Anna Star'shenbaum in the cinema and in life


In "psychologies", Anna plays a children's psychologist. They say that the role is given so plausible, it is necessary to thank her father. The fact is that Pope Actresses - Gennady Starshenbaum is a practitioner family psychologist, Professor, Doctor of Science. At one time, he had a lot of books on psychology, he traveled a lot with lectures on the cities, taught. For the sake of Mom, Anna Gennady Vladimirovich left the family where he grew up two sons. However, in the new cell something went wrong, life did not hold down. At home, in the presence of a daughter, Dad and Mom often swear. As a result, the father left the family when Anna was only six years old. An unexpected family story for a psychologist, however, very demonstrative!

At school, Anya did not do success in their studies, but it was turned out to raise teachers and classmates, for which her disliked the teaching staff. It will paint the hair into bright colors, then it will come in the pants jelly and on the platform. In general, in order to complete the school, she was translated into the Studio Studio Vyacheslav Spesivsev. It is said that emotional instability and inner confusion were transferred to her from mom - the qualities that she perfectly applies in life and in the acting profession. The same qualities helped her from the first time to enter Gitis for the course of Vladimir Nazarov. But ... After a year and a half, Anna leaves from the university: she missed her, enthusiasm is dried. True, as Anna itself is recognized, it does not regret his act at all. In her opinion, theatrical universities kill the organic and individuality, and the failed actors teach them.

Many are called Anna and Irina Starishenbaum sisters. In fact, Irina for Anna - niece, Irina's daughter of the older brother Anna from the previous marriage of his father

Many are called Anna and Irina Starishenbaum sisters. In fact, Irina for Anna - niece, Irina's daughter of the older brother Anna from the previous marriage of his father


Nevertheless, she continued to study acting - already in the center of drama and director of Kazantsev and Roshchina. The first art-house picture "Say Leo", where Anna, being completely bald, completely exposed in the frame, went without much success. However, the girl immediately noticed. And the Star'shenbaum began with a bright public life.

And then the actress received a role that became a sign for her. She played in the youth series "Love is not what seems", and the name of the project has become a prophetic name for the actress. During the filming, Anna Starshenbaum fell in love with his partner, actor Vladimir Jaglycha. At that time, Vladimir was officially married to Svetlana Khodchenkova, but Anna gave journalists to understand that they were with Vladimir - a couple. Jaglyc himself, as people telling close to the acting, rushed between two beauties, until one of the broken trough remains. Well, Anna later with sadness admitted that Roman with Jaglich became a very bright page in her life. And that it was not even a novel, but a solid action. After all, according to her, she survived with him and passion, and pain, and suffering. True, she refused to refuse their words later.

In any case, at that time a loud romance almost destroyed the official marriage of Anna Starshenbaum. After all, she was married to another Russian actor - Alexey Bardukov (many people know about the roles in the films "Diversant", "on the game" and "metro"). With him, Starshbaum met when she turned to only sixteen. But both were then so young that could not be anything about any respect and speech. For the second time, six years later, Anna and Alexey met more mature people. Pretty soon they became husband and wife, and in 2011, the Son of Vanya was born in the spouses.

After the novel with Jaglyz, Anna tried to return to the family. And she, and her husband hoped that they would succeed to glue the broken cup. Alas, a miracle did not happen.

Last year, Anna herself told in his microblog that he broke up with her husband.

Anna Starshenbaum and Alexey Bardukov became acquainted with schoolchildren, but the husband and wife became in more mature age. In 2011, the son was born in the acting family. However, last year the couple broke up

Anna Starshenbaum and Alexey Bardukov became acquainted with schoolchildren, but the husband and wife became in more mature age. In 2011, the son was born in the acting family. However, last year the couple broke up


Anna was seriously experienced by all the troubles of personal life and even turned for help to a psychologist. There, it turned out that her problems lie in children's experiences, including those related to the departure of the Father. "In psychology there is a certain technique with a pendulum that returns you to the problems of childhood, she honestly admitted. "I returned at one moment in the past, I could look at the situation from the side and now I finally realized that I had about my life. In particular, personal relations were not as much as I would like. I could not understand why all my stories ends equally. After all, it can not be that I find men as under the car. Apparently, the problem is in me. After communicating with a psychologist, it became clear that the reason was in the wrong positioning of himself with themselves and other people. "

But in what a psychologist could not help - this is how to solve problems with her husband. Whether Anna turned too late to a specialist, whether the situation was already at that stage, when no tips could not help. In any case, today Anna is again ready for relationships. And it seems I am sure that all problems remained in the past.

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