Victoria Polorank: "After a divorce with Maxim Drozd, I plunged into the gate for two years."


Victoria Polorank calls his life Quest: She likes to overcome tests step by step. Not immediately she conquered Moscow, as not immediately she got bright roles. But now the actress has a lot of fans. Created by it the image of Frida Kalo in the sensational series "Trotsky" - one hundred percent hit. Maybe the whole thing is that between it and the Mexican artist a lot of common: a burning temperament, sincere attitude to love, sacrifice. And just like her, Victoria in moments of spiritual longing finds a consolation in painting. The star told about this in the February issue of the atmosphere magazine.

- Victoria, you have a direct traditional story of a girl from the provincial Russian city, who came to conquer the capital ...

- I decided not immediately at this step. I was born in the Amur region, in the Far East, then our family settled on Bama, where the papa-installer built bridges, and Mom worked as an educator in kindergarten. Later, together with my younger sister, Olesy, moved to Ulyanovsk, where, in fact, a majority of our childhood and youth passed. As you understand, the family was far from creative, but I was emitted by activity, went to the theater circle and participated in all school productions.

- That is, there were already quite liberated by special?

- not so! I was a closed, introverted girl with a huge number of complexes. The boys did not pay attention to me, they even called Rudna, and I myself felt ugly. Perhaps, in this regard, he studied with persistence that later I managed to apply in adulthood: herself picked up the melodies on musical instruments, danced well, was doing horseback, athletics. In addition, he was fond of ornithology, went to the forest with a tent for two weeks, and there, in silence, recorded his observations, caught birds in the network, Koltzvala, let go and sent this information to Moscow, to a specialized center. My love for birds was fanatical. I do not know how mom suffered, but at home we had dwells of pigeons, ruchi, starlings, canary ... Their eternal screams did not remind a paradise garden at all. Also in the acquisition of soul harmony helped me painting. If it became very bad, and I wanted to express certain emotions, I just sat down to draw a pencil in the album. And when I was sent from school to the contests of readers, I was given the performances with great difficulty. I literally crossed myself. From the nervous voltage I was shaking both before and after. Although I usually read the poems of your favorite poets - Lermontov, Evtushenko.

Victoria Polorank:

Playing Frido Kalo in the TV series "Trotsky", Victoria found a considerable similarity with his heroine

And in fact, all my way in the profession is still - this is a solid bark of obstacles, a certain challenge itself. I'm definitely not from the category of lucky, which everything is easy. Mom, in order to help, gave me fourteen years to school models so that I learned myself to somehow keep it, it is elegantly move. There I really gained the soil under my feet, there was an internal self-confidence. I even got an offer to work in Moscow from the famous magazine "Burda Moden", but rejected him: I thought that I had to get a higher education. Yes, it went wrong with public opinion, but I never focused on it.

- Among the peers did you hold the mansion?

- I was by myself. But no one offended me, because, despite the external fragility, I fought perfectly and defended everyone "humiliated and offended." I heard the Jarm Fighter for justice and gained the fame of the "daughter Van Damma". (Smiles.)

- But at the same time, were you an obedient child?

- relatively. Mom inspired me that close relationship with a man is allowed only after eighteen years. When in adolescence, I started to overcome the increased sexuality (especially given my gypsy roots to the village with Moldavian and Ukrainian blood), I took this gigantic energy in the winter in the gym, where I raised a heavy barbell, and in the summer I went to the forest, where I read the books and hungry for two weeks.

- And at the nineteen years already married ...

"Yes, and thanks to this marriage I had a daughter Valery." The former husband still calls me from Ulyanovsk on our wedding day, but, unfortunately, does not take actively participating in the life of a fifteen-year-old child. Today I understand that I hurried with marriage. The fact is that in the Soviet Union was the living stereotype: in twenty years, a normal girl should have a family, a child, the institute, and I succumbed to a general trend.

If we talk about personal life, then in general I had two official marriage and two civilians, and I always initiated parting. Moreover, I never went to someone - consistently from someone, as it could no longer be there. Alas, a relationship model of a man and a woman in my family was far from the ideal, which contributed little to the benevolent development of my own unions. But I, thank God, I learned to not blame anyone in this, I draw conclusions from my mistakes and analyzing, for what a lesson with one or another person, fate took me. I am grateful to my men and try to stay with them with them. And, you know, possess a happy feature: leaving the relationship, never tast of their loop in the following. On the contrary, until the previous feelings are completely out of itself, I do not let down new ones.

Victoria Polorank:

An actress in a new television film "Fleets" became Ivan Okhlobystin

- Somehow you are very serious approach ...

