3 Exercises for good posture


Back, like any other part of the body, needs regular and correct training. They will help develop the muscle corset, which along with the spine helps to hold the body in a vertical position. Many due to lack of time or lack of opportunity to visit the fitness club prefer to do at home. For most exercises performed at home, dumbbells or rubber tape are required.

Main principles of domestic training:

- Regularity of classes. Training needed 2-4 times a week. More frequent classes will not give muscles to recover, and rare simply will not give results.

- gradual increase in the burden on the body. All exercises should be carried out with marginal caution, and the number of repetitions and exercise themselves increase gradually.

- Systemity. It is important to carry out all the exercises approaches 10-15 repetitions.

- Diversity. It is better to use different exercises - it will give the opportunity to load all the muscles gradually.

Marina Vlasova

Marina Vlasova

Here is an example of some exercises that can be done at home with a rubber ribbon.


Put the loop on the floor and stand on it with two legs, keep your legs on the width of the shoulders, the feet must be parallel. Bend your knees and completely straightened hands take the edges of the loop. Keep the torso at an angle of 45 degrees. Smoothly, without jerks, on the exhale, straighten your knees and torso. Then take the initial position on the breath. Exercise correctly: Keep the spin smooth; Do not break the heels from the floor; Try to reduce the blades together.

Thrust down on straight hands

Secure the rubber loop at about 30 cm above your head, right arms take over the edge of the rubber loop. On inhale with straight hands, pull the loop down to the touch of the front of the thigh. On the exhalation slowly return to the initial position. This exercise can be performed with a small inclination of the housing forward. When performing an exercise with a rubber ribbon, the hands should be straight, elbows look at the sides.

Craving for belly sitting

Sit on the floor, straighten your feet (you can run down in your knees). Take a loop for the edges, and the center is tapped on the feet. Pull the loop to the stomach, while the elbows are kept as close as possible to the body. At the end point, lock the position for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to its original position. During the execution of the exercise, do not round and do not deviate the back. Try to reduce the blades.

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