Made a vaccination, and after 16 days died: in the US investigate the sudden death of the doctor


In the US, the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases, together with Pfizer, began investigating the death of a doctor from Miami, who died of a rare blood illness in two weeks after vaccination from COVID-19.

The 56-year-old obstetrician Gynecologist Gregory Michael died on January 3 - 16 days after he was vaccinated from coronavirus. The spouse of the doctor, Heidi Netelmann, told Daily Mail that her husband suffered a hemorrhagic stroke "due to the strongest reaction" to the injection - three days after vaccination on the hands and feet of Michael began to appear red spots, or petechia caused by internal bleeding. Recognized in stains dangerous signs, the man appealed to medical care. After obtaining the results of blood test results, which showed that platelet levels, the blood component required for blood coagulation, is at a zero level, the American was emergency hospitalized into the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of acute immune thrombocytopenia - an extremely dangerous autoimmune disease.

According to Heidi Nekelmann, her spouse did not have "absolutely no health problems", concomitant diseases or an allergic reaction - neither for medicines or vaccines.

"My husband was a healthy and active person. He did not smoke, from time to time he could have a drink, but only in the company, he was engaged in sports, he was fond of marine fishing and for the most part was a good family man. He never fell ill with COVID-19, because from the very beginning of the pandemic wore a mask N95, "Netelmann told reporters.

Hydy's facebook wrote that for two weeks, the doctors tried to raise the level of platelets from Michael, but unsuccessfully: "Gregory was conscious and energetic throughout the treatment process, but two days before the last operation he had a hemorrhagic stroke caused by him The lack of platelets, which took his life in a matter of minutes. "

"In my opinion, his death was 100 percent associated with a vaccine. I do not see another explanation, "says 58-year-old American.

In turn, representatives of the pharmaceutical giant producing the American vaccine, on January 12, said The New York Times, which "actively investigating this case," emphasizing that "currently do not see any direct connection" between the death of a doctor and from coronavirus.

"To date, millions of people have been vaccinated, and we closely monitor all unwanted phenomena in patients receiving our vaccine," the statement said.

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