Layisan Utyasheva: "In the life of Pasha - not a glamorous tiller"


With a resident Comedy Club Pavel Will TV presenter familiar to so long ago, which does not even remember, with which incoliates it happened. "Probably, I saw for the first time on TV," she laughs. They communicated, were friends, could talk to different topics, but a man of dreams in the "glamor scum" former gymnast seemed not immediately. Love came to her after it had to go through a huge grief. Last year, Layisan died Mom. Zulfia Utyasheva, another young woman, died in forty-seater from a heart attack, and Layisan lost not only a native man, but also a friend, assistant, director. At that terrible moment, when the world collapsed in front of her eyes, Paul turned out to be the man who enveloped warmth and care, presented a sense of security. They got married back in September 2012. True, there were no noisy celebrations about this.

Layisan Utyasheva: "They say: you have not told anyone anyone, no one has seen you, this story you probably came up with the sake of Prae. How strange and funny to hear something similar! Do I need to report to other people's people about all the details of my personal life?! It would just look like a PR and the desire to be at all on hearing! I really got married Pasha, gave birth to a child. Very rushing family happiness. It is a bright, bright event in my life after the death of mom and premature care of sports. "

But the sport has long over ...

Layisan: "Yes, and I as a rolled track continued to run. Fought with windmills, with invented rivals. Thank God, firewood was not broken - thanks, my mother was near, kept from mistakes. She said: "Lyisan, you are an athlete, but you had such a gentle, such a dot." True: class until the second, before I came to a big sport, I was quieter of water below herb. In the lessons sat like a mouse, my hand did not raise. Answered only if they were asked. Even the teacher Mom complained that I was so inactive. And I answered: "Mom, well, I'm not some kind of junk, I'm hesitating to raise your hand." Sports in me woke up other qualities: it is necessary to be fast, collected and happening everywhere. Mom said: "You will learn bad - you won't go to the training session." And the coach Irina Alexandrovna Wiener erected her: "It's not a threshold!" These moms were in my life. Thank God, Irina Alexandrovna and now next, tells something, gives advice. Supported in that terrible moment of my life. After all, the death of a loved one is very wound. "

Mom really was with you all the time, in everything helped ...

Layisan: "She was a friend and teacher for me for me, and authority. I never passed the faces in our relationship. Mom is a mother. If only she suggested me: "Tell me like a friend" - then I expressed my opinion. She cared for me: "Something you, daughter, work a lot. (And I really led two corporate regular on the day, in the evening I fled to the party, and at night I taught the text - I was preparing for the record of the program.) Let's relax, let yourself be walked, we will go to the SPA-salon. " We were together all the time. "

Layisan Ulyasheva with mom. Photo:

Layisan Ulyasheva with mom. Photo:

Even at secular events. No wonder all have fun who did not come again with a young man, but with her mother.


"I was happy that I could come to a party with my beautiful gorgeous mom. She knew how to file himself - formed, read, could support any conversation. I looked at her and proud. This is a true woman, lady. This is how you need to strive to be. In addition, she had to be with me and on debt service, because she was my director. Sometimes, infrequently, she made me comments, said: "Layisan, and here you missed yourself. Let's think about how to fix the situation. " And I listened to her opinion, agreed: "Well, mom". I did not try to "include a star." I myself asked my mother to help me. I realized that the agents that I met, I did not go there anywhere, created the wrong image. And I called my mother, who at that time worked as a lawyer in Spain, in a very serious company. And she said: "Mom, you are so smart, you know how to communicate with people, make up large transactions. Take to my career. I have corporate parties, shooting, evenings - I do not want to go there with these agents. " She took his vacation for a time, flew to Moscow. And a month later, he said in his company, in which he worked for twelve years: "I will do the affairs of my daughter." Of course, it was persuaded to return, but she chose my interests. I think many noticed that since mom, my behavior appeared nearby, the image changed. She woke me true in me. "

How are you now? ..

Layisan: "My affairs are now engaged in our friend. And I didn't just take the holiday season, I went to Spain, "I thought a lot. Now I will be less likely to be in secular events, I will not make the corporate part so often. I got married, I have commitments to the family. And for the records of the program (I have two serious TV projects) you can take a working week, I have already agreed with employers. "

In one of the interviews you told that if the doctors arrived on time, your mother would be saved ...

