Come again: how career failures can help find a dream job


All my life we ​​are told that success does not tolerate errors, but is it really? Of course, it is important to try to act so that the mistakes are equal to the ratio with success, but it is not necessary to miss to miss - as practice shows, there is no better way to learn how to make a mistake, especially when it comes to building a career. Why do we still be so scary to make a mistake and how to benefit from mistakes? We will understand this today.

Where does our fear come from

As we know, most of our problems go from childhood, including fear of mistaken and thereby causing indignation of parents. Over time, fear is dulled, but does not disappear anywhere, just the place of parents first occupy the teacher first, and then the boss.

Rarely, who explains the child that a bad assessment is not the end of the world, it can be corrected and in the future treat such situations calmer. Children who understood this principle in childhood are much easier to adapt to adult situations, for example, to failures when searching for work, so their hands are less likely, if, for example, the first three interviews fail, which cannot be said about excellent students with school benches, For which any career failure turns out to be a problem of universal scale, as a result, such a person is despite and can miss a really interesting proposal for work, because his fan has already disappeared.

If you have managed to become a parent, try to explain to your child that mistakes are part of success, they do not need to be afraid of them and even more to lower their hands.

do not be afraid

Do not be afraid to "stupid"


How to learn how to benefit from career failures

It is important to remember that it is absolutely from any error you can benefit, but should not be carried away and strive for failures as a method for obtaining experience - the same errors can be made maximum twice.

Secondly, stop engaged in self-confidence if you are not a professional psychotherapist, you will make yourself worse. It is better to deal with solving the problem, instead of driving yourself in an even more depressed condition.

No panic. Even if you "missed", this is not a reason for open panic, take yourself in hand, because you have to make an important decision on the basis of the experience gained, and for this it is important to remain in a sober consciousness.

Find the cause. Of course, it is difficult to forget about the negative result, to which your actions led, and yet try to concentrate on what caused such a result. Often we forget that it is necessary to deal with not so much with the consequences of our actions, as with the root cause, so that in the future such situations did not happen to you and you could move on the career ladder on.

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