Julia Kogan: "When I got pregnant, the cord said:" You are already time "


It is called "Redhead Besting" and Julia-Feet. Many still consider Julia Kogan Soloist "Leningrad", although since then the cord has changed in a group of two girls. In the midst of his career in the team, after the hit "I am so cool," the singer unexpectedly went to nowhere. Contrary to the predictions of critics, she did not disappear without a cord. Such a character. Julia did a lot in life, Much could overcome. She never gives up.

- You rarely tell about your childhood. Why?

- It has little pleasant memories. I was born in Leningrad, in an ordinary family. We lived with my mother Ira in a communal, one room for two. But our apartment was in the house opposite the BDT theater, on Fontanka. Mom worked a lot, from Malar to the cook. She tried very hard, but the money was always missing. Like any Soviet single single.

- And on your question "Where dad?" What did she answer?

- Yes, I do not remember already. Childhood, I generally remember only urabs, pieces. Due to the lack of father, I did not really suffer. And I saw him a teenager already, at the insistence of my mother. She presented: "Julia, this is Mikhail. But you call him dad. " I remember, I thought then: "Why am I a Alone I will call a dad?!" He was a stranger for me, since then we have not seen. No special impression has made a father. But I look like him - then found a photo of Mikhail in youth.

- That is, a redhead festing you are not in mom?

- Actually, I am dark blond, and Kudryaya - in the Father. I never hidden that I am painted my hair. (Smiles.) When he got into "Leningrad", was still Rube. Just no one remembers this.

- Have you studied well?

"Not really, because I didn't like to go to school." Odnoklassniki chmoril me, in the yard, too, got it. I was a nasty duckling: thin and absolutely flat girl, with a short haircut. The hair antenna sticks out in all directions. I could not even let them go, because I was engaged in swimming, and long braids were there anything. In general, "good" kids joined me nickname Pushkin. My "beauty" clearly demonstrates one old photo on which I still do not like to watch. I have twelve years there. All girls around in the caps, in swimsuits, already with decent form. And one I am in smelting and without a hat. Swimwear interfered with me, and there was nothing to cover especially. And there was simply no money on the cap.

Bright actress has always attracted attention. It was difficult for her to reconcile with the role of the second violin

Bright actress has always attracted attention. It was difficult for her to reconcile with the role of the second violin

Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Kogan

- Who appreciated for swimming go?

- From school, the guys were selected, and I liked it. The pool was on the street Pravda, the "wave" was called. And in parallel, I sang in the choir. And - imagine! "My mom was complained all the time that I squeeze." Then I had to choose between swimming and chorus, my mother did not have time to drive me into both places. I threw the choir, because I had better to swim, I always received prizes. But the athlete also did not become: our team was not very strong. Girls envied my successes and mocked. I suffered, even cried from it. When was in a sports camp, sang all the songs for the night. And in the morning I need to laugh anyway ...

- Then you decided to prove, what are you standing?

"I have always been a dreamer, and it saved me." In response to the mockery of the boys in the courtyard, I thought: "Here is growing up and blooming, and you all in the stacks will fit!" At first I dreamed of being a great swimmer. Then - singer. But this is the usual thing. There are no people who rose from the bottom and have not experienced something like that. Everyone suffered, and those girls that were in the school princesses often grow up ... nobody. But the ugly ducklings become Kingaishns.

"When did you flourish, a cavalier appeared immediately?

- Oh, it was not early, I still studied to the theater institute. By that time it was long bonded with swimming, and again wanted to sing. But in the career plan I was hurt. When the vocal competitions participated, then I have a flux, then some kind of PE. But I was lucky with teachers. For sixteen years I was in the ensemble, and the teacher Natalia Latisheva came to us. She was an opera singer, and we have a pop team. Nevertheless, this diva taught me a lot. I became free to deal with me, because I could not allow teachers for money.

- Tell me about vocational school, why did you decide to become a pastry chef?

"I wanted to sing, and a conservatory was taken only from eighteen years old. I had a choice: either before that time a baby kick, or get some profession. And I went to vocational school, I learned four years and even worked for this profession to a private firm. At night we baked patties with different fillings on the forest street. Hell graphics - Night through the night. But they paid normally, there was enough for life. And in the conservatory did not even take me. The first time came as a laughter. I was told - go, and I went. But on the first round failed. And I hurt me so much that I decided to take the preparation seriously. They did not take and in the second year - there is a huge competition. And then I saw that the Musical Opera Course was recruited at the Theater Academy, suffered documents there. Accepted me because of the invoice. Everything on the course Alexander Petrova was slim, high and beautiful, and sang for the theater I am quite good.

Fans gave an artist nickname julia-legs

Fans gave an artist nickname julia-legs

Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Kogan

- That's where you also remember all the insults. Cavalier filmed to right and left?