Layisan: "I don't want to dig in your heart and anger, but I think, people who have lost their loved ones will understand me. Imagine that situation when I had a "ambulance" in hysterics and screamed: "Help, my mother dies!", I answered indifferent: "Everyone dies, you are not alone. All cars are busy, we will arrive as soon as they can. " Well, how is it?! Why in America (although I do not at all feel great love for this country) relate to people otherwise? There, if a person calls "911", "ambulance", doctors, psychological assistance immediately come to him. And there they do not spend time to find out the address, the rooms at home - it is immediately determined, automatically. They understand that he is huge. And what could I then do? Remembering the lessons of the Obzh (the basics of life safety. - Approx. Auth.), I tried to put my mother on my own at least some kind of help, make an artificial respiration. At the same time, herself was in a shock. She died in my hands ... "Ambulance" came only in two hours, they stated death from acute heart failure. I can't not think that if a heart attack happened at Mom in America, she would be saved. And she would be with me now. Yes, I do not trust Russian doctors. After all, and I could not have injured for a year and a half. (In September 2002, due to the unsuccessful landing on the poorly prepared mats, Layisan beat himself a foot. Because the examination did not reveal the injury, she continued to train, which only aggravated the situation. Only after the magnetic tomography in Germany was delivered a disappointing diagnosis: multiple fractures of the visional bone Feet. At the sports career I had to put a point. - Approx. auth.)

So you decided to give birth to a child in Miami?

Layisan: "I love our country very much and I am not going to leave anywhere from here, but I did not want to risk. Two times the tragedy happened in my life due to the fault of Russian doctors, and this time I said: "No! I want to be calm and clearly. These are the first childbirth: it is important that everyone do right! "I had to hear such conversations:" What kind of trend - all abroad give birth?! "So you create normal conditions here, then no one will go anywhere. And this applies not only to the medical side of the issue. I think many choose for childbirth foreign clinics also because it makes it possible to preserve incognito, do not think about the paparazzi. (Laughs.) In Russia, you can be a very famous person, and abroad you are an ordinary patient. Yes, and attitude to privacy in such matters there is completely different. "

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will got married back in September 2012. True, there were no noisy celebrations about this. Photo: Lilia Charlovskaya / Vladimir Cleanikov.

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will got married back in September 2012. True, there were no noisy celebrations about this. Photo: Lilia Charlovskaya / Vladimir Cleanikov.

It turns out, your son Robert is a citizen of America?

Layisan: "We have not pursued such a goal. It was a kind of nice bonus. When Robert grows up, he himself will choose, the citizen of which country he wants to become. "

What impressions remain from the clinic?

Layisan: "I'm just delighted! While prices are quite comparable to Moscow, the level of service is completely different. I had a complete feeling that I give birth alone, so much attention was shown! When I then saw all the newly new moms, thought: what kind of doctors are well done, as they managed to organize everything! Everyone was done simply, clearly and without any nervousness. Doctors and nurses performed their work and at the same time smiled, tried to support the joke. Births went well, without any complications. So the memories are the most pleasant. "

Quickly mastered how to handle the baby?

Layisan: "Well, I prepared in advance, read the literature. Not only the child grew in me, I myself ripened like mom. My baby and we were lying in the same ward. And I immediately showed how and what to do. Moreover, one nurse first told, in English. Then the other - in Russian. The doctor then came and began to check if I remember everything well. Said, "I will not give a child until we understand that you are quite trained parents." (Laughs.) The most important thing is that they inspired to me - not to show my uncertainty and fear. He sensibly catches all emotions and also begins to worry, cry. I was told: "Do not be nervous, you need a dream, a full-fledged rest. Otherwise, milk will disappear. Let grandparents help. If they do not have the opportunity to fly, find the nanny, do not drive yourself into the avral mode. "

Did you follow these recommendations?

Layisan: "Yes, our kid is just shut off with love from all sides. My grandmother arrived, Pasha's parents help us in every way. Looking at them, the soul rejoices. They themselves looked like. It's good when a big friendly family. "

Probably argue, in whose breed "Robert went?

Layisan: "Now, while the son is small, he changes every day. It seems like you look - well, my grandfather is poured, then it looks like a mother, then I see the pairs. "

Paul is the man you were looking for?

Layisan: "You know, I could get married at twenty years, and at twenty five. I did offers. But marry only in order to become his wife, it is probably wrong. Let it be better to happen later, but it is necessary to make the right choice. As Irina, Irina Aleksandrovna Wiener, merge gasoline and move. (Laughs.) And most importantly - I did not look for anyone. This is an erroneous opinion that you need to look for someone. Wallet can be found, work. And love - her God gives her. This is destiny. That's all. So I never looked at it on this and the question when I married, answered only one phrase: "My will never leave me." I watched a lot of TV shows, where they give advice, how to get acquainted how to attract a man. What, they say, it is necessary to clearly imagine what kind of person you want to see with you. I think all this goes from the evil. In God, you must believe, and he will send you love. "

Layisan Utyasheva:

"Now I returned to myself real - quiet and modest." Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

How did it happen that your friendship with Paul became something big? Played the role that he was near in a difficult life situation?


"I will say this: eyes opened. Sometimes you don't see the most important, and then you understand: here it is! So it turns out, and there is the very thing about what they write in the books! .. But enough about it. I do not want to sigh of my happiness. I study at my mentor, Irina Alexandrovna. How she experienced the sense of his chosen one! (Businessman and patron of Alisher Usmanova. - Approx. Aut.) What are their beautiful relationships lasting for many years! But every time she tried to know some details, she said: "Yes, we together, I am happy, but let's see what will be tomorrow."

