I can myself: what breakdowns you can eliminate without assistance


The breakdown during the way - if not a nightmare, to a very big fear for a beginner behind the wheel. And if experienced motorists already know about how to solve the problem arise, the beginners have only one thought: "In the service!" Do not hurry. A number of winter road problems you can easily decide on your own.

When the battery sits down

Pretty frequent problem in regions with low temperatures. But the problem is quite simply solved, it all depends on the type of gearbox. If you have a "automatic", do not forget to take the cursing wires, attaching them correctly, namely not on the "minus." If you are the owner of "mechanics", we turn on the ignition and move on the first gear. Everything is quite simple.

That's stump!

No one loves dirt on the roads, but the snow-covered roads can bring other problems, such as damage to the valuable parts of the car due to hitting on small columns and hemps, which are not visible under the snow. If you have managed to get acquainted with the acquisition of expensive parts like fog lights, before traveling by an unfamiliar road with snowdrifts, it is worth consolidating important details of a tape or just to remove and put in the salon, so as not to spend money on new, which will require serious investments. Be presented.

With these troubles, you will handle yourself

With these troubles, you will handle yourself

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Motor suddenly overheated

Another problem in winter can be overheating of the motor. It does not matter what caused - in each case it is necessary to understand individually, the problem is nevertheless will have to be solved. Of course, in this case, it will be difficult without a service, but in the first few hours you can do this: we turn on the stove to the maximum power, and then start moving ... Naturally, not to the house, but to a specialist.

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