Svetlana Ivanova: "Abroad, a normal woman goes to a clothing store, and I am in the pharmacy"


- What is women's beauty?

- In harmony. Because sometimes a woman does not fit some of the standards of beauty, and you can't tear away from it. This is even me, as a woman, I say. There are amazingly beautiful women, and you can not formulate what is fine in it. It's easy, she skillfully broadcasts internal, makes it beautiful and unobtrusive. This is expressed in everything - in how it is painted, dresses, says. Probably called the word harmony. The combination of internal and external. There is a phrase that if a woman is not beautiful for forty years, it means she is a fool. I really understand this phrase, I feel it very much. Among my friends are many women who are older than me. And I just see that every one who is smart is a fantastic beauty.

- You are in great shape. Is it genetics or your daily work?

- This is not all genetics. Full genetics was one years to thirty. I just thoughtlessly that I was given parents and nature. But I can't say that after thirty I began to recover, this was not. I just understood that it is already more important to pay attention to physical exertion. After all, further I will become only older, the law of gravity has not been canceled, and the metabolism is slowed down. So I try to play sports. But I am not a very sporty person by nature. Just run in order to run, I'm bored. Therefore, I spent a lot of time to find a good coach with whom I have been engaged in Pilates for several years. Suddenly, it became very interesting for me. The charm means a lot. My coach managed to include me in the process and interest them. And I feel that this load is suitable for me. I respect yoga, too, I like Pilates more. Something inexplicable. Merry, or something. In yoga more meditation, calm, and in Pilates - a little more drive. Based on my temperament, it's closer.

- Tell us what is your daily beauty ritual?

- My usual care - both in the morning, and in the evening - wash, toning, moisturizing. In principle, with regular compliance with these three rules, this departure is quite enough. Of course, if the funds are correctly selected. If they do not cause allergies. If you do not forget to use them. If you do not fall asleep periodically in cosmetics than I sinful in my youth (then I realized that it was all visible on the face). If I go to work, I do not paint myself. If there is a day for myself, my family, then this is a light tone, a little ruzy, a little bit of carcasses. If I understand that in the evening we will go to the cinema or with friends in a restaurant, or to the theater, then I can emphasize my eyes a bit. Or sometimes just enough bright lipstick. There are things that have already been found. For example, a tonal face cream "impeccable tone" easily adjusts to the shade and texture of my skin, and the face looks very natural. Mascara Avon True "Nutrition and Length" with me for a year. She cares well behind the eyelashes, but at the same time does not make them puppet. I really do not like when the face is drawn. It is said that the most difficult makeup is when a painted girl looks like she is unwrapped. And it only seems to be simpler. I like such makeup.

Svetlana Ivanova:

"I really don't like when the face is drawn"

- Is there a difference between a professional cosmetics, which is sold for make-up, and cosmetics, which a regular woman can use?

- If professional cosmetics gets into hands, and she begins to paint it her, as a rule, the woman will be all in stains. I checked it on myself. Even seeing how professional makeup artist works this cosmetics if you have not studied this, it is impossible to apply it correctly. These are other textures. They are very pigmented and require special methods of application that the ordinary woman does not own. I, the artist, and then do not own them in ordinary life. Therefore, I'm closer to me than you can use and not spoil yourself. For example, I know how the shadow Avon falls. They will not lie down.

- What kind of home recipes do you use?

- Honestly, no. I do not believe in them. In addition, I have skin prone to allergies. Therefore, all these experiments are to smear the egg, grate brandy, - why all this is needed. After all, there are people who mixed it all in a separate jar. There are professionals who are specially engaged. The only thing, I once terribly burned in the sun in the Crimea and used the sour cream. In the old man. Helped.

- How do you care for hair?

- Quickly, I will call it so. I have such a rhythm of life, such a job that it is always good to look, and there is not a lot of time for it. To present me a walking house hour with some mask on my head or that I am going to the salon to make a nutritional hair procedure, difficult. This happens, but only two times a year. As a rule, my regular care is very fast. In order for it to be effective, I can simply replace the hair conditioner to the mask. This speeds up the process, but it makes it more efficient. Of course, it all depends on the selection of funds. I have already picked up some kind of samples and errors that work. Who, if it is written, that nourishes, it means that it nourishes. It is written, restores, it means that restores. And I try not to paint your hair, because they are so terribly spoiled at work. When it seems to me that I have not burned enough in the sun, and I will burn well, I can make a timing every two years.

- What is the optimal hair length for you?

- I love long hair very much. It is not very convenient, but I like it. I had hair on the belt. They are unexpectedly for me. This length is not the most comfortable for me from the point of view of life and work, because the make-upers are hated to work with them, and in life is completely uncomfortable, but I really like visually when the girl has long hair.