- I have an excellent memory property, all unnecessary information is erased. And this is an incredible defense. I remember, of course, as I cried because I was offended, as I was afraid to walk around the yard. But then the same boys threw admiring jigs on me. So God is with them! I am not vengeful. When I studied at the institute, fans appeared. But everyone admired a bright way, even the girls from the parties of artists fit and said: I want to blind you, draw. But I did not have real workers. And our master, on the contrary, thought that I had a pride pond lovers. And gave me the role of women of easy behavior or "with the past." It was not necessary to choose among guys when I had a real ridicker, he immediately became my young man.

"When I studied in theatrical, you probably didn't think about the Leningrad group?"

"I worked at the" Casmodicale "theater in the process of learning and wanted to become an actress of this theater. But then a quarrel happened to the master - I did not give a role in the "Porgi and Bess" of George Gershvin, which I dreamed about. And gradually I cooled to the theater. And with the cord, I completely accidentally met. Then we were actively hanging out with the girlfriend in the company of musicians and artists. Anya was older than me, she worked as a bartender in the "tunnel" and met with Igor Widow, who at that time was in Leningrad. The cord was still unknown to anyone, and I went to concerts for the company with Igor and Anhe. Gradually, the band began to collect good rooms and I like more and more. Once I recorded the back-vocals of the song "New Year" with them. Recorded, and forgot. And my girlfriend broke up with widow, he left the team, and we were lost with the cord.

Periodically saw in the city center, in clubs. "Hi Hi". That's all communication. Sergey remembered me when it was necessary to record the backing vocal of the new song "Repair" in the album "Aurora". The guys were already stars, the "manager" and "Gelendzhik" were constantly twisted on the radio. Apparently, I liked my voice, and they were invited to speak with "Leningrad" at the Moscow concert, although they had no repertoire for the singer at that time. But after the trip immediately took me to the group, because I won the whole concert on heels. I was told: come out only on the second song. And I: "How is it? I flew to Moscow in the plane, you spent on the ticket. So you need to work on complete. " It seemed to me in naught that it was insane money, so to participate in just one song - just wrong. When I was taken to the team, I asked what I would do. And Sergey replied: "Yes, what you want ..."

- But at the same time you put a decent salary?

- I paid as much as well as all people who have been disappeared there. For me, these were huge money and responsibility. It seemed to me that every concert should jump above the head. Although the songs at first I had no. Imagine, you can sing very cool, but you have nothing ... I could not just stand for beauty, although I did the first time.

"I understood that" Leningrad "is a group of Sergey Shnurov and can not be different. And I'm only a beautiful app, although it became quite famous, "the Kogan admits

"I understood that" Leningrad "is a group of Sergey Shnurov and can not be different. And I'm only a beautiful app, although it became quite famous, "the Kogan admits

Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Kogan

- Who gave you nickname Julia-legs?

- Fans. I put on short skirts, shorts, heels. And I have some legs, fact.

- On them and nailed your husband Anton? And what was he fascinated?

- Well, he is tall, beautiful, I thought: a wonderful father for my future child.

- So thought when I saw him for the first time?

- Not in the first, in the third. "Wonderful Genofund"! (Laughs.) But he behaved strangely. I did not give gifts, rarely called. On the first date invited me to the club and asked: "Maybe you will reach yourself?!" I came up, refused, but just in case he invited him to Borsch. Thank God, the second time Anton drove me. Although her husband says that it was love at first sight. In fact, a month later I wanted it to leave him, even the girlfriends advised that. And then it turned out that Anton braked, because he was in the process of divorce with the first wife. But I did not know this and started another cavaller. Anton saw a bouquet from him and immediately "sober". He began to behave as a normal person: even brought to the Vyborg for a romantic walk. And then with his parents introduced with a small daughter.

- The parents in the know were that Julia sings in Leningrad and Mat Yet?

- Pope was absolutely anyway, and my mother was worried, did not know that I imagine myself. But then calmly exhaled. I was taken to the family.

- And the husband is jealous? Men are constantly looking at you!

- So the same theater. And they drool only during the concert. It's like a game. And he is not jealous of me, which is nice. It would be more difficult if Anton got started, my communication style with many shocks many. But the husband understands everything.

- Offer Anton romantically did?

- Just asked: "Will you get out?" I replied: "Of course I will come out." Somehow acquired. It was on the boron, in my new apartment, among the defeat and repair, in which Anton actively helped me. The wedding was modest, because I do not like lush celebrations and I do not like to throw money into the wind. This is my pool. Everything was very quiet - a man is thirty. People came, trembled a little bit, danced, congratulated and went away. We signed in Pushkin. My husband is a photographer, so we didn't even have a photographer and photo shoot. The dress sewed at the same dressmaker who sews me scenic costumes. Yes, in general, I have a modest life.

After the wedding, we went to Italy. My husband must still fool about me about this: "I'm romantic, we cry over the films. And you tries to turn into a shopping tour, fifty-three kilograms of things brought back, as well as a suitcase broke! " In fact, I'm calmly to the clothes. And in life we ​​dress quite usually. Evening dresses and sequins - only on stage. In the journey, we fully enjoyed the beauties of Italy. In Florence, I climbed the highest church, we all went somewhere, spent the night in small hotel.

