Mother or Tyrant - who was Muse Salvador Dali Gala?


In history, she entered the name of Gala - brilliant muse, a companion, adored and beloved woman. Almost goddess. Her biographers are still perplexed: what was in her special, as she could, not possessing a beauty, nor talent, to bring creative husbands crazy? The Union of Gala with Salvador Dali lasted half a century, and it is safe to say that it was thanks to his wife the artist was able to show all the power and the power of his gift.

Some consider it a calculating predator, which cynically used naive and inexperienced in domestic affairs Dali, others - the embodiment of love and femininity. The story of the gala, which appeared in this world under the name of Elena Dyakonova, began in Kazan, in 1894. Her father, an official Ivan Deakonov, early left life. Mother soon married a lawyer Dmitry Gomberg. His Elena considered his father and took her middle name for his name. Soon the family moved to Moscow. Here Elena studied in one gymnasium with Anastasia Tsvetaeva, who left her verbal portrait. Already then, our heroine knew how to impress people: "In a half-empty classroom on the desk sits a thin long-legged girl in a short dress. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly in Chinese supplied. Dark dense eyelashes of such a length that their girlfriends approved on them, you can take two matches nearby. Finding stubbornness and the degree of shyness that makes the movement sharp. "

Elena herself was sure that her will - inspire and charming men. She wrote in her diary. "I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, very much. I will do everything I want, but at the same time keep the attraction of a woman who does not breathe. I will shine as a kink, smell in perfume and always have well-groomed hands with macuine nails. " And the first chance to try out her spell to her soon introduced himself.


In 1912, Elena's weak health was sent to Sanatorium KladuTrie in Switzerland to be treated from tuberculosis. There she met the young French poet Eugene Emil Paul Grandem, whose father, a rich real estate trader, hoped that the healing air would choose a poetic bliss from the son. However, the young man also acquired a love paragraph: he lost his head because of this unusual, mysterious girl from distant Russia. She introduced himself as Galina, he also began to call her Gala with an emphasis on the last syllable, from the French "festive, lively". Natives did not encourage his hobbies of poetry, and in the face of the beloved he found a grateful listener. She invented him and that sonorous pseudonym, under which he would acquire fame - Paul Eloir. The father of his admiration for his admiration did not share: "I do not understand why you need this girl from Russia? Is little Parisian? ". And he prescribed a new field immediately return to his homeland. Lovers broke up, but their feelings were completely stuffed with each other. Almost five years (!) This novel continued at a distance. "My dear beloved, my darling, my dear boy! - wrote Eloire Gala. "I lack you as something indispensable."

She appealed to him as a boy - already then in Young Elena, there was a strong maternal beginning. She felt the desire to instruct, defend, patronate. And it was not by chance that he later chose lovers younger than themselves. Using that they would not achieve anything from an indecisive field, and the novel in the epistolary genre can not last forever, Elena decided to take fate in his hands and went to Paris. In February 1917, when her homeland shocked the revolution, an enterprising girl was combined with a marriage with a young Frenchman. The parents of the field by that time have already expressed him with his choice and as a sign of blessings even presented a newly promised huge bed of moraine oak. "We will live on it and die on it," Elur said. And wrong.

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"I love Gala more mother, more than my father, more Picasso, even more money," the artist admitted. Salvador Dali and Gala in 1964

Photo: Rex Features /

Amur de Troa

At first, life in Paris was very pleased with the gala. From a shy girl, it turned into a real L'Etoile - bright, brilliant, mankha. She found pleasure in the entertainment of Bohemia. But household affairs visited boredom. Homemade, being confident that Gala has fragile health, it was not particularly disturbed. She did everything wishes. This, referring to a migraine or abdominal pain, was lying in bed, I read, I spent the outfits or wanted shopping in search of another original thing. In 1918, the spouses were born the daughter of Cecil. But the appearance of babies did not particularly affect the mood of the gala. She care about the child, she gladly entrusted the mother-in-law. Paul anxiously watched how his wife is immersed in Melancholy. "I'm dying from boredom!" She stated and did not lie. So acquaintance with the artist Max Ernst added fresh paints to the fearless family life. According to the testimony of contemporaries, Gala, although it was not beautiful, possessed special charm, magnetism and sensuality, which acted on men reluctantly. Max did not resist. Roman Gala with an artist developed with silent approval of her husband. Soon the love couple stopped hiding at all, and to their sexual joy ... he joined himself, whom Paul himself was very excited by the presence of another man. The de-Troita relationship is so fascinated by the spouses, which later, after a gap with Max, they sometimes looked after themselves some sacrifice - an artist or poet who admired them. In the meantime, Ernst moved to eloram and began to live with them under one roof, "in the flour caused by love and friendship." Paul called him brother, Gala posed him and divided his family bed with him. The spicy union was very fruitful for inspiration. During the relationship of De-Troita, Elur and Max released a collection of jointly written strange poems "unfortunate immortal." But then the idylls came to the end. Feeling that in the heart of his wife he gradually goes into the background, Paul set a question to the edge: he or me. Gala did not decide to leave her husband. But finally, to break with Max was unable. Even during a couple of years, they corresponded and sometimes met. The final gap occurred only in 1927, when the artist married Marie-Bert Oransh. However, as before, eloars materially supported the former lover, buying his paintings.

