It's time for exams: how to save time for classes, if you are always busy


Although the creation of a reliable curriculum designed for several days is considered better practice for exams, sometimes happens in life, and students need to be followed weekly training in a few days or even one night. With this in mind, here are three curricula that students can use no matter how much time they have.

Steps for each curriculum

Step 1. Determine the specific themes and make a list of all the topics that need to be studied before the upcoming test.

Step 2: Plan certain days and time to view the materials and themes.

Step 3. Create an action plan for each check session. In order not to spend time on repetition in vain, create a template or plan for repetition every time you sit down. Throughout the verification process, schedule to make summary notes for information that you think you need to view further.

"Five-day Plan"

Ideally, training should begin at least five days before the exam, so that students have enough time to familiarize themselves with the concepts and materials of the course and contact your teacher or colleagues if they have any questions. Organize certain intervals on days 1, 2, 3 and 4 for overview sessions. On the 5th day, dedicate all your academic times viewing summary notes. Mark the days and time research / review in your calendar or weekly schedule. Consider this time with other students if you are going to check knowledge with a study partner or training team.

Five days before the exam, you will have time to find literature

Five days before the exam, you will have time to find literature


"Three-day plan"

Like a five-day plan, a three-day plan gives students time to fully explore the course materials and lectures, and also gives them enough time to ask questions to their teacher or colleagues. Students still need to be a schedule, similar to a five-day plan, but instead of trying to block longer periods of time for training and customize themselves to information overload, students must highlight some shorter time blocks and regularly reduce breaks to help keep concentration.

"One-day plan"

Sometimes it happens in life, and even though they intended to start learning a few days before, many students find themselves in a difficult situation when they have to prepare for the exam during the graduation week. Unfortunately, many hours of occupations or overnight people are usually not an effective strategy for saving memory, but there are four steps that students can take to improve their chances:

Step 1. Follow the instructions similar to the five-day plan, systematizing materials, determining themes and creating a schedule, not forgetting about the interruptions.

Step 2. Study - Watch the materials, make brief notes on complex concepts and regularly take breaks. If students have other classes or classes, saving a summary or abstracts of lectures on a smartphone or the use of applications such as MindTap, are excellent training strategies on the road.

Even if the day remains, you do not need to despair

Even if the day remains, you do not need to despair


Step 3: Purge! Many students think that insomnia will help them better have time, but the lack of sleep prevents the work of memory and attentiveness, which will not help at all on the exam day.

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