Gentle mousse cakes Yulia Savicheva


The singer has already collected more than 30 copyright recipes. "I became a fan of mousse cakes! Someone will say that I am crazy, but I just like to make gifts in this form. And more is a creative self-expression for me. Plus not only aesthetically, but also very, very tasty! And, of course, exclusively! Making such cakes is difficult, but believe me, it is worth it! "(Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx.)

Julia admitted that the main pleasure it was not experiencing from eating sweets, but from the process of decorating and turning the dessert into the work of art. In this, she is sure, she is still far to perfection, but there is no perfection limit

Mousse Cream Berry Cake

The cake turned out to be a gentle and incredibly tasty☺️! Inside the raspberry mousse with blueberry berries and raspberries on thin layers of the biscuit. He poured the whole mousse based on white chocolate, decorated with blueberries, raspberries and phizalis. From above sugar powder.

Biscuit : 130 g. Sugar; 130 g. Flour; 4 eggs; vanillin; ½ h. L. Baking powder; a pinch of salt; 40. Creamy oil

Raspberry Mousse : 150. Malinic puree; 150 ml. cream; 50 g. Sahara; 8 gelatin; Blueberry, raspberry to taste

Creamy mousse : 200 g. White chocolate; 300 ml. milk; 16 gelatin; 600 ml. cream

Start with cooking Biscuits : Separate proteins from yolks. We whipitate proteins with half sugar and a pinch of salt to steep peaks. The remaining sugar is whipped with yolks and vaniline (or vanilla extract) to lush foam, then with silicone spatula gently connect both masses. We add sifted with a bundle of flour. We wash carefully to do not stand the dough. Then add melted butter and mix again. We distribute the mass to a smooth layer on the baking sheet, shining parchment paper (or silicone mat). In a heated to 180 degrees, the oven bake 7-9 minutes.

Raspberry mousse: Raspberry puree with sugar is brought to a boil, then add gelatin (sheet or crumbly - does not matter, the main thing is on the packaging method of application). We whip the cream to soft peaks. We are waiting for the raspberry mashed potatoes cool, and mix with cream with a whisk to homogeneity.

Cream mousse: Milk is brought to a boil, add white chocolate. Mix thoroughly, then enter gelatin. We whip the cream to soft peaks. When the chocolate mass cools, mix with cream to homogeneity with a whisk.

Cake assembly: Cut the two biscuits with a diameter of 18 cm. At the bottom of silicone shape (18 cm) lay off the biscuit, pour half of the raspberry mousse, lay the berries, then another layer of biscuit, crimson mousse, berries. We remove the stuffing in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

The bottom of the rings with a diameter of 22 cm. We are tightened by the food film, we make a high on-board tape inside the form. We put the ring on the board. Remove the raspberry stuffing from the form, put it in the center of the rings by biscuit down. Fill the creamy mousse from above and send a cake in the freezer for the night or for 8 hours if you are doing during the day.

When the cake is frozen, put it on the substrate, remove from the form. Decorate with berries and powdered sugar before serving.

Cake with a taste of Tula gingerbread with condensed milk

Recently celebrated grandparents. What kind of birthday without a cake? The birthday boy adores Tula Gingerbread. I decided to cook for him a cake with your favorite taste. It turned out very interesting. Grandfather satisfied.

Biscuit : 200 ml of vegetable oil; 3 eggs; 130 g of flour; 150 g of sugar; 8 g soda; 15 ml of lemon juice; 1 g of salts; Cinnamon, carnation, nutmeg to taste (in general, a maximum of 10 g); 150 g prunes

Cream: 400 g of cream cheese; 200 ml of cream; 30 g of sugar powder; 300 g of boiled condensed milk;

