Layisan Utyasheva: "You are not a woman robot"


"Love yourself is how? The topic is volume ... If you love yourself to truly, then you will strive for good well-being, as a result, to good appearance, promising work, etc. Everything comes from love for yourself, "the champion in rhythmic gymnastics noted. Layisan called on the subscribers of her personal blog in Instagram to be guided by the principle of rational egoism to know exactly what and when they want to get or do. This is, according to a woman, will allow not to become a "victim."

There is a word "need"

"Love for yourself is not always pleasure, this is a clear understanding that some points just need to do for yourself. For example, it is unlikely that someone is buzzing from cleaning teeth in the morning, but this is the necessary ritual, which you are not questioning, "said Urtyashev. In her opinion, regular workouts can also be attributed to rituals, the correct day of the day. Before you eat a flour or drink a glass of wine, Layisan proposes to ask yourself a question:

"What will it bring me, except for minute pleasure?"

Work is not wolf

In the preparation of working tasks should also adhere to the measure - there must be 2-3, no more. It is not worth putting records on productivity, because you are not robots, emphasizes TV presenter, - otherwise this business will quickly bother and you will stop working at all. Layisan calls for every day to give time to himself, "After all, no one has canceled with one of happiness with each other - to put a cup of coffee, lying through the ribbon; View the magazine in a beautiful cafe at the window at the window; Take a bath with candles (not for someone, and for yourself). "

Old age in joy

"You are just that type of woman who in old age will not say:" Eh, if you knew youth, and the old age could? "Everyone is impossible to envisage, but at least a self-storage regime needs to be included ..." - concluded the post of Uriashev. Indeed, life should be built around you yourself. Justifying dislike in yourself a shortage of time, you are sly. The problem is much deeper, in the subconscious, where installations that prevent living in their pleasure are formed from an early age, and not to be sacrificed to the family.

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