Tell me, what is this photo session in the wedding dress, which you posted on your page on social networks?

Layisan: "It was the project" The most desirable bride. " In this image I saw my mother. She said: "Laysan, what kind of beauty you are! Happy will be the man you choose. " There is such a sign: you can not appear in humans in the wedding dress before you marry. But I already knew that I would not have a white dress. "


Layisan: "I decided that I knead the cream. Such a loophole found. " (Laughs.)

You and Paul did not make a wedding - apparently, not the moment was not the situation ...

Layisan: "Yes, you are right. But maybe we still have everything ahead. "

Paul came up with his scenic image - "glamorous tie". What is it real?

Layisan: "My mom said that only a very clever man can joke on the stage in the scene. In life, he is completely different, not glamorous tiller. "

Does not fool over you?

Layisan: "Well, you know, I also go home without a ribbon and ball."

There is another. The sense of humor is not a ball, it does not hide it into the closet.

Layisan: "I like it when people can joke, unlocked pixels. I myself am so. When Irina Alexandrovna learned the name of my chosen one, noticed: "You have a very good sense of humor, chanterelle." I replied: "Thank you for appreciated."

Layisan Utyasheva:

"In life, Pasha is not a glamorous tiller." Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

And she did not discharge, they say, you are so different with Paul?

Layisan: "She expressed a very correct idea: it is impossible to judge others. You do not know the situation at all, do not know it from the inside. People themselves will understand how to live. I'm not nineteen years old, I'm not at the age when hormones play. I have a life experience. "

You have long led the program "Cafe Romance". Does romance need in family life?

Layisan: "She is always needed. For example, my grandfather and grandmother lived together fifty five years. But grandfather going to the garden, definitely hammer for his NEnets any chamomile: "It's you, love." They were able to carry love through the years, here I respect these couples. And I want me to have the same beautiful and gentle relationships. "

Not every woman can cause men such deep feelings.

Layisan: "Yes, I agree: everything from a woman is coming. A man like an antenna reacts to signals outgoing from us. Although this applies not only to the relationship of a man and a woman, but also people in general. Even if a person wishes you evil, seeing good from your side, he will not harm. I have repeatedly convinced of this on my own experience. Life is sometimes terrible, but do not allow life to kill yourself. Even if you cook every day, you get tired, find a way to raise my mood. Include some kind of music - positive and energetic. I remember, my grandmother Nennya, when was something upset, listened to Sofia Sophia Rotaru. I see that she is unhappy, I ask: "Grandma, what happened?" Silent. And it is correct - does not shift negative emotions on loved ones. Put the "Golden Heart", and look - after a while she is already smiling. So it is necessary. Little joys help to live. My mother always said: "I gave birth to you not for you so much and frustrated. You threw the ball with anger, put in him negative energy, and then surprised why he dropped it at the competition. " She carried light and love, although she had a lot of enemies. And I have the character of another because of the sport - I have always been distinguished by a challenge. But there it is impossible to be "waffles": "Oh, I love everyone!" Then you will never achieve victory. Sport is a struggle. "

Eastern tradition instructs a Woman's second role in the family. You seem to me completely different.

Layisan: "I feel that I change, root take your roots. (Laughs.) And as for traditions ... I am not for the sheikh from the Arab Emirates married. Paul knew who I am doing. I'm not a little girl who has not achieved anything in life. I work for four years. And in twelve I already had a workbook, the CSKA society paid me a salary. First, a small money went, but I collected, saved to buy something valuable. I have never been a trainee, always thought it was better to save on the desired thing than letting money on the wind. And this quality still remains in me. "

In one of the early interviews, you said that your husband will never eat in the restaurant ...

Layisan: "Like any eastern woman, I cook well. And I try to avoid catering. So sometimes I want to cheeseburger with fried potatoes! But if you are a mother and feed the baby, you must forget about your egoism and eat healthy food. I am against fried dishes, I prefer cooked steamed or baked in the oven. I love sea fish very much. But without meat, I can not do - a couple of times a month myself myself with a kebab or steak. Separate nutrition does not hold. The most important thing that I understood is - you do not need to drag into food, otherwise you will turn into a person with whom, except diets, and talk about nothing. To be honest, I am afraid of such people. They even have a look looking for food. So I want to say: "Hey, look around! Life passes by. "

But the problem is how to lose weight after delivery - for many women is relevant ...

Layisan: "I also gained extra kilograms - I don't even know how it happened, it seemed to try not to overeat. But slowly bring yourself into shape. It is necessary to start with a small one - five to ten minutes of charging every day. It is not difficult. In addition, now so many literature, TV shows! In addition, when we do exercise, endorphins are distinguished, which help to cope with depression. I even noticed myself: you are engaged in yoga or perform some exercises in the fresh air - and through the muscles, the spine goes out accumulated fatigue and stress. It is clear that the charge of the mountain will not heal, but positive emotions help then gather and go through life, to keep yourself in a tone. "

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