Business in Pandemic: what can earn during the global crisis


How did we wait for the end of 2020, and what has changed? The world still stays in shock: in the UK they found a new virus, in the US destroy due to political instability, and China is still blamed for the reasons for all troubles. And this is a matter of not the virus itself, but its influence on the main world economic markets - those that determine the situation in less strong states. In Russia, things are no better: currency rates are growing, and the population is forced to adopt a decrease in the purchasing power of the funds stored in the accounts. What to do with it? Let's give some important advice in this material.

It's time to figure out investing

If you have already managed to kill some amount, but have not yet made an investment portfolio, it's time to start. First of all, find a portfolio consultant - it's easier to use third-party services for a fixed value or a percentage of income than to understand this complex topic yourself. Newbies tend to go on an unreasonable risk, and after lose income. Put the money under the percentage of the bank, and remove the interest and invest in the investment portfolio. So do not lose, and have a high chance to increase the capital. And they will still focus on new ways to earn:

Start to advise online

People (finally!) Received before understanding that full-time consultations are no different from the online format. It is possible to make records in it, to identify errors and work out questions. From dancing and drawing to accounting and producing - in 2021, all professionals can conduct online classes. Moreover, you can also provide your services online. Do not be afraid to take extra work. Often it will cost you a watches of free time per day, but will significantly increase profits. If you own a foreign language, do not be afraid to watch vacancies abroad or cooperate with Russian-speaking expathes - so the cost of your services will automatically increase.

Sign up for courses before holidays

Ahead of February 14, March 8 - days when the city is wrong with many bouquets. For these holidays, florists in price - large salons are often looking for people on working. You can already write to the company and find out if they need an assistant. In many salons you will be taken by an assistant without the need to pay for training, and then take these days. Such skills will be useful to you for the future - the flowers will always be needed, and therefore people who will make bouquets and get double pay for the holidays.

enough smartphone with a good camera and basic photoshop skills

enough smartphone with a good camera and basic photoshop skills


Start taking pictures

The media gradually reduce the working states. Why keep the photographer and bill editor, if you can buy photos in the drains, and order processing on outsourcing from designers? If you live in a beautiful city, start with pictures of buildings, then you can go to the photo of the plots - people in everyday situations or producing pictures on topical topics. Track the infoovodes and offer companies cooperation on mutually beneficial terms. For this, a smartphone with a good camera and basic photoshop skills for compiling collages and cutting items from the pictures. In the settings, install high resolution for the photo, and go ahead!

We need only fast working laptop, stable Internet access and a couple of simple text editors

We need only fast working laptop, stable Internet access and a couple of simple text editors


Information search assistant

Businessmen often do not have enough time to review competitors in pursuit of their own profits. But they need people who speak several languages ​​and able to collect information on the specified topics. Try to make your customer database yourself - this will be an example of your work with which you can already write to them and offer your services. You will need only a fast working laptop, stable Internet access and a couple of simple text editors and tools for drawing up tables.

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