5 daily use items whose names you say wrong


How was any language? If you do not go into the theory, in fact, people agreed that everyone would call a stone stone, and the sun with the sun. However, with the development of the language, the subjects often appear other names - in one case they borrow them from a foreign language, in the other - they simplify the word to simple pronunciation. In Russian, mainly borrowing occurs from English and French - so it happened during the story. Want to know what names of objects do we say not as they are in the dictionary?

Knife sharpener

This word explicitly happened from the verb to "sharpen", which is easier to convert, than to remember the correct name of the tool. Nevertheless, competently say "Musat" is a long metal rod with a handle, which you can sharpen a knife. Another form of "cutters" is a sharpening stone, so saying it is also correct.

Tell me

Tell the "Stop" to the word "sharpener"

Photo: unsplash.com.


According to the name of the brand, it is often called objects: for example, instead of the "designer" say "Lego". The same happened with children's diapers - they were given the name "diapers" by the name of the American brand, in 1965 patented the first absorbing panties for children. Also in Russia, this brand appeared one of the first, because people used to pronounce him into a foreign manner. However, in the US themselves, instead of "Pampers" say "Diapers", which is the right option. Take note!


In everyday life, a serving spoon is often called a cook - this word happened from the name of the cook profession, because the chefs often use this tool when feeding dishes. And even the word is not very correct, this word comes from the noun "half", which means half of the serving of the dish, because the standard grandmother is really less than the usual portion of soup. The correct name of this subject is a dispensing spoon.


When the family business of imagrantes from Italy by the name Yakotszi developed, their company's name quickly became nominated. In fact, Jacuzzi is just a brand, and the item itself is called the "hydromassage bath". In Russia, such a name was accustomed to Anglicism, which at one time was intentionally used to underlit the status position of the owner of the expensive aggregate. Plus, pronounce "Jacuzzi" instead of the phrase "hydromassage bath" at times easier.

It's time to call it

It's time to call it a "hydromassage bath", and not "Jacuzzi"

Photo: unsplash.com.


Google: There is no word tape in English. And all because it is correct to call the adhesive tape, or an adhesive tape, if we speak scientific language. The name "Scotch" passed, again, by analogy with the brand, which began production of adhesive tape in the United States. Moreover, the name of the company was literally chosen by the people - many buyers complained that the tape was impregnated with a sticky substance only on the sides, and not in the center - in this they saw a truly Scottish habit of saving on everything that Americans do not like.

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