No diseases: prepare the body for autumn


In the summer we do not refuse themselves. We walk at night, eat everything in a row, swimming, get acquainted with new countries and people. All these entertainment strongly undermine our immunity. And, as you know, autumn - the time of chronic diseases. Therefore, you need to prepare your body in advance to avoid health problems. I found out what to do.

After summer walks under the moon, night gatherings at the cottage and fun in the nightclubs at the resort you need to normalize the day of the day. Melatonin is a hormone that is formed in the body during sleep. It is most effectively fighting cell aging processes and prevents the development of infectious and oncological processes by activating immune protection. With age, melatonin production is significantly reduced. The older the person is, the more important to observe the day of the day and sleep at least 7-8 hours.

Do not forget about sports that you abandoned in the summer. And it is not necessary to visit the expensive gym, you can just walk on foot, ride a bike, play outdoor air with children.

Autumn - difficult time for everyone who has problems with digestion. The mode is also important. Digestive glands are much easier to produce the necessary substances "on schedule". In addition, it is necessary to reduce the amount of oily, roasted, canned food, soda and sweet.

Evgenia Nazimova, Gynecologist-Endocrinologist:

Evgenia Nazimova

Evgenia Nazimova

- When it becomes cooler, many stop drinking water. And completely in vain. The water deficit very negatively affects the intestinal work, provoking the stool delay. On average, each person needs to drink about 30 ml of water for every kilogram of weight. Soup, compote, dairy and sweet drinks, coffee into account is not accepted.

Complete the scheduled survey. Pass the blood test to Vitamin D. Many believe that after the summer, the level of vitamin D in the blood should be good, especially if you visited the sea. However, many people practically do not produce vitamin D under the influence of sun rays, and they need a constant reception of this important vitamin.

If you are forced most of the day in the room, buy a lamp imitating sunlight. Sunlight contributes to the development of SEROTONIN hormone - our natural antidepressant.

Learn to prepare delicious and healthy food. You just need to look different about the usual products. For example, Mix arugula, slices of ripe avocado, cedar nuts and balsamic sauce. You will get a wonderful, healthy and very tasty salad.

And more positive emotions.

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