Master class: secret of perfect posture


In our rapid century, the path to success is ensured not only by professional skills.

And career ambitions, in many ways it depends on how you look. External appeal does not mean model parameters, and consists of such components as:

- open smile and readiness for dialogue;

- positive mood;

- Confident gait and straight posture;

- Expanded, but not intense shoulders.

This is a lifestyle when you have always managed everywhere, skillfully combine work and rest, do not forget about full sleep, balanced nutrition and active physical exertion, and also use competently selected professional cosmetics to extend your youth and beauty. As practice shows, a successful and attractive person cannot be refused. But to become successful, you will have to work!

"Gerontology, or science on the extension of youth, argues that there are no age-related states and diseases" from age ", there are bad conditions and illness from the lifestyle," says Evgeny Mazur personal coach. - Exercise, well-thought-out food and professional cosmetic care give us health and strength, and therefore, and a wonderful mood. Yes, and any clothes look much better at a slim, trained body, which gives its owner even more confidence in their own forces and opportunities.

To become a successful person, it is necessary to undergo complete reconstruction of your lifestyle and develop new habits. Let's start with the "outer shell" - our skin. Being part of the distinguishing system of a person, the skin can not be beautiful if you use "fast food garbage" as food and have a weak muscle system, without any tone. The skin only repeats the contours of the muscles on the face and body, and its condition is directly connected with the work of the endocrine system, part of which is just muscles.

An attractive appearance depends on the healthy state of the body, and this is a well-developed muscular corset in combination with the correct power mode, when all products on your table "from the desired bed of an environmentally friendly farm", as well as in the correct proportions and quantities.

As the hippocrates said, "healing the addition of movements and subtraction of unnecessary food";

"Nutrition must be treatment, and the treatment itself is nutrition."

I will add that sufficient holidays in the form of sleep, weekends, vacations should also become treatment and recovery, and treatment (recovery) - rest. Aesthetics of a beautiful face and perfect body, the condition of the skin and the rate of exchange processes is directly related to our diet. Therefore, being in a supermarket or on the market, give preference to seasonal fruits and vegetables. In the summer and at the beginning of the autumn, we are not at all necessary for rich food, because there are no strong cold weather and the body does not need additional energy resources to warm up. In warm time, severe calorie food is slower thanks and can create backgrounds.

It is over the whole organism in the intestines in the intestines in the intestines. Of course, the skin will suffer from this - it will become dull, lifeless, wrinkles will appear on it. "

Muscles in Answer

"So, we found that the skin condition depends on the balanced nutrition, the story of Evgenia Mazur continues. - In addition, the skin is a beautiful "shell" of the trained muscles, as they repeats their contours. We, like every living organism, have muscles that work on an ongoing basis, regardless of our conscious control, is a diaphragm and heart muscle. The state and performance of the most important muscles for the vital activity depend on the entire muscle system of the body. When the muscles grow and the load on them increases, it grows and becomes stronger, it pumps a greater amount of blood, thereby normalizing pressure, feeding the fabric, deriving from the body

Defrost products and toxins. By the way, the age-related heightened pressure is nothing but compensation for a lack of muscle work to fill the brain power. Moderate physical exertion normalize pressure at any age, it is only worth starting to train regularly. In other words, beauty directly depends on our health, and health - from physical activity. "

The secret of beautiful shoulders

We often expose your shoulders and adjacent zones of hands, backs, chest, but extremely rarely purposefully train them. Meanwhile, the age of the woman is always treacherously give out the neck, the area of ​​the neckline, the portion of the hand from the elbow to the shoulder joint, as well as the back side of the forearm. The shoulders and the top of the back, as a rule, are not enough tone and elasticity, over the years they become weak, lethargic, are experiencing excess fat, especially in the area of ​​triceps (three-chapted muscles of the shoulder) and the armpits, which is a characteristic female feature. Such a deplorable state is explained not only to laziness, but also because we are afraid to excessively train your shoulders, as it is believed that then our silhouette will become less feminine. In fact, women are much

It is more difficult than men, achieve athletic and muscular silhouette: This is due to another structure of the muscles and the presence of female hormones, which prevent excessive development of muscle tissue. But the elastic and beautifully defined muscles of the shoulders and the backs are beneficial to emphasize the challenge of any woman, make it possible to look great in open clothing

With deep cuts.

