Why do children of stars learn abroad?


We all learned little by little somewhere and somehow, "the words of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin would sound, if he had written the poem" Yevgeny Onegin "today. It has been going to fashion goes for knowledge abroad. It is expensive, prestigious But is it always justified? We decided to explore this question, and they found out the world celebrities to learn their heirs and how much they spend on their education.

By the way, many psychologists speak out against learning, so remote from the house. They explain it just. Earlier in the schools-boarding schools, noble children were trained, in whose families "remote" communication was taken. Slightly from the very birth of a child was handed over to the hands of nannikov, and the parents occasionally applied visits into the children's room. With such a system for education, separation with natives was not a stressful situation for a student sent to the board. Nowadays everything is different. We ourselves are engaged in our kids, and if the child is close to dad and mom, for him departure to study can become a serious psychological problem. Although all celebrities have time in order to personally raise their child?

Blurred Albione

Educational institutions of England enjoy the largest popularity. The majority of foreigners from all countries of the world are directed there. Where does such a traction for studying in the UK? The answer to this question can be found in history. The most famous schools were opened here in the sixteenth century, the specialists of royal blood for the young representatives of the highest estate. And one of the most famous educational institutions - Yaton was created by Heinrich VI back in 1440 for the seventy talented young men who could benefit the state in the future. As a tribute to the past in ITON, the seventy "very reasonable" British will still be trained free, regardless of their social status and prosperity. The centuries-old history of the ITON and the similar educational institutions could not leave indifferent aristocracy from countries, where such schools did not exist then. Hence the glory of English education. In Iton still holy follow traditions. Up to the point that (as Western journalists wrote) on the beds of pupils lie on the mattresses for more than a hundred years. But Yaton, a cherished oasis for many parents from the USA, Asia and Europe, has not yet been "perhaps" by Russian celebrities. What is it connected with? First, it's hard to do there - for the receiving commission, only the identity of the future student is important, and not his parents wallet. If the guy (and only boys are studying in ITON) does not pass tests for intelligence or teachers does not suit the psychological portrait of potential Scholyar, he does not shine anything, even if his dad is ready to give a million pounds of sterling school. Secondly, there is a strict discipline. Mediocre, and even more so bad marks here will not be injured. Do not pull - goodbye. And for smoking, drinking or the hooligan act the guilty send home. Although this approach reigns in almost all private educational institutions of Misty Albion.

The son of the Pierce Pier-on, Sean, kicked out of Milfield contrary to the requests of the Father. Photo: Camera Press / Fotodom.ru.

The son of the Pierce Pier-on, Sean, kicked out of Milfield contrary to the requests of the Father. Photo: Camera Press / Fotodom.ru.

So, from College Milfield was expelled by the son of Pierce Chamber (James Bond) Sean. The young man beat his classmate. The discipline recalled in his interviews and the son of Oleg Gazmanov Rodion, who studied at school in Sussex: "The conditions of residence were Spartan. And all the time free from lessons time was occupied, as before in the USSR, when these functions performed pioneer. There was a system of combating smoking - confiscation of pocket money and transfer them to the Cancer Prevention Fund. Not to mention the fact that we sent to a conversation to the director and caused parents. " Those who older will smile - it looks like what happened in Soviet schools.

But many strict upbringing by moral. Valery Meladze for this reason sent to learn to the United Kingdom his daughter ingu. My father did not like, in what form the girl went to classes. According to the artist, the student should look modestly, not to paint and not to wear a miniskirt.

Valery Meladze did not like that in Moscow, his daughter Inga was painted and worn a mini skirt. He decided that British discipline would benefit her. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Valery Meladze did not like that in Moscow, his daughter Inga was painted and worn a mini skirt. He decided that British discipline would benefit her. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

But sometimes the star siblings themselves seek abroad. Learning in Britain wanted daughter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. She was thirteen years old when she left his homeland. Mom was difficult to accept this decision. Soothed one thing - Anya will be able to get a good education. In the UK, the daughter of Larisa Angelina Dolina - at first at the school of Gloucestershire county, and then at College in Sussex. Returning home, she entered the Moscow Economic Institute. But was it worth it for this to receive a certificate in England, if among students of this university most are graduates of Russian schools?

Alexander's daughter and Catherine Strezhenov went to London only in order not to be "in front of the public." In any case, such an explanation was published earlier in the media. The girl was experiencing due to the fact that her like a child famous parents were chained.

Spartan conditions in the British guest house fell soul to Rodion Gazmanov. Rodion Gazmanov. Photo:

Spartan conditions in the British guest house fell soul to Rodion Gazmanov. Rodion Gazmanov. Photo:

But is it all safe in British educational institutions? You can argue about the discipline reigning there, but you can not forget about those scandals that are periodically seeping into the press and on the Internet. For example, how in one of the prestigious private schools, a fourteen-year-old student died, falling from the roof into a state of alcohol intoxication, and the other girl under the influence of drugs opened his veins. Also in the World Wide Web, you can find an article about a criminal process over one of the teachers who fell weakness to young students and engaged in their sexual learning in practice. Appeared in newspapers and revelations of graduates who complained about the santovshchina kissing in the English boarding houses. British schools are not perfect. Maybe therefore, one of the granddaughters of Queen Elizabeth's second princess Beatrice studied at the Swiss school Aiglon College?

