How she does it: Julia Menshova shared the secret of youth


The actress and TV presenter recently revealed the secret of his youth in a far from youthful age - it turns out that everything is in effective, but not too pleasant procedures, as did the actress in one of the social networks reported.

According to the actress, it is too often asked what the secret of her youth. And indeed, the actress is simply amazing looks for its fifty years. Meshsov admits that it often discovers effective means of combating age-related changes than and shared with Follovers.

So, one of the main secrets of the artist is a sculptural face massage. A woman admits that the procedure is not for non-gentle, but the effect is worth it, especially the muscles of the face need the same fitness as the muscles of the body.

And what other techniques will allow you to become if not on a dozen, then at least for several years younger visually? Tell.

Julia Maizhova

Julia Maizhova

Masks for face

At all, it is not necessary to attend a costly cosmetologist if you yourself can handle the dim color and smooth out small wrinkles on the initial stage. Masks need to be applied to purified and stealing skin, only then can be achieved maximum effect.

The most effective masks against aging can be called compositions of beer yeast, aloe leaves and cucumber puree with black currant berries.

Herbal compresses

Due to the extension, the skin is completely cleaned and receives oxygen, which comes in large quantities along with blood in the face area. The best compresses you can do both from rose petals, bay their glass of hot mineral water, and making an infusion of green tea, but before applying on the face, give the brave to cool to a comfortable temperature.

Julia Maizhova

Julia Maizhova

Essential oils

Natural essential oil is not inferior to expensive professional cosmetics. Oil settles the metabolic processes in cells, improves the complexion and tones fading skin. You get fresh skin, wrinkles on which no longer appear. However, it is important to comply with the rules in the use of oil, because it can help how to help and harm. One of the most important rules can be called the use of oil only in the composition of masks, compresses and in the process of massages, but not in its pure form.

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