- When a man fluttering a moth, he can approach the sixty years with depressing results. I hope that by the time of "collection of stones" will not be lonely and disappointed.

- You are pretty reliably playing dull ladies - and at all at the same time are not a predator?

- In no case. I never suffered from unrequited love, was not fond of inaccessible, did not come up with idols and did not show initiatives. I am sure that a man cannot be prey.

- Former husband Maxim Drozd is love at first sight?

- I am not familiar with similar spontaneous manifestations. Maxim first saw on the site of the series "Damned Paradise" - he passed by me along with Evelina Bledans, and that's it. We did not have joint scenes, and I played an episodic role there. But after five years, on the "secret guard" project, where we played lovers, the spark already slipped. When I am in a serious relationship, I do not connect the partner on the site, because it is fraught. But at that time we were both free and allowed themselves to have this passion. I appreciated the extraordinary energy of Maxim, his concern about me, about my child, a touching attitude towards animals ... Maxim was very persistent: almost immediately we began to meet, after three months he suggested living together, after eight we got married. And three weeks after this event, I got pregnant, and after nine months Sophie was born, which is now seven years old. In total, five years we were together with Maxim.

- Drozd often plays lovers' heroes. Tell me how much in life it matches his screen image?

- Maxim is a rather complicated nature, often reflecting about and without. (Smiles.) But I am also not impeccable and in the period of this marriage still stayed in erroneous confidence that respect for men need to be deserved. That is, I did not expect some miracles that the cocoon is surrounded by myself. After our divorce, I plunged into the pickup for two years, trying to answer a question for myself, which is why the relationship is constantly binding to me.

Victoria Polorank:

The actress wrote a part of the picture Frida Calo "Viva La Viba"

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Pol ...

- What kind of man do you need?

"The one who can afford to afford different moods, I will be myself, without attempts to adapt to those or other whims. It seems to me that the work on himself played his positive role, and today I am absolutely in love with my life. To this condition went for a very long time. It has also helped that I have never connected my happy worldworking with a concrete man. I am open to everything that is sufficiently adapted to everyday life: I know how to perform a whole range of traditionally male affairs, and women, like cooking and washing dishes, I even deliver joy - this is akin to meditation.

- That is, today you organize your life yourself?

- Why did you think so? (Smiles.) For an hour and a half next to me, a man with whom at the moment I am good. He has no relation to cinema, but the person is incredibly creative, versatile, charismatic. One of his recent projects is the famous Park "Charity". This man I am infinitely grateful for the fact that, first of all, gives me freedom, and secondly, it does not give a single chance to not respect him. I see how he comes out of difficult situations, and he learns a lot. Under his influence, I gained confidence and changed the attitude towards myself. Even in trifles. If earlier, for example, having a mountain of care, I moved my needs for the second place, today I do not refuse what I really want.

- How did you meet?

- He saw me in the TV series "Londongrad" and wanted to meet. Since I'm not at all a party, he passed a long way to goal. I came up with a whole drama: I first persuaded my friend, directed by Viktor Ginzburg, invite me to samples, and when he resolutely refused such tricks, asked him to call me for a birthday. Victor works on the American system: It is satisfied with the dinners and watches the artists, so to speak, "in the natural habitat." This invitation seemed to me somewhat strange, but it came to that week when I say everything "yes." (Smiles.) A gallant man helped me to remove the coat, introduced himself, and after that evening, for almost two months I tried to put me out on a date. Called - I did not take the phone, then he wrote. Once he guessed to call me with children in Dolphinarium - and then finally got to the point!

Victoria has scarce interests: from a motorcycle to painting

Victoria has scarce interests: from a motorcycle to painting

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Pol ...

- I wonder how much you need friends?

- I appreciate those girlfriends that I have. We do not welcome clock on the phone daily - I can't endure it. For conversation, I need a person's eyes on the contrary. But we meet every six months and can not speak. We part with confidence that a lot of things did not have time to say each other.

- You are a bright girl, sexy and clearly adhering to the body of the body, once abandoned meat food, follow healthy food and do not walk the gym ...

- To keep yourself in the form nice. I dismissed only once, when the graduate of the university came to the theater, Dressed Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and I was offered to play an earthen worm. Naturally, from despair, the internal conflict "hired" his grief and very much recovered. Having come to themselves and returning the former parameters, I gave myself a word that I would save them.

- By the way, about the institute. Initially, you filed documents to the local university at the Faculty of Culture and Art, two years have played in the Dramatic theater of Ulyanovsk and only then went to Moscow ... Why did you choose such a long road?

