Prokhor Shalyapin: "When I was called Alfons, it annoys"


Prokhor Shalyapin admitted to journalists that it was not indifferent to women from the Forbes list and almost going to marry one of them. These revelations, of course, could not help but cause a storm of discussions on the Internet. Fans are guessing: Who is she - the chosen of the artist? What attracted her in a young artist? I decided to place the points over "I" by contacting the artist himself. Anna Kalashnikova's former boyfriend in an interview was told who his heart was busy and why he does not consider himself an Alphonse.

- Prokhor, the Internet will love that you marry it seems to be gathered ...

- Well, no one understands my humor! To marry - it's as if by clicking the fingers, it's not how to go to the market! This is a matter of time, feelings. I now have a wonderful relationship with Tatiana Devis from Canada. But the borders are all closed - what can I do with it? And this is despite the fact that I have an American visa. It is very difficult to fly now ... No, what to marry! ..

- Probably difficult to maintain relationships at a distance?

- terribly difficult. On the one hand, it's easy if you have been together for many years. On the other, it is very difficult when everything just begins. Well, when you have grandchildren, it is better to live separately separately - this is a law of long happiness. It is difficult for me now something specifically to say, because I'm not going to move to Canada. Now we are writing off every day, communicate on trifles even, on all issues. I am constantly with her. But, of course, this New Year's 10 days I spent terribly, for the first time in my life I had such a lazy beginning of the year. We are usually in the New Year holidays with the program "Famous and Funny". A year ago, all holidays I led the weather forecast: they wrote off on me, and I worked, was in business. And now we laished: Eat, drink, we sleep, watch the TV shows at night, like most people, probably. I realized that this is not mine: so you can not only gain extra kilograms, but also to work in a couple of hours, probably. Very hard to take yourself in hand. I can't even get to the hall. But I'm going to rejuvenating procedures: I will sit on juices, smoothies, try the detox procedures. Well, what to do? I want to be young and beautiful.

- That is, after all, ladies from the Forbes list will not leave you ...

- As for the list of Forbes ... I am not an exaggeration in our country annoying a hypocrite when a person says what he does not think. Well, whatever young man refuses the rich and secured bride, if so thinking without any joke? True, in the first twenty Forbes, they are already all old and lived, if, for example, choose to continue the kind. But if not from the list, if a girl with dowry, with some possibilities, why not? Why should it be shy? The concept of Alfons is when a person lives at the expense of a woman, its resources, money and other things. And then, often, the money obtained by the right of birth, and not because she herself earned them. For example, there is an inheritance of the former husband: he was with an old man, he left her billions. And now she lives with young. This is a relative question, if we are talking about some kind of morality. And if a person comes into relations with a woman richer, but he himself does something, why not? So you can humiliate anyone anyone, who has a salary less than 500 thousand rubles per month - they say, you are Alfons, you are nothing. When I was called Alphonse, it annoys. I think: "My God, yes you yourself do not get one tenth of the money that I earn myself a month. Do not dare to call me that I am so-shy! And then who are you? " Well, I joked about Forbes, of course, because I do not know English. My girl of Russian origin, she is in order with Russian, speaks well - moved to Canada as a child.

- It turns out that it is important for you not so much the income of a woman, how much is its status, if you earn well earn?

- Well, it's how it will work. Real professional Alfachi, who are looking for, to get involved, are looking for a sacrifice, they do not care about feelings and love. This is a completely different class of people. They never will tell even a joke about what I'm talking about. I am a sincere, kind man. My drawing is in the absence of a chandelier: I say that I think, unlike the majority. And I can just fall in love with a girl who goes in the subway on an escalator. Well, I would not refuse if she was the daughter of the governor. Well, why not? Why not live better to all of us? Although living well is a concept for all relative. To the soup liquid, to whom the pearls are small. To buy 20 apartments in Moscow, and someone wants a one-room apartment in Mitino to buy, and this is already the limit of happiness.

Prokhor Shalyapin and 41-year-old millionaire from Canada Tatiana Devis

Prokhor Shalyapin and 41-year-old millionaire from Canada Tatiana Devis

- Admit what you are interested in and won your Canadian choices?

- I am all the time all the time. The most important thing is that we are suitable psychochyps: she perceives my jokes perfectly, she likes my humor. She has a network of law offices in Canada. In a pandemic, she, by the way, adopted - the number of divorces increased. Not only in Russia, but in Canada sit at home, swear. She has a very difficult and intense work, and when I start to relax it, merry, and I like it, I'm all the time on a positive and with a wonderful mood, she is good. So I will never be boring with me. My mouth does not boil, I'm not a silent miracle. On the one hand, a man paints when he says little, and on the other, imagine a woman with him on vacation in the Maldives, and he is silent as a fake. Well, have gotten sex for 15 minutes, well, the maximum is half an hour, and then what? That's how to lie and silence? You will go crazy. The secret of happiness for a woman: it's necessary to spend time and merge into bed. If one without the other - it does not work well. If just 15 minutes of sex with a silent introvert - what is it? And all my friends older can not move away from me, because I always have fun.

- How did you manage to get acquainted with Tatiana in this difficult time?

- It was even before the pandemic. She invited me to Monaco, to the concert - I went just to perform at a private party. Everything is as expected, with your director. I did not know where I was going - I thought she was generally 80 years old, as always. I basically have such anniversaries - for those for 70. I even have a program for them. Not everyone, by the way, can now sing for such a generation. And now I come, and there is a young girl sitting there. And it turned out that this is not even a birthday, but it just celebrates. Well, then I went to America to perform during a cruise on the Pacific Ocean. In general, we had to see a hundred times, she offered: fly in Miami. But I look at what around the situation with this Cake ... I am very afraid without exaggeration. Here, after all, I will save me as a public person, I'm sure. In Moscow, it seems to me, everything is uninterrupted. And if we arrive in some New York or Los Angeles and get sick, we generally do not need anyone there. Maldives are very sitting on me, but I'll think about it, I got sick ... I have bothered there once, I knew three days, so there is not much calculated that you will be sick or dying. There you only need to enjoy life: sex, wine, swimming and so on. And if you are sick, no one knows there even what to do. So I'm going to Sochi. It's terribly boring, but many Russians live like this or at all further than their city do not go away. Well, nothing, Prokhor, go down from heaven, Sit down a little in Russia. I will sit in Sochi - and that's good. Although I looked: there +5 and rain. Nothing good…

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