Victoria Isakov shocked Follovover photos of her daughter


The actress finally showed the photo of her daughter. The girl was born in marriage Isacova with a famous director Yury Moroz. A 42-year-old woman decided to please the subscribers by publishing a photo session with a rest where happy child was captured.

The photo card was made on the seashore, the happy frame of Mom hurried to publish in Instagram, accompanied by his signature: "A little sun in the cold autumn."

Subscribers immediately fell asleep by the family of compliments, the stars also came to the comment block to leave their feedback, Anna Chipovskaya, Nino Ninidze, and Vera Brezhnev, were noticed among the colebritis.

And fans, and the stars came together in one - the girl is just a copy of the star mother. However, the name of the girl, like age, the parents hold secret, in general, that Frost and Isakov raise the daughter fans learned quite recently.

We decided to find out for which reasons many parents hide their children in social networks, because not only the stars are worried about their chad, laying out their photos to the network.

Fear of Schalza

Many young moms admit that they drive the desire to hide the child from the negative energy influence, which can go through the image, without personal contact. However, not all parents impose various filters from religious considerations - some is just calmer that the child does not see ill-wishers.


Especially effective, if we are talking about the children of the stars, because the fans do not eat bread, let us discuss the life of your favorite artist, but at the same time all his family. We will be honest - not all fans have a positive attitude towards children and couples of their pets, and therefore, again, it comes on both negative energy and the extremely aggressive comments.

Keep up

As it should not sound sad, but many inst moms do not want to seem worse than their girlfriends who have already managed to spend the summer-autumn photo session and have already posted a photo to boast the baby. Naturally, without filters and masks could not do, and therefore the faces of children are hidden under the mask mice, they will also be involved in the other because of the high popularity of the chips of this social network.

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