- Harot, probably not enough. I did not have influential dating, no support. I give a report that somewhat complicated the path to the goal, but I proved Moscow. At first, another seventeen, came here and all summer worked as a waitress. Then he worked as a fitness coach. And as a result, remained, because in his native village-Novska was already frankly closely. It is important for me to go ahead, climb everything higher, see the future, and not to rest on your head in the ceiling. The idea that during even one month should be coming into the same place at the same time and do something routine, boring, plunges in longing and drives you crazy. I need growth and development.

Victoria Polorank:

"I share the interests of my daughters, and I enjoy spend time with them," Victoria admits

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Pol ...

- In Moscow, you managed to stand out: you are remembered by the TV series "Thirty-year-old", "Dangerous connections", "Physics or Chemistry", now "Trotsky" came out ...

- This city accepted me, I like his rhythm. But for the time being, for fourteen years, that I have not yet acquired my own living space. We with two daughters, British Kotom Baxom and a dog of Yui, selected by the mongrel, remove the apartment. Honestly, it is difficult to be a family breadwinner and put something on the initial contribution to real estate. For this reason, I do not serve in the theater: I can not afford to "enjoy my art", you have to make money and then competently distribute them for all needs to have enough. Children should not need. And when I have what is called, reserve finance, I do with the teacher vocal, in order to further fulfill my desire to participate in the musical. I believe that it will happen.

The bottom line is that sometimes miracles occur and projects come about. That is how it came out with Frieda Calo. I came to the samples - and I was approved for the role. My south type played here not the last role, and this is fine, because to prove something, imposing your candidacy to producers and directors I do not know. And the more I plunged into the fate of the Great Artist, the more I was aware that I did not have to say, what is called, "pulling" a role for yourself - she built me ​​organically, I found a lot of us between us, and not only in the character and in ambiguous attitude to the world. Looking at the chronicle, Freed's photo session with her husband, Diego River, I found that her feeling next to his man is similar to mine. According to personnel, it can be seen how it needs to be protected. It was not by chance that it was called the chick, and his elephant. Frida was so unique ... In Mexico's memory, I brought home a cover from the phone with her symbolic picture "Live crazy life." This is my motto, by the way.

- And how were your relations with Konstantin Khabensky, brilliantly played Lion Trotsky?

- Kostya - a stunning partner at the site! He has a wonderful sense of humor, and in his work he is light. Wounded by all regalia, a real professional and does not allow himself to negotiate what he does. He is incredibly responsible! You know, about this project I can tell infinitely. But I'm still coming soon the series "Girls do not surrender" - this is a modern story, where we are playing spouses with Cyril Safonov. And I am glad that I did not acquire a certain role.

Victoria Polorank:

"I like to invent a variety of adventures," says the actress

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Pol ...

- Daughters were humanitarian inclinations?

- Partly. Valeria took the gymnastics and switched to music - playing the guitar with a teacher with a clock. And this is not enough for her: he asks me to record it on the courses of the drums, and in the future it plans to master and violin. And this is all against the background of the fact that at one time Lera categorically refused the music school - and now the gigantic steps makes the missed. Now she also plays in the rock band. The character is in me: while I won't want something myself, I cannot persuade me. But the music is her hobby. This year, the daughter went to the British design school and in the future sees himself an artist anime cartoons. Valeria is a stunning, unexpected, the hair in a week can repaint from pink into orange, and then in purple ... and we adore with it at your leisure together to draw. Personally, I am currently learning to write with oil. In general, if we ever appear a country house, it will definitely be an art workshop in it - with cancons, brushes and paints. (Smiles.)

Sometimes younger connect to our etudes. We have a special one: this year I entered the music school of Schubert, and she was chosen to the teachers themselves who went to kindergartens in search of gifted children. Now Sophie is engaged in vocals, dancing and plays. She chose the piano; Finally, we have this tool in the apartment, and I learned to play "Moon Sonatu" with my daughter! But besides that, Sophie is incredibly plastic - she fond of gymnastics, and now goes to synchronous swimming.

I share the interests of my daughters, and I enjoy spend time with them. This summer, we flew to Prague, where they were melted on the canoe on Vltav, fifteen thresholds were passed, turned over, slept in tents ... It was a fantastic experience! I like to invent a variety of adventures. I call my life quest: I am curious to pass the tests step by step. And the risk gives adrenaline. So, recently, I have never drove the car, I sat down on a motorcycle and survived mad delight. I hope one day I will be able to play the Lychy Rider. (Smiles.)

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