When on the street - frosts: what to read at leisure


1. Alison Winn Scotch, "Theory of the opposites"

This book was already called Roman about New Bridget Jones. The main heroine - Will - not a child for a long time, but she does not manage to get rid of the excessive guardianship. Her parent is a celebrity, without five minutes, the Nobel laureate, confessing philosophy in the style of "What is not to power" and released a bestseller on this topic with the characteristic name "Is this really your choice?"

Grown in the spirit of Fatalism Will, most of the life floats downstream. This also applies to her work, and routine relationships with her husband. But the turning point comes, the measured life gives a crack, and unexpectedly for itself, she agrees to participate in the shyman experiment. The book is written in very light language, full of ridiculous, but very funny situations.


2. Maggie O'Farell, "Where you are waiting for"

This is the second book Maggie O'Farell, published in Russia. For us, this is generally a new name, although in Britain her books are published by huge circulations, and the number of literary awards and premiums so much significantly that this one should make a new job.

The book "Where, where you are waiting for" looks at different sides, how true the saying "is good where we are not." The main character - Daniel Sullivan - is trying to deal with his past, unwilling his memories and eventually confusing in the maze of his own life. Under the side, he has a happy family (Wife-Beauty, Hollywood Star, who escaped from everyone, two children). But he has to go on a long journey, and at the same time - to the very past, which in time becomes a real threat to his real.

The nonlinear story, which is conducted on behalf of several characters, intrigues and incredibly fascinates, forcing each new story to discover the various arms of the individuals and the motives of the actions of heroes.


3. Zedi Smith, "Sving Time"

After entering the light of the novel "White Teeth" The English writer with Jamaic roots of Zedi Smith immediately became a celebrity. The photo session of the Black Beauty appeared in many glossy magazines, well, readers and critics were looking forward to new works. And not in vain! The next book "Time of Swing" - about friendship, racism, dream, dance and hollywood - instantly got into the Booker Short List 2017. In the center of the narration - two girls living in the poor area of ​​London, but, like all children dreaming about the best share. and beautiful worlds. One of them, fleeing the hidden racism and disadvantaged life, breaks with the house and runs to the world of pop culture, driving himself into the trap, about whose existence she does not even guess. Smith thus says: in the world nothing to rely on, even family and loved ones do not give support. A person remains one with himself, and whatever he would have done, it will not bring happiness and satisfaction.


4. Amanda PRES, "What I did"

The surroundings considered them the perfect family. Why, there are surrounding - even your own children were confident that they live almost in a fairy tale. But in one not very beautiful day the main character slowly, with pleasure killed her husband. Something and revealed, in which nightmare she lived last twenty years.

Since then, she has started a completely different life. In which she returned to his own name and in which he is trying to find himself a new one. But the native children did not immediately forgave their mother, which in one day crossed all their former life.


5. Sarah Crossan, "One whole"

Tipping and Grace - Siamese twins and therefore, of course, attract increased public attention. And meanwhile, they dream of being the same as everyone.

This book brought the author of Carnegie's medal, as well as awards in the nominations "Teenage Romance 2016", "Book of the Year 2016". Piercing, thin and very honest novel.


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