Stars coincided to be together: as the signs of the zodiac affect the marriage


Muscovite Svetlana has not been lucky for a long time in his personal life. Already, the hours have long shown thirty, and the girlfriends all had a marriage, and in the lights find the desired future husband did not work. The girl even began to suspect that she was conspired. But everything decided to go to the astrologer - it was he who advised Svetlana to pay attention to men born under a certain zodiac sign. Today, Svetlana is a good husband, the daughter will grow up. After all, everything that was needed is to listen to the stars.

Millennium people determined their future on the stars. And today, despite scientific and technological progress, the interest of people to astrology is not reduced. After all, there are truth in horoscopes, and even the most skeptical rationalists cannot help but recognize that sometimes, reading your horoscope, they themselves are amazed, as far as everything in life coincides with predictions.

Choosing a spouse, a partner for a permanent relationship is one of those steps to do which best, contacting the signs of the zodiac and their compatibility. After all, not all signs of the zodiac are combined with each other. Moreover, studying the signs of the zodiac, we can make an approximate idea of ​​what can be expected from a person born under a specific sign. All are well-known and fundamental "Capricorn", loving "Tales", mysterious "fish". Each sign of the zodiac is their distinctive features, their riddles and their smiles.

Vera Hubelshvili

Vera Hubelshvili


There are four combinations of zodiac signs that ensure the initial harmony of the marriage relationship. Four more combinations allow us to create a relatively harmonious marriage - not the perfect, but completely tolerant and happy. So, very strong marriages concluded between representatives of the same zodiac sign. After all, this is a union of related souls that may have differences from each other by virtue of birth in different years or different times of the day and night. But who will better understand the fish than another fish?

To those signs that are best launched with representatives of their own sign, are Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The harmonious are marriage of the first and fourth signs, the first and seventh, first and tenth signs of the zodiac.

Some signs of the zodiac initially tend to be "slave", that is, they need a stronger partner who will take on either the decision of the financial and administrative "family issues, or become a strong rear for a small cell of society. For example, it does not prevent a strong partner of the scales or cancer. But in fish, impracticality and dreaminess can serve poor service in the family, especially if the family will face some material or household difficulties. Some of the spouses or partners will have to make an effort on themselves and take on the role of the "leader", but not every person born under the sign of the fish, it will cope with such a role.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that whatever compatibility with a sign of the zodiac sign, any marriage, even the most good and harmonious, can be destroyed with your own hands, if you do something that definitely does not like another partner. Therefore, compatibility is compatible, but it is necessary to adhere to the marriage of elementary moral and moral principles, not to do another person of what you do not want for yourself, and then the marriage will definitely be happy.

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