- What procedures do you prefer to do with cosmetologists and do certain taboa exist?

- I'm afraid of everything that is connected with injections. Apparently, this is from somewhere from childhood: the injection is something terrible. In the "blinks of beauty" I do not see anything bad. The main thing is that the beautician is good. This is not necessarily some Fillers. There are all sorts of vitamins. But still anxious, it seems to me that it hurts. And I have not yet found such a cosmetologist, which I would trust so much that he could persuade me. The taboo for me is all connected with the tattoo. I can't afford it myself, I work the artist. I sometimes need a "washed", says so, an unwracted face. From childhood I have memories of the blue eyebrows, with which women periodically go. It somehow blends very much. And so I try to walk to the beautician. I really like everything connected with hardware cosmetology - ultrasound cleaning (one of the coolest procedures), microcurrent massages, which removes the swelling, lead the skin into a good tone. I dream to find a beautician who would well do a manual massage. While I did not have success in this. But I do not despair. I think I have some more time.

Svetlana Ivanova:

"I'm afraid of everything related to injections"

- Do you believe more advertising or sarafined radio?

- Perhaps I believe the sarafined radio: girlfriends, professionals with whom I work - grimers, makeup artists who trust. But I always pay attention to advertising. I am from those people who seeing something will remember. I often take pictures of what I like, even recording. And then I try to clarify. Did anyone use this? I am curious. And I always react to advertising.

- Is it an external street advertising or television, or printed publications?

- Probably all together. Now take such beautiful commercials, especially cosmetics. They stopped being just advertised, and they became such full and very cool short films. I pay attention to this. Now I went to english English. And this school has such steep advertising, you can only sign up for courses after it.

- How are you with the use of vitamins?

- I respect vitamins. Of course, healthy food is right, I try to eat correctly, including from the point of view of vitamins, fiber. But in order to get enough fiber, you need to eat carrot carrot, and I can't eat carrot car. And helping the body needs, especially since we live in a country where there is almost no sun, in which nine months cold. Therefore, I trust vitamins, but which are chosen by my doctor. And, as a rule, not bought in Moscow. For example, abroad, where any normal woman goes to buy clothes, and I am in a pharmacy. Be sure to look something and myself, and the child, and her husband.

- Now you are the Messenger of the Avon True brand. How did your cooperation begot?

- I have a long-time story with this company. It so happened that Avon is the first "adult" cosmetics, which I myself bought for my money when I was still a student. At first, when he received a scholarship, then his first earned money for shooting. I just remember that I had some lips glitters, something else, cosmetics. And I really like the way everything has fallen. If then, to tell the girl who bought these lipstick, that she would face the brand of this company, she would not believe. Good story for a movie about Cinderella or American dream. It so happened that at some point Avon found me myself, we began to communicate, talk, and here I am here. (Laughs.)

- Being a brand face responsible for the quality of the product?

- Of course I answer. I can't just advise, not knowing what it is. It would be dishonest. Well, I would not be interested. I would, for example, would never be able to be a face of something that I was not close. Periodically suggest something beautiful to say about alcohol or about cigarettes. But I'm not interested, so I'm silent.

- After the start of your cooperation, you have new addictions, well, for example, have you been painted brighter?

- In general, compared to how I was painted in my youth, I began to paint much less. It seems to me that this is with all women going. When you become more confident in yourself, you no longer need some such protective color. You do not need to attract attention specially. You just learn yourself to serve. And for this you need not so much cosmetics, and not so bright. And since I still work as an artist, then I have enough of bright makeup. Therefore, in life it is usually more calm. But at the same time I am curious. Everywhere - on filming in the cinema, on some photo shoots, - I always spy at the makeup artists, what they do, how, and what new textures. Suddenly I see, I will go new colors, and I would never have guessed it. At one of the filming for Avon, I tried a bright lipstick, which I first did not cause any pleasant emotions until I saw that she was terribly terribly. If we talk about Avon cosmetics, since we are friends, I am one of the first in Moscow, if not in Russia, trying all the new items that appear. Therefore, if I am in my instagram, something suddenly begins to advise, then this is because I have already managed to try on the moment the product appearance on a wide sale.

- And you generally love to experiment with your appearance?

- Not really. I need to persuade, convince. I want to be myself. Even, for example, in a movie, when I am asked if I can repaint in black for the role, I always want to ask: why do I need me then? This will not be me. I can not know. It is insanely interesting to be invented, fantasize with the makeup. But when initially the question is put by the edge - and whether you can sleep, I do not understand. I think I already found myself. All those moments when I wanted to take a haircut and paint, bangs to cut off and insert lenses, they were, but bought up to twenty-five years. And when you found a comfortable and harmonious image for yourself, there is no desire to do something with you. Perhaps only for work. And for some kind of interesting.

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