Vladimir Menshov: "There can be nothing more important than love, understanding, tolerance"


Nationally beloved actor and director 80 years old! With the name of Vladimir Menshov, films are connected, who became a real filmlate, although at first the career of young cinematographer was not very successful. She visited Vladimir Valentinovich's meeting with fans and recorded his thoughts about the directorial success, ridiculous censorship and the role of women in his career.

"From the fourth time I adopted on the acting faculty, I realized that I was mistaken by the door"

I went through a long way, made myself for a long time, I studied, I went to the acting department four times and entered the Studio School of MCAT. And when he did, I realized that I was mistaken by the door, that this is not a completely my profession. We had a strong course: Andrei Soft, Vera Miroshnichenko, Vera Alentova, Asya Voznesenskaya. And on their background, I realized that in me the abilities are not so strong. It tormented me all four years of study. I looked, I began to play badly, I did not give the roles that I wanted. As a result, I was released by anyone who was not necessary as an artist. But the cinema manilo me with a terrible force. And here we are with the faith, with which they got married in the second year, realized that my vocation was directed. I learned the phone of our great director Mikhail Romma, called him, asked to accept, for my happiness, he agreed. I told him about all my misadventures. He suggested that I write a job and come to him in a year. I wrote a whole year in the Stavropol Territory, faith remained in Moscow, I tried to fly to her every month on my bench wages. Mikhail Ilyich read my work and said that he liked how I wrote, as I argue, and he takes me to the second course. I was happy. Fate so happened that I met many when I studied, wrote a script and already appeared as a script writer. As a result, the actor did not find a major role, offered me. And under my estimation that this is the death, which was mistaken with the main character, we removed a worthy picture, which received prizes in many festivals, including the "youth-71" film festival. After the film "Happy Cukushkin" I saw me on Mosfilm, gave a major role in the picture "Man in his place", then there were two more films. So here Zigzag I entered the movies.

The creative clan of the little bit is constantly growing. Most recently, Andrei Gordin (extreme left), Vladimir Valentinovich's grandson, received an acting diploma

The creative clan of the little bit is constantly growing. Most recently, Andrei Gordin (extreme left), Vladimir Valentinovich's grandson, received an acting diploma

Photo: Instagram.com.

"When a wife and daughter together, they are excellent objects for observation"

I looked a lot in women, I wonder if I had a great object for observing - Vera Valentinovna Alentova. Julia Vladimirovna Meshsova - too. When they together are already enough material in order to make some conclusions. Well, other acquaintances were useful. As for films, of course, it is important who plays them. In the picture "Moscow, tears does not believe" three wonderful actresses: Alentova, Muravyeva, Ryazanov. They made this plot. Evgenia Nikandrovna Khanayeva is there. She has a small episode, but very strong. Ahacedzhakaya is a good episode. Mama Nicholas plays a wonderful actress Ushakov. So the success of the month of interest at seventy comes from women. In this picture, they showed their destinies, their own character, they were recognized and loved.

I was pleased that the famous people with a request began to call: "Help to get a ticket to the movies to" Moscow does not believe in tears "

This year, the picture "Moscow does not believe in tears" there were forty years. Forty years ago, I finished the picture and went on vacation. And when he returned, she was already shown on the "Mosfilm" in closed shows. And before me came the information that we expand the doors in the auditorium. But then the picture came to the screen on February 11, 80th in the cinema in Pushkin Square and on Arbat. For some reason, they decided to arrange a local show - only in two cinemas in Moscow. Well, we presented a picture there: they crushed, told and said goodbye to the film, as it always happens. Everything, now it is necessary to think about a new picture, production is completed. But it was not there! The next day I got to Pushkin Square, left the subway to the theater of faith, which was nearby. I walked to the theater and did not understand what was happening, because the area was brazed by the people. I thought, there is some rally, at that time dissident performances began. Then I looked like - and this turn! As I wrote in one letter: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin stood in this turn. It was especially nice to me that I began to call famous people with a request: "Help get a ticket to the movies."

Vladimir Menshov is confident that, enrolling on the acting faculty, made a mistake. Nevertheless, in the acting filmography of Vladimir Valentinovich dozens of works, and in various genres. Menshov-actor showed himself well in filmmakes ...

Vladimir Menshov is confident that, enrolling on the acting faculty, made a mistake. Nevertheless, in the acting filmography of Vladimir Valentinovich dozens of works, and in various genres. Menshov-actor showed himself well in filmmakes ...

