Business and stylish: In what form are ministers allowed?


Good afternoon, dear readers!

Until the first of September, and therefore, before the start of the new season, the new school year, a new page, - few days. However, we are just doing everything in our dialogue about the style and image: today we will analyze the final preyepyoboy theme and enter the autumn door all-arms and with a smile on the lips.

In the focus of our attention today - business and classic styles, such close, but such different ...

In the information field (and as a result, there is a certain confusion in the heads of people) as to distinguish between these styles, whether they have distinctive features at all or can be considered identical. Often, saying "Classic", we mean "office-friend's office costume", and saying "Business Style", we think about chasel jackets ... So, how to figure it out?

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the classic style existed long before the modern business and, moreover, was the progenitor of the latter! To the "Classic" decades relate to restrained, high-quality, non-fashion clothing: strict costumes, dresses-cases, shirts in a quiet color scheme, two-breasted coats, neat shoes and status, but not screaming, accessories. In a certain sense, the classic is a time-tested option for clothing: such can be a small black dress, and simple straight jeans, and costume vest. The best example of active use of classics in life is both in history and at the present stage - this is the royal families of the old world.

Grace Kelly. Photo:

Grace Kelly. Photo:

See how true Fashion Icon - Elizabeth II dresses, Queen of Great Britain, what were the images of an unforgettable Grace Kelly, Princess Monaco, in which direction the duchess style of Cambridge Catherine changed after marriage.

Elizabeth II. Photo: Rex Features /

Elizabeth II. Photo: Rex Features /

Key features of classic style: calm color scheme, restraint in crop and silhouettes, excellent quality, moderation, collens. Of course, if you do not treat royal individuals and are not going to jumps, put on an intricate hat to a strict along with you optional.

Go to business style. Taking all the best from the classics (quality, color gamut, restraint), business style brought something to anything. So, being still a kind of uniform for people engaged in mental labor, he involves practicality and convenience. And this means that the silhouettes have become a little freer, the fabrics received important synthetic splashes, allowing them to do not swear as long as possible and easier to smooth out. Prints on the fabric are practically excluded, except for a thin, weakly contrast strip. What is interesting, many experts believe that business style for a woman is either a set of jacket shirt / blouse skirt, or a modest case-case. Pants in the most stringent variations of business style are unacceptable for beautiful sex representatives, not to mention various liberties like shorts or shortened trousers.



From the last thesis, it can be concluded that modern business style sometimes can be shared on conservatism even classic! The inspection issue in order to understand whether to attribute their outfit to business style, it can serve as such: "Will they be allowed to work in a bank / to a large conservative corporation / at a meeting of the Council of Ministers?" Dressing like apparent, you should feel free and not thinking to answer: "Yes!"

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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