)

We all remember Hermione Granger, the character of the legendary franchise about the boy, who survived, independent, judicious and boldly, not by the years. The actress, which played this role, has long grown, but they have not disappeared anywhere in the nature of their heroin. Hollywood star Emma Watson It is one of the most tary activists of modern feminism and is so serious about the point that he decided to postpone his cinema career for a while. She, like some of her colleagues in the workshop (Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson, for example), are dissatisfied with the fact that the fees in men actors exceed their own. However, later the views of the actress on the issue of equality reached greater coverage. The girl does not get tired of reminding that the main idea of ​​feminism is not harmfulness, as many consider, but the idea of ​​equality. According to her, men need to join this, so that the lives of their wives, mothers, daughters or sisters changed. In other words, Emma calls to refuse stereotypical views on the role and image of a woman in society.

Angelina Jolie It is one of the most famous actresses supporting feminism. It is famous not only for their images of smart and strong women who can stand up for themselves, but also by their charitable activities. As an ambassador of good will, she visited many countries in Asia and Africa, where, in addition to the fight against a humanitarian catastrophe, she began the struggle for the rights of girls on education and, as a result, a normal life. If a similar problem is in civilized countries, in her opinion, then what to expect from countries to have waged. The key to a strong and stable society is strong, educated women.

American R'n'B singer Beyonce The word "feminist" itself does not like, but only because, according to her, in our time it is a kind of label. The very idea of ​​the same celebrity supports. In one of his interviews, the singer said that feminism mistakenly associated with women. If a man believes that his daughter should have equal opportunities with the opposite sex, it means he is also a feminist. The problem is that in the world there are still double standards, and to start changing the situation, it is not necessary to be silent.

It is possible to conclude that feminism feminism is mosted. Someone wants to have the same income as the colleagues of the opposite sex, and the possibility of equal development in various spheres of life, and someone is offended by the door open to them, the spring holiday is March 8 and accompanying his bouquets of flowers. The main thing is not to get caught on the hook of substitutions of concepts and ideas.

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