What to expect from the continuation of "sleeping"


The action of the picture unfolds in 2015, a year and a half after the events of the first part of the film, on the border between Libya and Tunisia, where a large-scale terrorist attack in Moscow is being prepared on one of the terrorist bases. In the main roles, the actors Igor Petrenko, Natalia Rogozhkin, Dmitry Ulyanov, were starred at the top part of the paintings.

The main characters of the series in the first part were in a love triangle. As a result, the famous gallery officer (Rogozhkin) throws an influential journalist (Ulyanov) and goes to his friend, an FSB employee (Petrenko), with which she had ever had a novel. Former friends become enemies and also turn out to be on different sides of the barricades - a journalist begins to cooperate with the American special services. Meanwhile, hero Igor Petrenko leaves the FSB and begins to work in a bank.

What to expect from the continuation of

Part of the "Sleeping-2" filming took place in the Moroccan desert, where the weather was unexpectedly cool

"He has a family, good job. He would live and enjoy pleasure. But for my hero, the ease of being is murderous - tells the actor. - Rodionov understands what can still benefit from Fatherland, and it turns out to be indispensable in the new world. He is returned to the service. In a short period of time around Rodionova, such a number of events occurs that life is compressed as a spring. "

The shooting themselves were not so smooth, as I would like. It turned out that the weather is everywhere can prepare surprises, and the snow falls even in the desert. "The first" sleeping "ended when my hero crossed the border of Ukraine," the actor Dmitry Ulyanov, who played Ivan, shared the memories of filming. - Then he found himself in Prague, and then in Tunisia. African scenes we shot in Morocco, and we were not lucky with the weather - it was very cold. For the first time in many years snow fell in Sahara. From ten days of shooting, seven were rained. We wanted the sun, they wanted dust, real hot Africa, and suddenly - rain, droophed, three degrees and dark. But then we realized that by the mood, on the picture, such weather is what you need. "

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