To form a proportional and beautiful shoulder belt, it is necessary to be attentive in choosing exercises on the upper body. Such exercises should contribute to the royal posture and the proud head position.

"As you know, tilted down the head creates additional wrinkles and folds

On the neck, and the shoulders cuffered forward (kipho posture) form deep furrows in the district zone, - notes Evgenia Mazur. - Properly selected load on the shoulders, back and hands will help to avoid age-related breast sagging and strengthen the muscles that emphasize the natural hollow in the middle of the chest and make your image more sexy.

Separately, I want to say about the muscles of the back. In the cells of these muscles there is a large number of genital hormones: estrogen - in women and androgen - in men. Therefore, actively affecting physical exercises on the muscles of the back muscles, we will increase their attractiveness.

In the eyes of the opposite sex. In addition, exercises contribute to the development of growth hormones, whose activity is gradually decreasing after the period of puberty. Thus, we extend youth and life with the help of competently selected physical exertion.

Is it not an additional stimulus to buy a block from a master trainer? "

Tips from the coach-physiologist, a specialist in theory and methods of recreational fitness Evgenia Mazur:

• the most useful and fat burning sleep - from 10 pm and up to 4 am;

• The most useful fat burners - fruits and vegetables with a maximum amount of antioxidants;

• the most miraculous workouts - at the master coach with extensive experience and higher coaching education;

• The most miraculous cosmetic leaving effects for the face and body can be found in the "Fitness-Style from Evgenia Mazur" catalog.

Safety during training:

- Do not forget about the warm-up and heating of the muscles;

- Do not exercise too fast;

- Getting Started with a new complex, ask the coach to trace the correctness of its execution.

Master class from Evgenia Mazur:

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

one. Take the starting position.

Sit on the step platform, legs must be placed and bent in the knees

At an angle of 90 degrees relative to the floor (you can raise them slightly above). This is necessary for stable venous returns, which remove the state of "heavy" (edema) legs, especially in the ankle area. We commit direct hands to the sides with dumbbells (350 g), which will remove the tension in the elbow joints and form a beautiful middle delta (shoulder). Exercise can be repeated up to 30 times.

Coach Council: Each time lifting the hands to squeeze dumbbells and linger, excluding inertness.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

2. . Isometric hang with focus on straight hands. Feet should be bent in the knees and raised at right angles. You need to stay from 1.5 to 5 minutes. Repeat several times. Exercise forms posture, shoulder belt, relief of all muscle groups of hands. Basic exercise for all groups of muscle stabilizers.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

3. Isometric focus of direct hands on an unstable support (burdened ball) with alternate lifting legs. Basic exercise for the formation of a beautiful posture, all muscle groups, shoulders, chest, muscle stabilizers of abdomen and backs. (The technique of execution is the same as in Ex. 2. - Approx. Ed.)

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

four . Isometric VIS when stopped on straight hands forward. Exercise forms all muscle groups of hands, shoulders, neckline zones, as well as muscle-stabilizers of the back and abdomen. (The technique of execution is the same as in Ex. 2. - Approx. Ed.)

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

five. Isometric VIS and push-ups when removing with hands from behind. The exercise is basic, forms posture, all muscle groups, backs, muscle stabilizers.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

6. Beautiful exercise on the formation of posture and muscle stabilizers on unstable

Simulator - Bosu.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

7. We make vertical "scissors" on an unstable simulator. Exercise is recommended for the formation of posture and removal of clamps in the lumbar spine.

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