Chest lift: Top 10 topical issues


Many women and girls dream of a beautiful breast. Some stars have already made operations - read it here. Modern technologies of plastic surgery make it possible to significantly improve and even change the appearance of their breasts, if the nature of its form is not perfect, or the woman gave birth and lacked the child, and in the process of feeding the chest lost its attractive appearance. But there are a number of questions that you should get answers before surgery.

1. What are the indications for carrying the breast lift - mastoplexes?

First of all, it is ptosis - cheating breasts. Nobina with AREOLAS are located above the level of the organic fold, in all other cases it is possible to talk about the presence of ptosis of varying degrees. In addition, some women suffer from glandular ptosis when the skin is lowered low, but the nipple itself is higher than the roaring fold. As a rule, behind the tightening of the chest appeal after these genera and breastfeeding, or by virtue of age-related changes.

2. How is the breast suspension operation?

Mastopecia has its own characteristics that distinguish it from operations to increase or reduce the chest. First, a longer incision is performed, and secondly, the plastic surgeon forms a breast hill from its own tissues. As for the cuts, the most common perialarial suspension is the incision around the ARAOLA; Tightening with an additional vertical cut; T-shaped suspension. The last operation resorts to particularly difficult situations.

3. Do you have impressive scars after the suspender?

There is an opinion that after the tightening there is more scars, than after the increase in breast increase. But it is not so. The main thing is to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor, the use of silicone patches, other means. A year later, a maximum of two, the scars will only look like thin stretching.

4. What are the risks when driving a chest suspender?

There are risks with any medical manipulation, even with a banal coil of the antipyretic agent. It is impossible to take a mastopexy to particularly dangerous and risky operations. If the surgeon is qualified, all contraindications were taken into account, and the patient carefully complies with all the recommendations, risks at the operation are minimized.

5. What complications may be after mastoplex?

Complications are rare, but it is found: in case of incorrect operation, there may be noticeable scars, an even more serious complication - a partial or full of necrosis of Areolas. Ultimately, everything, again, depends on the two main terms of any operation - the professionalism of the surgeon and the patient's responsibility.

Georgy Florovsky

Georgy Florovsky

6. How long have you been adapted after surgery?

The rehabilitation period for mastopicia is not so long as in the endoprosthetics of the chest. The patient is in the hospital for no more than a day, then he returns home. During the month, wearing special linen is prescribed. As for physical restrictions, they usually range from 2 to 4 weeks.

7. Can the breast lose sensitivity after mastopicia?

Usually, such loss of sensitivity is extremely rare. The only thing during the postoperative period for a short time the sensitivity of the breast can really decrease lightly, but this is a purely temporary phenomenon.

8. How does Mastopexy combined with pregnancy and childbirth?

If we talk about pregnancy, then it is better that she comes no earlier than one year after the operation. Then you can already be pregnant and give birth. For annoying girls, there may be a risk of reduced breastfeeding ability, however, modern clinics use such technologies that allow you to quickly restore the ability to lactation.

9. How long is the result of mastoplex?

In most cases, the result is quite long, but it is worth remembering that a lot depends on the patient himself. Healthy lifestyle, no weight fluctuations significantly increase the duration of the effect of mastoplex.

10. How to choose to choose a clinic and a surgeon for masting?

First of all, a woman should trust his chest only an experienced specialist, with confirmed medical education and specialization in the field of plastic surgery, and it is in the field of mammoplasty. The more successful operations, such a doctor was held, the greater the confidence. Separately, it is worth noting the mental compatibility of the doctor and the patient: whatever the doctor has merits, diplomas, great experience and hundreds of satisfied patients, if there is no feeling of internal comfort from communicating with the doctor, then the confidence in it decreases.

The level of reliability of the clinic is also determined by the study of its documents, licenses, reviews on social networks and the media, as well as familiarization with the composition of doctors and other medical workers.

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