Serving the body of music

Gala and Dali met in 1929, when Chut Eloir inflicted a visit to the artist in Cadakes. He also argued that he saw his goddess, his moise much earlier, still in childhood, when he was presented to a fountain pen with a portrait of a girl's black-eyed girl. In an effort to seem original, the owner decided to meet the guests in an unusual form. He brolated his silk shirt, chose his armpits and painted them with blue, the body was a mixture of fish glue, goat litter and lavender, and in his ear inserted Gerani flower. But having seen his guest in the window, immediately ran to rinse this magnificence. So before the clear Elur Dali appeared almost a normal person. Almost - because in the presence of Gala, so shook his imagination, I could not lead a conversation and periodically started to laugh hysterically. The future muse looked at him with curiosity, the eccentric behavior of the artist did not scare her, on the contrary, the imagination spurred. "I immediately understood that he was a genius," she wrote later Gala.

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Sculpture "Gala in the window" in Marbella


It was a lightning that struck both. "She had a gentle body, like a child. The line of shoulders is almost perfect roundness, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like a teenager. But the bending of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender, energetic torso, an aspen waist and a gentle thigh made it even more desirable. " So described gave the subject of his adoration. It must be said that before the acquaintance with a couple of eloir, a 25-year-old artist did not have bright novels. The fan of Nietzsche awaited and even slightly afraid of women. At a young age, Salvador lost her mother and to some extent found it in the face of Gala. She was ten years older and took her beloved under his tender custody. "I love Gala more mother, more than my father, more Picasso and even more money," the artist admitted. At this time, Paul did not interfere with someone's happiness, gathered the suitcases and left the ravis. With you, he took his own portrait, written Dali. The painter decided to thank the guest in such a strange way, who led his wife. Dali and Gala officially registered their marriage in 1932, and the religious ceremony took place only in 1958, from respect for the feelings of eloars. Although he got a mistress, the dancer Maria Benz, still wrote tender letters of the former wife and hoped for reunification. "My beautiful, sacred girl, be reasonable and cheerful. While I love you - and I will love you forever, - you have nothing to fear. You are my life. Furiously kiss you all entirely. I want to be with you - naked and tender. The so-called Paul. P. S. Hi Kid Dali. "

At first, Chet Dali lived in poverty, earning a grave labor. Paris Svetkaya Lionz turned into a nurse, secretary, manager of his ingenious husband. When there was no inspiration to write pictures, she forced him to develop models of caps, ashtons, design shop windows, advertise goods. "We never surrendered before bad luck," said Dali. - We twisted thanks to the strategic agility of the gala. We did not go anywhere. Gala she sewed his dresses itself, and I worked a hundred times more than any mediocre artist. "

Gala took all financial affairs in their hands. Their day was built according to the scheme she described as follows: "In the morning, Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, breaking the contracts frivolously signed by him." She became his only female model and the main plot of inspiration, admired the works of Dali, not tired told that he was geniant, used all his connections to promote his talent. Spouses led public life, often appeared on the pages of magazines. Gradually, things went to the way. The house was given to besiegeous crowds of rich collectors, passionately desired to acquire paintings, consecrated by the genius. In 1934, Gala took the next step to popularize the talent Dali. They went to America. The country in love with all new and unusual, with delight accepted an extravagant artist. Art connoisseurs responded to the most incredible ideas gave and were ready to pay huge money for them. Journalist Frank Whitford wrote in the Sunday Times newspaper: "The married couple Gala Dali to some extent resembled the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Having helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captive with a tough, calculating and desperately striving up the predator, which surrealists dubbed Gala Plague. It was also said that her view penetrates through the walls of bank safes. However, in order to find out the state of the account, the X-ray abilities were not needed: the score was general. She simply took defenseless and, undoubtedly gifted and turned him into a multimillioner and a star of the world magnitude. "

Journalists have not seen the main thing: touching attachment, the almost maternal tenderness of the gala in relation to their impractical spouse. Sister Gala, Lydia, who visited them, wrote that he had never seen such a woman's relative attitude to a man: "Gala fell out with Dali as with a child, he reads him for the night, makes it drinks some necessary tablets, disassembles him with him Nightmalls and infinite patience disperses his imperisibility. "

Everyone found in this union what he was looking for. No wonder they lived together half a century soul in the soul, right up to the death of Gala. Although their union was not a model of loyalty to each other. Older diva changed young lovers as gloves. Singer Jeff Fenholt, who played the main role in the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar" became its last enthusiasm. Gala took an active part in his fate, helped to start a career and presented a luxurious house on Long Island. They gave through his fingers looked at the intrigues of his wife. "I let Gala have so many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it excites me. "

In recent years, Gala has wanted privacy. At her request, the artist gave her a medieval castle a poubol in Girona province. Having visited his wife only for its preliminary written permission. "The day of death will be the happiest day in my life," she said, emitted by elder gentleness. He surrounded himself with young favorites, but none of them managed to touch his hearts.

In 1982, at the age of eighty and eight years, Gala died at the local hospital. The Spanish law, adopted during the epidemic of the plague, forbidden to carry the bodies of the dead, but Dali fulfilled the last will of his beloved. Having wrapped his wife's body into a white sheet, he put it on the back seat of "Cadillac" and delivered to the poubol, where she won herself to bury himself. At the funeral, the artist was not present. He entered the crypt only a few hours later when the crowd was separated. And, by collecting the rest of the courage, said: "Look, I do not cry ...".

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