Safeling Student Style - His way in adulthood


"We all studied little by little, anything else," said the great poet. Today, those who embody the idea of ​​education in life, more than ever: we get the first, second and third higher education, candidate and doctoral degrees, expand our horizons with the help of short-term training programs and courses. We are almost all the time students. And students, as well as any other social group, there is their unlawful dress code.

Of course, studentism at a young age is the time of freedom from prohibitions, self-expression, searching for your vocation and ... style. That is why, after years, it is so strange, ridiculous and even a little scary to look at their photos of that time: ridiculous images, with bright make-up, strange haircut and an inexplicable common sense of clothing. Personally, I am "for" creative thumbnails: a one-piece mature personality can take place without them, confident in the correctness of his unique path. Nevertheless, any university is primarily the place where we come to get knowledge and take the qualification exams, including the ability to keep yourself. Therefore, it is so important to understand what appropriately in the walls of the beloved Alma Mater, and what - with stretch.

Ideally, the student of the distinguished institute or university should dress traditionally: in classic discreet things. This, of course, may seem boring, but study is also working on himself, an attempt to try "taste" public framework and norms, try on the role of part of the system. Therefore, at least at the time of session, jackets and jackets, shirts and dresses of cases - to be.

Not in all educational institutions of the appearance of the appearance at least somehow be pretending from the administration, but even if the teachers do not make comments not to the "fashionable" and "creative" students, this does not mean that you can come to lectures in pajamas and dark glasses. In the end, studentism is also a certain theater in which you can at least try to try on a new role - a serious and successful, active and interested young man. At a minimum, it will play on the hand at the time of session: in the process of exams, especially oral, stereotypes about the appearance of this or that applicant to receive a positive assessment continue to have a lot of weight, we like it or not. My advice: to have at least one or two "shed-weekends" of educational images and without a revelation of conscience to exploit them, even if you get no first education.

For those whom the image of a "good student" still seems boring, I propose another game: in "Preppy" ("Prep"). "Proppi" are students of elite educational institutions in English-Saxon countries, boys and girls from good families, spent, with a good horizon, traveled polim and proud of their uniform jackets and ties. For them, the shape and business style of clothing (or its elements) is a way to designate its place in this world, to declare your belonging to a specific circle, a certain access code. Under the influence of this subculture, a whole style of the "preparing" was formed, which successfully exploit the designers of the whole world. Classic Trenchkot Burberry, for example, is a very "preparing", as well as casually tied to a bag or hair handkerchief HèRMes in combination with simple jeans, a monophonic shirt and ballet shoes. Just do not forget to throw shaped on the shoulders (or similar to that) jacket ...

It does not matter how old you are and what kind of education you get. Studying is a multifaceted process affecting all sides of our life, so the corresponding appearance is the key to success.

I wish you a rapid take-off for academic victories in the coming academic year!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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