With the benefit for the wallet: 5 rules for the purchase of secondary household appliances


If you need a new phone, TV, computer or other high-tech product, you may want to buy used electronics. This method can save you money, buying these products completely new, and it also helps the environment, because it allows you to use products in perfect condition, and not send them somewhere on the landfill.

This is quite a lot of advantages regarding the purchase of a used electronics, but, as you know, most people have, this practice has potential shortcomings: first of all, you are not sure, in good condition of electronics. Although a fluid inspection can show that the devices look perfectly, in electronics there are basic elements that can make it almost useless in the event of a breakdown. To help you more accurately appreciate the used electronics before purchasing, check out several simple tips.

Explore the model online

Before buying a used electronic device, examine a specific model number using online search to know what to look for. According to reviews, this model is usually quickly discharged after two years of use? And the one that was put up for sale, for three years? The solution will be unequivocal - abandon the purchase. Is it known that there are batteries in these products that do not hold their charge? These are important things you need to know - so you can prepare for any problems that can affect the product you are going to buy.

Make sure you brought the subject to the room to check it

Make sure you brought the subject to the room to check it

Photo: unsplash.com.

Always spend the test

The first and most obvious thing to be done when checking the former electronics is to connect it and turn it on. Although it sounds very trite, there are often circumstances when people hurry with buying and do not do it. For example, if you buy a used computer and a person wants to meet in a public place, he can say that you have nowhere to test this product, but "they swore for it." Do not follow this method. Make sure you brought the subject to the room to check it and at least make sure it works before you pay for the product.

Look for external signs of damage

The fact that the electronic device looks good does not mean that its brilliant appearance does not mask a secondary problem. Inspect the cord for wear or bending, as well as check the ports to make sure that there are no traces of burning, charring or foreign items. If this is a computer or another object on which there is a fan so that it remains cold, make sure that the fan works so that the product does not overheat. In addition, sometimes it is worth looking for signs of damage to water - on some phones and other items there is an indicator changing color when exposed to water.

Evaluate whether it is compatible with your accessories

This is an important factor that should be taken into account even if it may seem obvious. If your house has a TV with HDMI cable and wireless internet access, you will not be able to buy a TV without a port for HDMI or Wi-Fi. In the same way, if you just purchased wireless headphones, you will not want to buy the phone of the old model with the connector for them. Take a look at all accessories that you currently use with your electronics, and make sure that they are suitable for new, so that you do not spend your money on something that will ultimately cost more due to the need to buy additional products, Before you can use the acquisition.

Even if the warranty is just a week or two, it gives you a time to test the product

Even if the warranty is just a week or two, it gives you a time to test the product

Photo: unsplash.com.

Buy certified products

In some cases, you can purchase a used electronics that is repaired, certified and even has a guarantee. They can have a higher price, but calm can cost additional hundred rubles. Even if the warranty is just a week or two, it gives you a time to test the product and make sure that it is in good working condition before you start using them.

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