Now the husband Anton also became the director of Yulia. And her repertoire has changed much

Now the husband Anton also became the director of Yulia. And her repertoire has changed much

Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Kogan

Anton immediately wanted a child. And I was afraid: how to combine baby and work?! At the peak of popularity is scary to leave somewhere. But gradually I ripe. He felt that in "Leningrad" above the head do not jump. Well, let's sleep a couple of songs. There will be the same tour, the same concerts. Everything has already been able. And I thought: right now to make a pause, give birth. And then there will be something else and bright.

- Cord on your pregnancy How did you react?

- said: "You are already time." Although it clearly did not expect it. But until the eighth month jumped on stage, because Sergey admitted: "I don't have anything without you." And on long journeys, we went to tour. The stomach was small for a long time, and then it was not embarrassed by anyone. And I'm all rushing like a goat, the guys thought - I face right there, at a concert. But in the end, I even endured Lisa for two weeks. And three months after the birth, they went to work again. I was very afraid of stagnation. The first six months with the child is hard, he does not understand anything, he only has-sleep. It tires if you had a tough touring schedule. Ten to fifteen concerts per month in different cities. You give one concert - and you go to three days ... But I still liked it until time. When you enter rhythm, at home is not sitting.

- Why did you leave the group?

"Because I'm tired of my mother's songs, because six months after giving birth, I dangled with a team around the country, and the child was at home. I was tormented by conscience due to the fact that a little time I spent my daughter. And I wanted to develop further. Somehow I speak Sergey: let me make your own concerts? But he did not want, hardly managed to break. Musicians "Leningrad" did not give me, gathered a separate team. He learned songs. Tried. And I realized that it was not that. In Leningrad I, as it were, I play the game: I sing Materia Songs. And if I start doing it yourself and seriously, I put on myself a stigma that, besides this, I can not. And I really realized it that I immediately cut off the topic, and it all went to no. And Seryoga in principle and glad was might, calmed down. For some reason, the rest thought that I was string, but it was not. Now I spend sololy, and there is not a single mate song in the repertoire. Thus, I prove that I can much more than just to call the viewer to provocate.

"I know that Sergey did not allow you to speak anywhere." Only with "Leningrad". That prevented?

- Yes. He, of course, wrote a lot of songs for me. But I understood that "Leningrad" is a group of Sergey Shnurov and can not be different. And I'm only a beautiful app, although it became quite famous. At the concerts, the public oral: "Julia-Julia!" Probably reconciled my ambitions. I was always not easy to put up with the fact that I am not the first violin, and the second one. I wanted not just singing. Therefore, my exits in "Leningrad" became more. Suppose, in the concert twenty-five songs, I sing eight solo. This is a lot for the group, but for me there is little. And when Serega forbade me to sing jazz in another team and personal concerts, it became very hard.

With the daughter of Liza singer tries to spend as much time as possible, even takes her with him to concerts

With the daughter of Liza singer tries to spend as much time as possible, even takes her with him to concerts

Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Kogan

- Why banned something? Is he such an owner?

- Yes, but he does not hide it. He himself at that time was filmed in the cinema, led the transfer. And if I had a bunch of other projects in parallel, I would have enough and eight songs. Alas - it did not happen. Six months after I left the decree, the proposal was to become the leading program "I am right!". It was from the lack of something new I agreed. And this was the beginning of the end of our relationship with the cord. He was against TV, I rebelled. But I did not think that Sergey would fire me. And he called me and said: "You no longer work."

- And how did you feel?

- It was relief. Because it was not necessary to make a decision to which I was so long. I am a rather devoted man and never quit Leningrad. I would endure everything, put up with my inner struggle. So Sergey helped me a lot.

- But, probably, "Leningrad" is still sorry? The financial component was clearly better ...

- No, not sorry. I have never sighed about the past since the gone. I gladly led the program on TV. And each of the four actresses that participated in this project was in demand. I do not like women's teams, but our turned out to be an exception. We were like a rescue circle of each other: they tried to substitute the shoulder.

- But the former popularity, admit, was missing?

- I did not feel popular in Leningrad. At concerts - this is all theater. As long as a person is not recognized on the street, he is not a star, but "widely known in narrow circles."

- What happens in your life now?

- My daughter is Lisa for three years. Not so long ago, my first solo album "Fire-Baba" came out. I have my own group that I helped me collect a former drummer "Leningrad" Denis merchants. I sing completely different songs, not like a cord. We have active concert activities. Fans appear - mine, and not the Leningrad group. The daughter already sings my songs and goes to concerts. And I am not ashamed of her new repertoire. My husband Anton became our director, he is my chief assistant and the fan of what I do. Now I do not go to the tours and spend a lot of time with Liza. I give concerts pointing around the cities. But our geography is extensive - from Krasnoyarsk to Sochi. It's nice that many viewers are waiting for me and write about it online. For three incomplete years we shot ten clips, they also make Anton and Operator Alexei Talybov. We have a great creative tandem. Yes, "Leningrad" gave me a lot. But I am happy that I decided to go on. Our whole life is movement, and it would be stupid to cling to the past.

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