5 tips for those who are constantly sick


If every winter you suffer because of a cold, then this is normal. There are about 200 respiratory viruses, they often mutate, and affect the body.

Tip №1

Everyone, of course, did not even hear that Vitamin C will help faster from the cold, so in the winter there are lemons. Meanwhile, it is much more contained in sweet pepper, black currant and sea buckthorn. In addition, immunity to deal with the disease, Vitamin D is needed. They are rich in fish and seafood.

Turn on the fish in the menu

Turn on the fish in the menu


Tip №2.

Throw antibacterial soaps and means for cleaning the hands containing triclosan. He does not just kill bacteria, but also destroys your protective barrier. Without it, the infection will easily penetrate the body.

Clean, does not mean health

Clean, does not mean health


Tip number 3.

Bades and pharmacy vitamins, if you did not prescribe a doctor, not only the condition of the body, but on the contrary, can harm. It is much more useful to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins get from vegetables and fruits

Vitamins get from vegetables and fruits


Tip number 4.

Purchase and not nervous. Stress negatively affects the work of the whole organism and weakens the immunity. Spit for 6-8 hours from 23:00 to 7:00. In the case of insomnia, consult a doctor - it must be treated. It is important to know: people who look at life positively, more raising and faster recover.

At night, the body is being installed

At night, the body is being installed


Tip number 5.

Calculate launched diseases, such as caries. The body is trying to recover, the strengths that undermine the work of immunity are leaving. Watch your health constantly.

Cool the teeth

Cool the teeth


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