Anastasia Makeeva: "I hope to make a career of a good wife, mother and grandmother"


- You have finished a pop-jazz school on "excellent", then guitis on the "fives". Do you always have everything in life on "five"?

- Yes, I have two red diplomas. I am a perfectionist. But this is my big personal tragedy. While I won't do something better than everyone, it torments me. I rarely, I am pleased with myself.

- Are you reviewing the recordings of performances in which you participate? Pictures in which they shot?

- Not. What for?

- Help work on errors, for example.

- There are some fragmentary records, but to make some kind of work on errors, you need to watch the performance from the beginning to the end. See where something is wrong. And I have no such records. When we put something, I can ask for some scene on the phone, the dance is what I need. But in principle, the external is a very deceptive story. The main thing that happens inside you is. If you find internal, then external manifests itself as it is necessary. I still confess: Many films I have not even seen. At first, of course, I watched, I was wondering, and then stopped. I always come to myself, I always do not like everything. It seems to me that I am ugly. Digging. Nothable or vice versa.

- How did you choose your acting profession?

- She chose me herself. I initially wanted to be a singer. And when it was found in the place called the "show business", I realized that it was not exactly what I would like. And while I was a student, turned up an excellent opportunity to participate in the musical "Dracula". I was listened to me and took one of the main roles. And from now on, I was infected by the theater. I no longer wanted to just stand on stage and sing, I wanted to dance, in motion, to tell everything in the vocal. And so I went to one musical, then in the second, in the third. Then he fell into the "Iziki witch", where I was taken to the fifth composition for the role of Alexandra. But never released on the scene. I asked why, I was answered that there was not enough acting skills. Then I went and entered the brand Zakharov.

With his colleague, Peter Kislov Anastasia met on the set. Service Roman quickly converted into marriage. But soon the couple broke up

With his colleague, Peter Kislov Anastasia met on the set. Service Roman quickly converted into marriage. But soon the couple broke up

Photo: Frame from the movie "Network"

- Your girlfriends and friends are from the creative layer?

- I can not say that I am with the artists directly friendly. Everything is very difficult. We all work. Mostly visiting. And my girlfriends with whom I spend time, these are people very successful and not related to the sphere of my activity.

- It is fundamentally?

- This is not a fundamental position, but I really like to learn something. I am interested to recognize people who, let's say, know how to organize their lives from the point of view of everyday, business or other spheres. It is interesting to know how they think. Thus, I expand my horizons, the possibility of understanding, what life from other people in other professions.

- Do you uncomfortable feel alone?

- I love society, I do not like to be alone. Well, I love to be alone, in silence, silent. But in general, I love the company.

- You work a lot, how are you relaxing?

- Honestly, I hide from people. I love to spend time at home, in a pajama, read, watch a movie. It is necessary for something homemade, warm. Where you do not need to be polite, smiling, which is always waiting for you and requires society. Or, for example, go to visit to the girls, to Europe to travel. I love homemade gatherings, in a cozy atmosphere.

- How do you follow yourself or is it genetics while working?

- Genetics is only one percent. Hope for genetics when I directly depend on my appearance in the profession, very rashly. Therefore, I follow myself. Very much and actively engaged in your face. In my life there are cosmetology with masks, and sports, and the right food. I try to fall out. I make the most as possible in order to preserve your youth. It's like a pianist fingers, for a surgeon - hands and eyesight. And when you see that a woman works a lot and looks good, know, it's three times working more to look good. This is a hard work.

When Anastasia Makeva married a singer and composer Gleb Matvechuk, fans were just delighted with this pair. But after six years of marriage Anastasia and Gleb submitted

When Anastasia Makeva married a singer and composer Gleb Matvechuk, fans were just delighted with this pair. But after six years of marriage Anastasia and Gleb submitted

Gennady Avramenko

- But do you like to relax?

- I love. Sure.

- Slawers in nature, hiking mushrooms?

- If someone call me, I'll go. But myself I do not organize similar things. Not enough strength and fantasy.

- Do you have a personal secret of success?

- The secret of success does not exist. These are all myths. They do not have anyone. Even the most mothers are always going to the Wa Bank, put on an unknown, risky and untested. Hit or miss.

- on maybe?

- No, not at any. Just "maybe" if you just wait for something. And if you are pashing like a horse, it may be supported by a good foundation. I'm not waiting for anyone from anyone. No gifts. I work a lot. Well, just not everyone who works a lot becomes successful. That's the essence of this Fart.

- Do you think yourself for imitation?

- never assessed and did not resist herself as an example. Every person has their own way, their mistakes that he allow or not.

- Are you afraid of something?

- We are always afraid of something. We are afraid to be unrealized, not to meet your destiny, not to achieve what we strive for. Of course, I am not an exception, also a lot of things afraid. But it does not stop me in the desire to be realized.

- It is said that in life you need to try everything. Are there things to which you never decide?

- Probably, these are drugs. I do not mean what is available completely to everyone, this is something that cannot be refund. I would not like to lose my life. She is valuable to me.

Anastasia loves the theater very much and tries to be on performances in Europe. At the picture of the actress in the Paris Opera

Anastasia loves the theater very much and tries to be on performances in Europe. At the picture of the actress in the Paris Opera


- Your first husband, Peter Kislov, was an actor. Divorced. The second, Gleb Matvechuk, - a musician, also diverged. Have you tried to look for a related artistic soul?

- I did not try to look for anything. My life has reduced with these people. And I was fascinated by them. Their talent, their desire to express themselves, create something. When it ended, the relationship ended.

- Two creative people in the family are too?

- No, it's not in creative people. Case in personalities. And creative people get along, and non-macatic. It all depends on the desires, aspirations, from education and feelings.

- What should be your man?

- My man should be smart and with a sense of humor.

- What can you forgive, and never?

"I can't say now that I would say, but I didn't forgive." What is permissible and what is not. I understand one thing: in the relationship it makes sense to forgive and build something, only if both want it. If both feel, love and strive. If this feeling has no one of two, everything is meaningless.

- What do you see yourself so twenty?

- Happy and homely. Surrounded by four children. Maybe with grandchildren. This is desirable.

- And for you, children in the profession is not a hindrance?

- And I do not want to spend your whole life on stage or on the set. Until old age I do not want to play. Therefore, I will make some part of my creative work, I will pass a part of my creative path and get quietly. I will gladly change the profile by making a career of a good wife, mother and grandmother. I hope.

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