Alpine tenderness

It happens that parents send their Chado abroad in the hope that, thanks to foreign educators, he will improve performance. So, Artemia, the son of singer Valeria, more than once there were problems in Moscow schools because of bad behavior and reluctance to learn. Then the artist and her husband producer Joseph Prigogin decided to send a guy abroad, hoping that he would be corrected there. And chose a Swiss school for the boy. Gradually, the teenager dressed and with zeal took his studies. Mom was amazed at how he stretches to knowledge. Once, when Artemy had a high temperature and Valeria decided to leave him at home, he stated that he would never miss the lessons, and went to class. It is concerned that the education of the son accounted for a singer at a hundred thousand dollars a year. At the same time, at a certain stage, the management of the school was removed to raise the cost of training, despite the fact that a fixed amount for the entire period was clearly stipulated in the contract. Then Prigogin, complaining of the press, promised to turn to European lawyers to protest illegal requirements. The producer complained then that the approach "Do not want to pay - stay without our diploma" well-known to him on Russian educational institutions. But by Europeans, he did not expect a contract violation. It is not known whether to overpay the singer and her spouse over the amount of the amount, but Artemy graduated from school and continued his studies already at the University of Geneva.

For the sake of study in the UK, Anya Zavorotnyuk from thirteen years is separated from Anastasia. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

For the sake of study in the UK, Anya Zavorotnyuk from thirteen years is separated from Anastasia. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

But in Swiss fenats, not everything is so rosy. After all, the daughter of the same Valeria Anna also began to comprehend science in Switzerland. But soon the girl was taken away from there, because, as they wrote in the press, part of the teachers in this guesthouse turned out to be lesbians. And Anya was determined in the United King Private School, but the level of education proposed there was not suitable for Valery, and she decided that the child was better to study in Moscow.

And the daughter of the singers of Glory Alexander asked Mama to send her to her studies in Switzerland. At first, the artist was against - she could not imagine how to part with his daughter. But gradually a little Sasha managed to convince the parents to embody her dream of life.

The singer Glory gave way to Sasha and sent a girl for training in Switzerland. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

The singer Glory gave way to Sasha and sent a girl for training in Switzerland. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Do not Valya Fool, America!

Training in US schools is chosen in the main Russians whose children spend most of the time in this country. Thus, the thirteen-year-old daughter Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutina Lisa lives with a grandparents in Miami and studying there. Once her dad was summoned to school: the teacher wanted to draw the attention of his father to the fact that the teenager had abilities to literature, and advised to develop the talent of the girls.

But in the higher educational institutions of America, where specialists of creative professions are preparing, many star kids are striving. So, Christina Orbakayte pays fifty thousand dollars a year for the training of Nikita's son in the New York Film Academy.

By the way, most Hollywood artists prefer to give their chad to ordinary schools, choosing them on the principle - closer to the house. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said in one of the interviews: "I would like my children to communicate at school with the guys whose parents are not in a secular society. It is important to understand: here in school everything is equal, and who better shows not the position of parents in society and the bank account, but the knowledge of the student itself. Then they will come out of school worthy members of society and will be able to do anything. Even politics. To serve your country, you need to know your people, and not have a vague idea of ​​the reports of analysts about him. " It seems that Dustin Hoffman, and Al Pacino, and other actors adhere to this principle. Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie is picking up now for children to school closer to home, and, judging by those educational institutions that they visited, they are not interested in prestige, but the quality of the training program.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie choose an educational institution for their children, not paying attention to its prestige and status. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie choose an educational institution for their children, not paying attention to its prestige and status. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Although there are parents who have decided to send their Chad to famous educational institutions. So Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes did. A year ago, their daughter Suri went to the Sacred Heart monastery school, the training in which is about forty thousand a year. It was there that the certificates of Paris Hilton and Lady Gaga were received, however, considering the scandalous behavior of these ladies, hardly the teachers can be proud of their pupils.

Undoubtedly, each school has even known and prestigious - there are not only achievements, but also failures. Yes, and a child who is far from the parents for a long time, is a serious reason for concern on their part.

Then why in our country appeared fashion for foreign education and many celebrities prefer to send their bloodstream for knowledge to other countries? First, the "crusts" of foreign universities are more quoted in Europe and the United States, which will allow a graduate in the future to get a good workplace in large companies not only in Russia, but also in the West. And you agree that the ability to open up their own business and succeed better trainee after all in those countries where the concept of "business" is not so young as we have in Russia. And secondly, the family budget of most stars can afford such an article of expenses, despite the fact that the amounts are not small there. Not the last role plays and the desire to protect the child from the loss of attention of the press and increased interest from teachers and classmates. In addition, now, in the period of reforming the domestic education system, it is very difficult to choose a good school for your Chad. So you have to rich and famous to part with your offspring for the time of the training semester and meet them only on vacation.

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