And the Lark just opened: hidden places where you can hide valuable things in the car


We all saw warning signs that prohibit leave valuable things in the car, but sometimes we believe that it is more likely that they are stolen if we take things with you to the beach, going to the attractions or to the shopping center. However, criminals will not be difficult to hack the car or simply smash the window while you go to your affairs or calmly sleep at home. And often it is not necessary - sometimes we forget to close the window or block the doors. In this material, we will tell about safe places for storing things in the car.

Box under the seat

If it closes on the key, it is better to use this opportunity. Thieves can understand that there is something valuable there, however, there will be no time on hacking - usually the robbery is built on the principle of "grab and run" - the first to move everything that lies on the surfaces, and not in secluded places. And yes, the glove box is not a secluded place!

In the trunk there is a plastic compartment under the rug

In the trunk there is a plastic compartment under the rug


Secret compartments

In the car there are many shelters, about which neither you nor a criminal know. Why? And because you do not read the driver's guide, where it is all clearly painted. For example, in your trunk under the rubber mat, there is probably a compartment for storing in the form of a small drawer and the plastic cover closing it. Other areas that can be used to hide valuable things are located on the seat between the seat pillow and the back of the seat, in the storage place of the spare wheel or in the side pockets of the trunk.

Create your own caches

Buy a towel in which the pocket is sewn, or make your own towel with hidden pocket, or use pockets in clothes.

Make a slot in the tennis ball to hide small items. No one will see the cut, if not squeezes the ball

Containers for toiletries, such as female hygienic accessories, are usually avoided, so the use of a tampon or napkins to hide the items is a smart idea, or you can even hide things on the bottom of the box for napkins.

Make a fake top on a cardboard box so that it looks as if he is crammed with garbage or newspapers, and then you can place valuable things under counterfeit riding.

Use a book with cut inside storage compartment or fake car operating manual.

You can purchase lockable storage boxes that are attached to the wheel or to a solid point of the car that cannot be removed.

Between the cushion of the seat and the back, you can hide small objects

Between the cushion of the seat and the back, you can hide small objects


Hide at the right time

Do not hide things when you're going to get out of the car. If you know that you need to hide valuable things in the car, be sure to do it before parking. It makes no sense to hide objects after you parked, because people can watch what you hide and where you hide it.

There is no guarantee that your car will not be hacked, but if you take into account these tips, make sure your car is locked and determine where the items are stored, it will only reduce the likelihood that they will be stolen with you.

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