5 errors that can spoil the pleasure of tea


Error number 1.

Purchase flavored tea. Do not choose a drink with citrus taste and the like. Scientists have found that they have increased lead content. This metal increases the risk of heart disease, kidney and reproductive system.

Put better natural lemon

Put better natural lemon


Error number 2.

Save when buying tea is not worth it. Cheap tea, first, not tasty, secondly, in it, as a rule, the fluorine content is exceeded. It can adversely affect the teeth and bones.

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Quality of raw materials in bags worse


Error number 3.

You can not drink too hot tea. In addition to the usual turn of the oral cavity, the high temperature drink can cause the extension of the nasopharynx vessels. It often provokes nasal bleeding.

Drink should not burn

Drink should not burn


Error number 4.

Strong tea also leads to the destruction of bones and teeth. When using an invigorating drink, the pulse is expensive, the bloodstream is accelerated, the central nervous system and the brain come to excitement - it is harmful to the body.

Strong tea - harmful

Strong tea - harmful


Error number 5.

Do not drink tea immediately after eating. The substances contained in it "associate" received from the food iron and significantly worsens its absorption by the body. This may cause a microelement deficit, which means such unpleasant consequences as hair loss and the deterioration of the skin of the skin.

Make a break between meals and tea

Make a break between meals and tea


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