Do not postpone: surveys that should be held at the beginning of the year


According to statistics, about 60% of patients seek medical attention at the very last moment when it makes no sense to pull the visit. In such a situation, treatment can be delayed for a long time, and sometimes specialists can no longer solve the problem. And this means, it is not worth tightening and allow many diseases to flow into chronic. We have collected a list of surveys who should do in the next month and not remember them until next year.

Is everything in order with pressure?

As a rule, when visiting the therapist you measure pressure, however, some people, especially up to 30 years, refuse or refer to a frivolous to such manipulations, believing that they are too early to worry because of arterial jumps. And very in vain. Today, there are no problems with the heart and vessels "younger" - you may even be suspected that your deractage can be associated with an increased or vice versa reduced pressure, and therefore it is so important to know its norm and for each possibility to measure pressure, if a specialist insists.

Do not postpone important visits

Do not postpone important visits


With care about teeth

Probably, the most unpleasant visits are associated with dentists, but today it is already possible not to worry because of the painful sensations, because there are no one dozen to remove pain in a professional. The problems with the oral cavity are very covered and can leak unnoticed, one day, lies in serious inflammation or suppuration. Do not expect when you have to resort to radical measures and today I will sign up for a consultation if you have already forgotten the way to your dentist.


Women of all ages at least once a year should visit their gynecologist, even if there is no serious reason for this. The thing is that dangerous diseases, in the launched form, requiring operational intervention, proceed almost unnoticed, which complicates the work of the doctor when a woman is drawn at the last moment. Today, one of the most frequent diseases is the dysplasia of the cervix, which can develop in a more dangerous form.


The easiest analysis that does not require large material and time costs from you is a biochemical blood test. For a healthy person, it is enough to hand over the biochemistry once a year to check the level of lipoproteins and cholesterol. This can help identify developing cardiovascular diseases, with which earlier the stages can be quite successfully fighting.

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