Do you need to take children on vacation?


Immediately I want to dissuade you from the desire to regret me. Still, I wrote this column on the seashore, enjoying the last days of summer, as well as the freshest village mozzarella, tomatoes, for the taste of which you can sell the homeland, crispy chiabatta and wine from the neighboring vineyard. However, the truth here is not only in wine.

Almost all of my friends spent me on this vacation with eyes, full of sympathy, although a year ago in a similar situation there was no mourning and in risen. Then I wanted to get around all the resort pubs and asked not to forget about the gifts it is desirable not weaker than forty degrees. But over the past twelve months there were minor changes: my wife and I again became young parents, and my spouse declared my readiness for an experiment called "a journey with a baby in the hands."

Actually, it was a blow below the belt. And completely unexpected. It used to me it seemed that we had very similar views on vacation, and the baby in the system of our vacation values ​​did not fit in any way. "All Europe is so resting," our acquaintances sighed by collecting their Melinka in very long trips. "The whole europe would rest in a different way, do not be the grandmother of these children by narcissistic bones, which in pensions instead of the grandchildren are interested in cruises," every time I wanted to notice in response. And here we yourself came on rakes, which used to successfully managed. And we can say that the track to them we suggested modern medicine: Pediatricians now advise almost from the first days of life to drag babies to the sea.

True, before getting to the sea, we arrived in Sheremetyevo. At about four o'clock in the morning. We had three suitcases for luggage, three handbag bags, a stroller, a seven-month child, whose behavior did not give in any forecasts, and a ten-year-old Mademoiselle, ready to disappear at any moment in an unknown direction. We had a flight to Rome, an hourly docking and another flight to the city with the name, still rejected my memory. It was quite obvious that we would not go to any pre-flight mood. That was not even in thoughts. Only memories of flight in Berlin climbed. About a wonderful German child who rolled almost a two-hour concert, who did not give way to the view of any Rammstein in terms of noise, as well as a colleague in a nearby chair, viciously sispeted about small shivered, Mother-Dur and Stewardess, who are not able to stop this nightmare. Apparently, we had to survive for several hours of total hatred from the outside.

After halfway to Rome, I went to the toilet to throw away the diaper, full of childhood surprises, and came across a long-fashioned acquaintance. She flew in the company of colleagues to Timbilding. All of them were very fun. Still would! Few people will load after early breakfast with wine. My appearance caused mixed feelings. It is not excluded that the diaper was impressed primarily, which for many of them was something like a small alien ship. We chatted a little, and heading back to our place, I suddenly realized that I had no feeling black envy, as well as irreversible pity for myself - emotions, quite appropriate when a collision with merry carelessness. All nervousness remained in Moscow, and it is possible that calmness gave me very restless daughters, who suddenly decided to enter the image of noble maidens.

True, today these noble girls behave like small fours, so it's time for me to persuade the English older and go to walk with the younger. I can say that for myself I answered two important questions. Do you need to take children on vacation? Of course not. Is it possible to relax with them? Sure you may.

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