We behave fine: how to turn the baby in neurotic


The importance of social norms is one of the strongest topics in sociology, especially it is common in the theory of family and relationships. Social norms are most often considered as a social control mechanism. Some norms define as promial standards contributing to the actions that benefit to society to them, according to Balla and Coke researchers, include the institutionalization of marriage standards, the transition to marriage and parental care for children. Other rules are considered as having negative consequences, such as the norms of women's beauty and weight norm. In this material, let's talk about why an attempt to summarize the child under the norm indicates unhealthy parents.

Faster, higher, stronger

No wonder among young people walks a joke about the "son of the mother's girlfriend" - the comical phrase reflects the acute social problem with which every teenager faces. Wanting to see Chado in the future successful, parents try to motivate it in different ways. If a loving family is usually offered to choose a hobby, pay for classes with a tutor or ship into the language camp, then in other cases, parents are limited to humiliation. Moreover, the humiliation is not always expressed in an open form as an insult. Often it is masked under the formula "We want to you better": a comparison with more successful peers, examples of unsuccessful fates of relatives and so on that allegedly should stimulate the child get up from the sofa and start acting.

Do not make learning, comparing with others

Do not make learning, comparing with others

Photo: unsplash.com.

I am uncomfortable for you

While some children are happily running around the playground and, about horror, allow themselves to laugh in a cafe loud and playing with toothpicks at the table, others sit on a fast and say in a whisper. Interestingly, in European culture, especially in Italy and Spain, children are condescendingly to the dambling of children - no adult will not be able to wrap a child for crying or loud laughter. Our kids since childhood are taught to be hiking herbs so that they are not noticeable - on the holidays are sacred for a separate table, in the shopping center rent in an entertainment room and prohibit interfere in the conversation of adults. Just do not be surprised that the tougher child also definitely does not want to communicate with you, because it's used to always be awarded and entertain yourself.

Experiments can not be canceled

Even if your daughter is blurring a new dress, rushing from the slide, and the son will fall from the bicycle and comes in ripped jeans - it is not scary. Before you increase your voice and scold, think at least a minute - what do you keep in mind to a child? Caution and desire to spoil anything, grafted by parents and grandmothers, forever rushes in him the desire for new heights and the desire to risk for their dreams. The path to success always lies through a series of takeoffs and falls, and not to give up, he needs a steel character and life experience. None of the torn pants do not stand baby laughter and sincere happiness in the eyes.

Let the child explore the world around

Let the child explore the world around

Photo: unsplash.com.

Remember the child's birthday every time you want to shout on it or hit. It was on this day that you fell in love of it certainly - do not spoil the relationship constructed for years for a minute weakness of character.

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