For Cooking We need a large container in which we will knead the dough. Pour vegetable oil into this container, add sugar and beat 2-3 minutes (or inner, if you are more convenient). Further, alternately (every 1.5 minutes), add one egg, continuing to beat. Next, to the resulting mass, add flour, which you first need to mix it with all spices from the previous post. We rinse prunes, we dry and cut to taste (medium or finely) and add to the container. We add soda, haired by lemon juice, and mix, distribute by ring with a diameter or 18 cm, or 22 cm (like me). The first embodiment of three cortex (if you chose a diameter of 18 cm). We bake one in the oven preheated to 180 degrees 15-20 minutes. Checking a wooden wand readiness of the cortex. The second embodiment of the cortex (if you chose a diameter of 22 cm as I), then you will have 2 delicate attitudes. Lifehak from me: After baking, I divided the cakes in half, lay down on each other and got a half-cake (see photo).

Next, mix cream . Cold CHIZ mix mix with cold creams, whipped, add sugar powder. Important, condensed milk is whipped separately no more than 10 seconds (!!!). Both creams are creamy and whipped condensed milk pour separately each into a confectionery bag. After the cakes cooled begin Collect cake: If you have chosen an option with baking round cortery with a diameter of 18 cm. We take round shape and start to collect our cake in the following sequence: down the root of the root, then we make a uniform layer of a confectionery cream, the second layer from the same bag make edging in a circle (In order for peculiar flights from the cream), and the center fill in condensed milk, then it goes the second look of the look and repeat the same procedure with the cream as I described earlier. The last cake is covered with cream. The collected cake is removed into the fridge for the night; If you have chosen an option with baking half a cake (like me), then, accordingly, we do the same thing, but without a round form.

Mousse carrot-orange cake covered with mirror icing

The cake is incredibly fragrant and gentle.

Biscuit : 1 egg; 70 gr. flour; 85 gr. Sahara; 85 gr. vegetable oil; 0.5 h. L. baking powder; 1 tsp. cinnamon; 0.5 h. L. nutmeg; the zest of one orange; a pinch of salt; vanilla; one small carrot; 40 gr. Walnut

Compote : one middle carrot; juice of one big orange; 0.5 h. L. lemon juice; 4 gr. gelatin

Mousse : 300 gr. mascarpone; 300 grams of white chocolate; 300 gr. cream 33-35 percent; vanilla; 8 gr. gelatin

Glaze : 300 gr. invert syrup or liquid honey; 300 gr. Sahara; 150 gr. water; 200 gr. condensed milk; 300 gr. white chocolate; 20 gr. gelatin; food coloring

Biscuit : Whip the egg with sugar, salt. Sift flour with cinnamon, nutmeg, vaniline and baking powder. We mix with silicone spatula. We add a march on a large grater carrot, orange zest, chopped walnut and oil. We bake in the form 18-20 cm. In preheated to 180 gr. oven 30 min.

Compote: Finely cut the carrots, drunk, purrising. We add juice orange, lemon. Mix with gelatin (plates or powder soaked). We pour into the form of 18-20 cm. And we remove in the freezer for an hour - two.

Mousse : Beat the mascarpone with vanilla. Clean the chocolate, add in mascarpone and continue to beat. Then we enter gelatin. We whipitate cream with a pinch of salt to soft peaks. We mix both masses.

Glaze : Invert syrup or liquid honey with sugar, condensed milk and water to boil in the bucket. Add gelatin, white chocolate, food dye. We pierce a blender under the tilt to homogeneity. Operating temperature 35 degrees.

Build cake : on the bottom of the form 22-24 cm. Pour part of the mousse. Remove compote from the form and put it on mousse. Fill the layer of mousse and put a biscuit at the end. So you collect a cake upside down. We remove into the freezer for the night.

The next day we fill with icing and decorated at will.

Raspberry-apricot mousse cake

At the heart of Mousse - seasonal apricots with a layer of raspberry mousse and crimson confinement with fresh raspberries. Substrate - Joconda (almond biscuit). From above, mirror glaze, curd whipped cream with cream, raspberry, decoration, fresh thyme. Here is such a cake dessert I prepared for Ani on her birthday. 6 hours of work and - voila!