Photo: Frame from the movie "Love-Carrot"

"The director of the painting" Raigrysh "I said all the time:" We trusted three million rubles to us, it is very responsible! "

The very first film, "Drawing", for me, probably, turned out to be the most difficult. I have not yet had the experience of the director. And I had to deal with unprofessionals. And it was a serious decision, because boys came, absolutely not had any experience, even self-conceived. But I liked, for example, the face and manner of talking. Of course, this picture was given to me with great difficulty, because I jumped in front of them, depicting everyone, playing, then watched how they did it, corrected. Thank God, I had an acting education, it helped me a little. Although the picture was not easy. I remember, I had a director who said all the time: "We entrusted the state three million rubles, it is very responsible!". Lord! So much he pulled the nerves.

"We were intolerant in the first of our life, reworked each other, demanded, condemned"

The marriage ties that seem at first completely inseparable, then begin to weaken, the spouses are experiencing a crisis: the seventh, the tenth year - and so infinite ... But nothing can be more important than love, respect for each other, understanding and tolerance. With Valentinov's faith in our first life, I was intolerant, reworked each other, demanded, condemned for the fact that someone does not live like that. In the end, they reached the fact that they broke up. Eated three years separately. It's good that we have already had a daughter Julia, and faith began to mark some of my habits in it. And before it finally reached that there is something above the mind and logic. Here it says Yule says: "Don't you understand that this is not necessary?" And she does not understand! Because the person besides the logic, other mechanisms of the human psyche are laid. And it served as a signal to the signal. As a result, she took me back.

Vladimir Menshov:

... and in dramas, and even in fantasy "Night Watch"

Photo: Frame from the movie

"I used to be afraid of accusations that my wife got into my film by Blatu"

On the set "Moscow, I don't believe in tears", I was all the time dissatisfied with the faith of Alentova. Then I realized that this was affected by my nervous overvoltage. I was afraid that I would blame me that faith as a wife got into a picture of Blat. But I got from critics, from cinematographic society, my colleagues for another. They all said that it was a hack, cheap, they say, each of us can take out such a picture, but it does not allow good taste. And this one, it was necessary, risked, went against the generally accepted taste, removed the Indian cinema, and for this, his viewer loved! Now I tell it with humor, and then there were suffering. I went two years old, thinking what to do, how to answer these arguments. Why is it cheap? Maybe I do not understand anything? But I saw the success of the films "Zita and Gita" or "Queen of Shantekler". I remember, we came, and she was shown in the house of the film actor, she had not reached the screens yet. It seems good movie, you have to look. And so we asked the cleaner: "Well, about what is at least a movie?" And she replied: "Well, what about what? About life!".

Vladimir Menshov:

Menshov played his first large role in the film "Man in his place" (1972)

Photo: Frame from the movie

"The film 'Love and Pigeons" got under the roller fight against alcoholism "

Once I got a play of Vladimir Gurkin, reading, I was laughing, I cried and at the end I thought about life as it was interesting. And I ventured to remove the picture about Vasya and Nadia, Babu Shuru. There were their difficulties there. The picture fell under the roller fight against alcoholism. I was told that you need to cut everything with regard to this topic. But it turns out, uncle Mitu must be cut off! And most importantly, if they were at least offered: Take money, rearrange. But no: do so that Uncle Mitya does not drink! Well, I'm crazy?! I refused, and I was removed from the picture. What just did not do with this film. As a result, when the time passed, the foam of the villagers, I managed to leave the picture absolutely untouched, except for a short piece, when the uncle Mitya with Vasya drink beer on the pier and scared their women, they run away, and beer remains. And here a person appears, which fits, drinks all six mugs, one after one, it lasts one minute. It was a beautiful frame, but that the heroes do not lose their face, they demanded from me at least it would be removed.

Vladimir Menshov:

"Envy of the Gods" I consider my best movie. "

Mikhail Kovalev

"Envy of the Gods" I consider my best movie "

"Envy of the Gods" I consider my best film from the point of view of professional ownership of skill. Initially, the script was called "Last Tango in Moscow". The author of this scenario Maria Mareeva insisted on this title. And when you start a picture, almost always does not like the name, and you really count on the fact that another will appear. As a rule, even prizes for a group or for someone who comes up with a name is approved. For example, a cognac box is put. "Last tango in Moscow" I did not like it too, because I rewrote this scenario very much and became the co-author. Then I remembered this phrase "envy of the gods." It seems to me that this is a very sensible name that is suitable for this film. Especially the genre of the picture I define as a tragedy. Here I saw that this is one hundred percent role of faith. She played so thin, so elegantly, so intelligent, so smart, so in female.

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