Oleg Gazmanov: "I can not say that I have a hurry to become a grandfather"


At the end of July, Oleg Gazmanov will be 65 years old. It is difficult to believe even those who know the nationwide singer well. It is possible that in a few weeks one of the most vigorous and at the same time busy retirees will appear in the country. The daily life of the artist is new songs, concerts, preparation for the anniversary tour, a large family, sports, travel.

- Oleg Mikhailovich, you will soon be 65 years old, although hard to believe it. What age do you feel for yourself?

- I feel my years at forty physically. And psychologically - for 150 years, because life is not the number of years, but accumulated impressions.

- Rarely who at your age boasts such a physical form. At the same time, you are not like a person who is obsessed with sports or a diet ...

- I am not a supporter of some manic diets, it is almost all, but adhere to separate nutrition. If you have the opportunity to climb the fifth floor, I climb. That is, always trying to load yourself. I get up at nine in the morning and do some exercises, it takes about 12-15 minutes. And so for more than forty years. As you can see, helps. I also decided for myself that every year I would add one after pressing. And their quantity will correspond to the past years. This year I will have to be pressed 65 times. But to push 65 times, you need to do it every day. And there is some other psychological settings that I adapted for myself. I do not answer when angry, I do not promise when happy I am writing funny songs when sad when fun - I am writing ballads. I am engaged in sports when I was tired and did not sleep, I smile when annoyed, and I do not solve the secret.

- What else do you like to do in addition to work and sports?

- Many years ago, I had some enlightenment. I thought about what I was doing how I live. And I decided that I would work where I like, to meet only with those people who are interesting to me, and not with the necessary career. Since then, everything is interesting for me. Now I am organizing an anniversary concert and an anniversary tour. And in parallel I have projects of some songs, stocks. For example, I already put the trees for twenty years. Well, plus some melodies, songs are constantly spinning in my head. I then arrange it, I write down, I sing, I remove the clips and so on. This life goes and will continue for a long time.

Since Music has become a major interest in life in life, frequent meetings of the father and son sometimes interfere with tour graphics sometimes interfere. But when two artists are still found, the time they have plenty for once

Since Music has become a major interest in life in life, frequent meetings of the father and son sometimes interfere with tour graphics sometimes interfere. But when two artists are still found, the time they have plenty for once

- I recently appeared a photo where you and the son of Rodion ride a karting. Did you have a new passion?

- The photo appeared, but this does not mean that I am fond of karting. In general, this is an employee, but not quite mine. Because I am more interested in such entertainment, where the motor is not involved. For example, I do not like Aquabika, but windsurfing. Bike, not a motorcycle. That is, I prefer hobbies where my movements depend on me, my physical effort. I am also interested in football. I recently tried hockey. It is very difficult, especially in my age. And I also adore tennis, as well as skiing.

- You have grown three beautiful children. Do you have branded educational methods?

- I can't call myself the perfect father and an example for imitation. Unfortunately, I always lacked time for children. Therefore, I am very grateful to my wife Marus, who pays their upbringing so much attention. And I give them your accumulated wealth. It has every father - his unique life experience. You want your children to do not smoke, then do not smoke yourself. You want them to engage in sports, "you must submit an example. And when they see how my lifestyle acts on me, in what form I am in my years, I think this is the most important example for them.

- Your eldest son Rodion eventually chose music and has already reached some success. Junior are interested in creativity?

- Rodion writes poems, music is absolutely independent of me. I personally really like what he is doing. He works sincerely, it gives him joy in life. Philip, younger son, turned eighteen. He is studying in England and just came to vacation. Philipp is very successfully engaged in drawing, as well as multiple, that is, masters different sports. Marianne is studying in Moscow, she is twelve years old. She loves to take pictures, engaged in dancing along with the Todes team and until he does not know who wants to become.

- Photos of Philip periodically appear in the network, hinting that he decided to do a model business. What do you think about this?

- I do not think he is seriously engaged in model business. He is a handsome guy, tighten, dresses well - it attracts attention. And he concluded a contract with a company that makes photos. On this, his communication with the model business ends. The main thing for him is studying, admission to the university and such a creative moment as drawing. Those professional artists who showed his work quite highly appreciated them. But he, too, does not yet know who will be.

- Already thought about grandchildren?

- I can not say that I have a hurry to become a grandfather. I am ready to wait, and suffer. And I, in general, while there is no time to do grandchildren. I think it will work out and it will turn out.

Oleg and his spouse Marina adore travels. Both children, eighteen-year-old Philip and twelve-year-old Marianna, gladly share this passion for parents

Oleg and his spouse Marina adore travels. Both children, eighteen-year-old Philip and twelve-year-old Marianna, gladly share this passion for parents

- Even after thirteen years of marriage, you with your wife Marina look like a couple in love. How to maintain such feelings?

- We have everything like people - there are also quarrels, and reconciliation. The most important thing is not to keep evil, be patient, stopped and be able to try to each other. I am very grateful to my wife, which makes great efforts to improve the degree of our relationship. And I also try to help her. We both love nature and conduct an active lifestyle. Recently learned to walk with sticks in the forest - Norwegian walking. It is very united. The snowboard was mastered, as well as kayak and canoe. There are some points that really unite us. So we try to make it more in our life.

- In your musical arsenal dozens of hits. How do inspiration come to you?

"Inspiration is such an unborn muse, which comes to me then when it flies." It does not happen that I put a blank sheet of paper, sat down and thought: now I will write a hat. I usually say that I do not write songs, and songs write me. Events in the world, politics, sports, my emotions, love - all this goes through me. I have such a property - to connect these emotions with poetry, and then with music. And when this happens - it does not depend on me. Maybe in the plane and at home; You can jump at night, you can write in the afternoon to write something. But when inspiration comes to me, this is the highest feeling. Well, of course, along with love.

- Sixty five years old - a serious date. Already thought how would you celebrate?

- I will invite your close friends. Those people with whom I go through life. Those with whom I wonder and nice. Those with whom we can watch each other in our eyes, hug, shake hands. To say what we think about each other, check our friendship and get a good mood from all this.

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