Raspberry confi: 200 gr. Puree raspberries with 50 gr. Sugar bring to a boil. 5 gr. Gelatin Soak and squeeze, add to mashed potatoes. The ring with a diameter of 18-20 cm below is coated with a food film and on-board ribbon. Pour the cooked liquid and sprinkled on top of fresh raspberries. Remove into the freezer.

Raspberry mousse: 150 gr. Raspberry puree with 50 gr. Sugar bring to a boil. 8 gr. swollen and pressed gelatin add to the resulting mass.

Beat 150 gr. Cream 33-35 percent. Before soft peaks. Mix both masses when the puree and cream will become room temperature.

Let's get confusing from frost and pour raspberry mousse from above. We remove the stuffing somewhere for 40-50 minutes in the freezer.

Apricot Mousse: 250 gr. Apricot puree, 55 gr. sugar, 100 gr. White chocolate, 16 grams. Gelatin, 400 ml of cream 33-35 percent. By analogy with the raspberry mousse.

Biscuit Joconda: We beat one egg with 45 gr. Sugar powder to lush whitewashed mass. We add 10 gr. Wheat flour. We whipitate the protein with a pinch of salt to steep peaks. We connect the masses of silicone spatula. Add 45 gr. Almond flour. And at the end of 7 gr. melted cooled butter.

We distribute the resulting dough evenly with a thickness of 1 cm on a silicone rug or parchment paper. We bake at 170 degrees to golden color. When the biscuit cools out, cut out the circle of that diameter from it, which is used under the filling of the cake.

Cake assembly: The bottom of the rings with a diameter of 22-25 cm is tightened with a food film, we make onboard tape. At the bottom of the center laying the biscuit, pour a part of the apricot mousse. We put in frost for 20-30 minutes. Next, get out of the refrigerator filling and flooded biscuit. We put a filling in the center of the rings with a biscuit. Fill all the remaining apricot mousse. We put in the freezer for the night.

Mirror glaze: 125 ml of water from 225 gr. Sugar, 225 gr. glucose syrup or liquid honey and 10 grams of cream 33-35 percent. Connect in the bucket and bring to a boil. Add 100 gr. White chocolate, mix thoroughly. Add 18 grams. swollen and pressed gelatin in the mixture. Add liquid dye. Punch with a blender under the tilt. Operating temperature Glazes 27-30 degrees.

Cake for husband

Cake, which I prepared my husband in honor of his birthday! I wanted to do something more brutal and male. It turned out a chocolate biscuit cake with a prune, painted in Amaretto, walnut and creamy caramel cream.

Biscuit: 10 eggs; 300 g of sugar; 250 g of flour; 50 g cocoa; 100 g of butter; ½ h. L. Basin

Cream: 600 ml cream 33-35 percent; 300 g of boiled condensed milk;

Walnut, prunes, amaretto to taste.

Pries to wash, dry and cut into cubes, soak into an amaretto, cover with a food film. Walnuts to fry on a dry frying pan. Beat eggs with sugar to thick foam. Sift flour with a bustle to the resulting mass. Gently mix with silicone spatula. Add cocoa creamy oil, mix, introduce into the dough. Mind to homogeneity from the bottom up.

We bake the biscuit in the form of 24 cm in the oven preheated to 180 degrees at least 30 minutes. Readiness to check with a wooden wand. We whipitate cream and condensed milk, then mix the silicone blade. Must get a thick cream.

We divide the biscuit for 4 subtle embers. Let them cool, we take a knife for bread, make exemplary notches. Further, rotating the root in a circle, do cuts until they get the right, round shape. The top of the biscuit also cut off the knife so that it becomes perfectly smooth.

Further collect cake, Covered every cake cream, without spare. To taste sprinkled with nuts and painted prunes. We collect a layer behind the layer. Cake cover with cream and put in the fridge for the night. The next day, if you have a cream, you can align the cake, and decorate it to taste. I decorated with melted dark chocolate, nuts, prunes, raisins and pieces of the remaining biscuit. I wish those who decide to prepare this delicious cake - good luck.

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